Minimalist Resume Templates & Ideas


5 Minimalist Resume Ideas for Every Profession 

Every job-seeker have probably heard that hiring managers spend around 6 seconds reviewing each resume. And within limited time frame, a minimalist resume has more chances of winning the reviewer's attention. Minimalist resumes are typically clean, have a strict modern design and focus on the most important elements of your career history. This modern resume type doesn't overload the busy reader with unnecessary things, helping the essential facts get noticed faster. 

If you are looking for a modern resume template that would help you get shortlisted, keep reading. In today's article, professional resume writers will explain who should use a minimalist resume and share some ideas to help transform your old resume. 

Want a minimalist resume template created just for you? Consider a professional resume writing service. At, we build custom resumes from scratch and apply customized design to help highlight your strengths. Your British or American writer works strengthens resume text, adds keywords and targets the document to help you land your dream job. With unlimited free revisions we offer, you can rest assured you'll be satisfied! 

What are the main features of all minimal resume templates? 

All professionally designed minimalist resumes share a few common features: 

• One page long. The whole concept of minimalism is cutting off the excessive, unnecessary details. So, such a resume is focused on the most important job duties and academic engagements, and the rest is removed. 

• Uses graphic elements. A modern minimalist resume might consist not of text alone. They may also include skill ratings, charts, and social media icons. Graphic design elements make the document more visually compelling. 

• Much white space. Despite being short, a minimalist resume CV is not overloaded with text. It uses short sections which are clearly divided, and this gives an impeccably light and clean resume impression. 

Now, you don't have to master Photoshop Illustrator software to create a professional resume template. Our website offers the assistance of graphic designers who can create a 100% custom minimal resume CV template that will distinguish you from the competition. 

Who should consider using a minimal resume template? 

Frankly speaking, minimalist resumes are helpful for every job-seeker. Yet, these job-seekers will benefit the most: 

• Recent graduates. Lack of experience is the biggest problem of university students and graduates. A concise minimalist resume template will downplay short experience, compensating for it with skills and academic activities. 

• Professionals with employment gaps and career switchers. Minimalist resume template is not meant to present your overall course of career. Therefore, you can focus on jobs that present you from the best sides and shows off relevant skills. 

 C-level managers. Expectations from executives' resumes are higher. They have to present a unique selling proposition and a history of successes. A short minimalist resume and a cover letter serve this purpose perfectly. 

5 minimalist resume templates and ideas 

Minimalist resume template with sections divided 

resume template with sections

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Why is it a good resume? This resume has a perfect minimalist design with sections clearly divided, concise job descriptions and succinct graphic elements. Despite being black-and-white, this minimal one-page resume is pleasant to read and has all necessary elements in place. Such resume template will be especially helpful for those wishing to emphasize employer names (as they go in bold on the left). You can also indicate the skill proficiency at the bottom, pointing out how experienced you are in programming languages, foreign languages or certain software. 

Light blue minimalist resume 

blue minimalist resume

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Why is it a good resume? A light blue design of this modern resume template leave a calm yet professional impression. Touches of color slightly pop without distracting from the resume content. This resume example has plenty of space for job descriptions, therefore even experienced professionals can use it. Moreover, it has space for social media links as well as the professional headshot. The layout is organized vertically, and the text is pleasant to read due to the use of sans-serif fonts. 

Contrast black-and-white minimalist resume template

black-and-white minimalist resume

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Why is it a good resume? This resume design idea is perfect for managers and executives. Firstly, it leaves plenty of space for a professional photo at the top. Secondly, thanks to the contrast header, the career summary instantly draws attention. You can place career successes and a value proposition there. And finally, it emphasizes work experience over education and skills. The format is strict and minimalistic, yet it leaves enough space to describe the most important career attainments even for experienced professionals. 

Three-color minimalist resume templates 

minimalist resume templates

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Why is it a good resume? It uses three colors and looks bright thanks to the red accents. Yet, the format is still minimalist and professional. It has plenty of space reserved for career summary, education and emphasizes skills, which makes this template a perfect solution for candidates changing career. It also allows you to show proficiency with certain skills and add coursework from college. Although it also has the work experience section, the accent isn't placed on it so you can show your versatile personality. 

Traditional clean minimalist resume

clean minimalist resume

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Why is it a good resume? This resume has the most traditional format. It doesn't contain a headshot, has no columns, graphics, or bright colors. Basically, it's just the black text on white background which is aesthetically pleasing thanks to the well-selected colors and layout. This classic minimalist resume idea will suit the professionals in traditional industries where the use of bright, graphic resumes is not welcomed. 

The above resume ideas are quite universal and the design can be applied to many professions. Yet, if you seek the ways to show off your creativity and stand out, consider a custom infographic resume. At, we will develop and customize unique resume style to your requirements. Our in-house designer will carefully pick the font, colors and graphic elements to impress the best employers and help you land your dream job. 

How to clean up the resume and make it aesthetic? 

Are you unhappy with the way your current resume is designed? Then, grab some tips on how to improve the way it looks in just a few clicks: 

• Use a sans serif font. Fonts like Times New Roman look out-of-date. Instead, it's best to use clean fonts which are widely used on the internet, for example, Open Sans, Arial, Calibri, or Tahoma. 

• Leave some space between the sections. Make sure you leave at least one empty lines between the Experience, Education and other sections so that they are visually distinguished. Or, you can use horizontal lines for the same purpose. 

• Use 2-3 colors. If used smart, colors can highlight the important details and make the document aesthetically pleasing. Yet, remember that it's a professional document. Use reserved colors, and no more than 3 of them (for example, blue+gray+white)

• Keep the job descriptions to 6-7 bullets. Long job descriptions take much space in your MS Word resume and kill the visual impression. Shorten them to 6-7 points, leaving only the most important details. 

• Use the same formatting for your CV cover letter. In all documents you submit, fonts and design should be the same. This makes a strong professional impression and eases the work of the hiring manager as they look through your documents. 

• Add the career summary. Even minimalist resume templates have a summary of qualifications at the top. Using it not only informs the recruiter of the value you can potentially bring, but also helps the resume text look complete. 

• Avoid using free templates from the internet. If resume templates are downloadable online, hundreds of job-seekers have already used them. Don't look like everyone else - create a resume design on your own or hire a resume professional. 

• Proofread carefully! Typos and poor grammar spoil the impression even if the document looks visually perfect. Make sure that text is free from typos, punctuation issues and uses strong, active words. 

Get your resume written by professionals 

Writing and designing of an effective resume is tough, especially when you aren't an HR professional. Our website has a team of 100+ resume writers and consultants who can create a custom resume for you and use a professional resume template that draws attention. You will be assigned a writer with whom you can talk anytime and discuss the project in detail. Each resume is delivered in an editable Microsoft Word format that you can correct and update in the future. We offer exciting discounts for new users - contact us on chat to get your code! 

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech