Become a Successful Copywriter With Online Resume Services


Are you an experienced copywriter looking for a new, more lucrative employment? Or maybe, you’d like to become a digital nomad and work on different projects remotely? Or, are you taking the first steps in the copywriting field? In either case, you’ll need a bold and solid resume that will successfully sell your skills to a potential employer or client.

How our online resume site can help

Contrarily to what most people think, crafting a good resume takes more than just writing skills. It requires a deep understanding of the modern hiring practices, labor market trends, peculiarities of ATS selection and, of course, basics of personal branding. Sounds too sophisticated to you? Don’t worry – you don’t have to do it all by yourself.

Our experienced resume writers can develop an effective, attention-grabbing resume for you in a matter of days. All you need to do is to provide us with a plenty of information about your previous jobs, education and projects. If you’re a freelancer, you need to seek for clients on a regular basis, and a great resume will ease this task for you. And with a resume that makes a good first impression you’ll secure yourself with more well-paying gigs.

Stop wondering how to create a CV and browsing the endless tips for resume writing. We’ve been helping clients from the US, Canada and Europe with taking their resumes to the next level for 9+ years. Now it’s your turn to get an effective resume with no effort from your side. Contact us anytime to discuss your career goals in detail.

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Secrets for becoming a successful copywriter

Content marketing, social media and web writing have been on the rise for the last decade. This industry offers lots of job opportunities on both full-time and freelance terms. Unfortunately, rare copywriters make it to the top of career success and impressive earnings. Today, we’re going to share the tips that you can use to advance your career while our online resume writing service takes care of your resume.

Step 1. The secrets for improving your writing

  1. Don’t forget that your goal is to sell
    Some people choose copywriting as a career only because they like its creative side. However, creativity is not the primary skill that a successful copywriter should have. The truth is, the copywriter’s goal is to sell the product or service.
    Excellent English, good vocabulary and a creative approach will help in this line of career. Nevertheless, more important is your ability to persuade the reader and promote the product or service in a way that will encourage them to buy it. If the blog you write for or the landing pages you create generate more leads and more customers stay to make a purchase, it will reflect on your paycheck.
    If you are curious what qualities are in high demand for literally any career, check them out here:
  2. Focus on the needs of the reader
    As your goal is to sell things with your writing, you need to keep the focus on the needs of the reader in the process of writing. That’s what the greatest copywriters do: they write about what their readers care about. Let’s say that you work for the company offering language courses for adults. A bad copywriter will write about the benefits of their firm, the company’s history and their pride in corporate successes. A good copywriter will outline how their training will help the customer with their career, fit into their busy schedule and improve their quality of life. Quite a different approach, isn’t it?
  3. Be always willing to read and learn more
    The success in copywriting depends on one’s willingness to gain new knowledge and sharpen the writing skills. The best writers constantly read new books to keep their vocabulary rich and to educate themselves about new trends in copywriting, internet marketing or their area of specialization. They also try new writing techniques, styles and approaches and thanks to that their writing constantly evolves. This is exactly what you should do if you want to succeed in copywriting – learn and grow all the time. If you’re a beginner, choose a few web writers and bloggers and learn from their writing as well as from the advice they share – this will help you grow professionally faster.
  4. Use a simple language (as if you were talking to a friend)
    As mentioned above, a copywriting is different from creative writing as it’s meant to communicate and sell, not to show the writer’s creative thoughts. This should also affect the language and tone of voice that you choose. Avoid long sentences which are overloaded with adjectives and syllables – 5-line sentences aren’t meant for copywriting. Avoid dry and formal business language, too – your goal is to engage and convince to buy, not to stress the reader with sophisticated facts.
    Imagine that you are talking to a friend or a younger sister about what your business does. That’s how you should write a copy for a website or social media: in a conversational language, using short sentences and appealing to emotions.
    By the way, copywriting isn’t the only lucrative career line for people who write. Learn about other profitable jobs for writers here
  5. Pick a specialization
    If you are a freelancer, you can choose the topics you work on by yourself. However, if your goal is not only to earn a living but to become a successful in-demand writer, you’ll need a specialization.
    Choose 1-3 subjects you feel most comfortable with or you’d like to learn about, and concentrate 80% of your efforts on them. You might want to choose beauty, travel or food as your specialization, but this is exactly what most of copywriters do because this is easy. It’s a more sensible solution to opt for a complex subject such as blockchain, finance, engineering etc. Although it will take you more time at the beginning to learn the specifics, as soon as you master it, you’ll expand your choice of projects and will earn more since there aren’t many writers with a specialization of this kind.
  6. Always edit and proofread
    If you are seeking a long-term cooperation with the employer or a client, your writing needs to be flawless in all regards, including grammar and punctuation. Even if your language skills are good, don’t neglect the simple editing and proofreading. Showing a peculiar attention to detail will definitely contribute to an overall positive impression that you make. By the way, here are a few helpful tactics on cleaning up boring and lengthy writing.

Step 2. The secrets to self-management and career planning

  1. Work for a content mill or a freelancing website
    If you’re new to copywriting, you need a place to get started and gain an experience. A big copywriting agency or a freelancing platform such as or is a good place for the start. At the very beginning, it’s a good idea to grab any job they give you. As soon as you understand how everything works in the industry and learn to create quality content, you’ll be able to raise your rates, ask for a promotion or to look for a higher-paying opportunity.
    Negotiation skills are a must if you want to succeed as a freelancer. Read our guide on how to negotiate a pay raise with your employer or client.
  2. Look for jobs as you learn
    Don’t be fooled by a misconception that you need to be a good writer to make money. All it takes to begin is a few samples of writing; and if someone is willing to hire you, it means that you’re already good enough for the job. The more you work on landing pages, emails, PR materials and blog postings for your client, the faster you hone your skills and advance your writing.
  3. Sell yourself realistically
    As you look for a new client and employer, it’s important to access your skills realistically, otherwise, setbacks are inevitable. The two most common problems are overselling and underselling your experience in a resume. A classic example of overselling is someone claiming that they are a copywriter, marketer, social media expert and a client care specialist. If the applicant has around 2 years of experience, it goes without saying that one can’t be a master in all of the above, and the employers are likely to either reject their resume or to get fired quickly for not meeting the expectations.
    Underselling, in its turn, means not highlighting your substantial experience or set of skills, which limits your earning capabilities. This problem is easy to resolve by contacting paid resume services and getting your resume written by a professional.
  4. Reject the low-paying jobs as you progress
    As your writing enhances and the number of clients willing to work with you grows, you need to start rejecting the lowest-paying jobs and focus on the higher-paying clients and projects. Getting away from the low rates and switching to the more challenging tasks, you’ll grow faster as a copywriter and will inevitably increase your rates. Don’t undersell yourself; if there are many clients who are willing to work with you and your schedule can’t fit them, it’s a good idea to charge more. Following this tactic will help you increase your earnings in the long run.

To become a successful copywriter, you need to work smart on both your writing skills and the ability to sell yourself and manage your career. Master the new writing practices and approaches, hone your writing style and learn from the best copywriters out there. Ongoing development coupled with proactive career management will bring the results you’re aiming for.

Ease your job-searching with a professionally done resume

A resume crafted professionally can sell you better to a prospective employer or client. All you need to do is to contact us and provide detailed information about your copywriting career. Our expert will work with you to create an impressive and eye-catching resume.

Not sure if your resume is effective enough to land a job for you? If you need a resume critique, email us your old resume and one of our writers will evaluate its quality. It’s absolutely free.

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Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech