Tips for Stellar Professional Writer Resume


Professional writer resume

Are you a talented writer who, despite the years of extensive experience, struggles to compose his own resume to land a job? Well, this situation is quite common. You can be perfectly skilled at writing website content, press releases and marketing materials and still have problems writing a resume. however, if you do want to advance your career, it’s time to concentrate your efforts and overcome that writer’s block. And, if you are confident that you can handle this task without hiring a resume writer, we will be happy to provide you with professional resume writers’ tips.

Effective resume writing requires not only developed writing skills, but also the ability to prioritize and strategize the information along with marketing and design skills. For those who aren’t confident in the quality of their own resume, professional resume writers online have prepared a list of what should be included in a resume of a writer by trade.

  • Showcase your most impressive experience
    some believe that ‘the more is better’ and put every single project and company they worked for on their resumes. It’s okay if you were a full-time writer and had, let’s say, 3-5 jobs. But what if you are a freelancer who has contributed to over 150 magazines and projects? By putting everything on that resume you’ll have your most valuable projects lost in the endless list instead of drawing attention to them.
    So, focus on the projects which are most relevant for the job you’re applying for and put them at the beginning of your resume to get noticed.
  • Include a recommendation or testimonial from one of your clients
    if some of the people you worked for were especially happy with your services, why not demonstrate it to your potential employer? Although it’s not a traditional approach to resume writing, including 1-2 short testimonials are appropriate. Thus, you will let everyone know that your services are in demand and this will add points to your resume.
    Tip: professional executive resume writers recommend putting client’s feedback into a separate box so it wouldn’t be messed up with your actual responsibilities.
  • Let the numbers speak
    Whenever possible, demonstrate your impact and your contribution in figures, not in words only. Compare what sounds more impressive: “Wrote promotional posts for the corporate blog” or “Led the corporate blog resulting in 70% more visitors for the last month”? Dollars and percentages matter and bring you more attention. So, instead of focusing of how many things you wrote and showing your employment history, concentrate of showcasing what really matters for a hiring managers: your achievement in terms of saving money, acquiring new clientele, etc., says.
  • Give the links to the samples of your writing
    instead of convincing the hiring manager how good you are at writing, show them what you’ve already done, say resume professional writers. You can create a website and put the link to it at the top of the resume, or, if you already have a blog, you can show it as a sample. Some writers post the best of their work on LinkedIn. Anyway, your task is to handpick really stellar samples of your previous writing and get the hiring person see it. Such kind of self-advertisement will work even better than the perfectly written resume.
  • Don’t use cliché phrases
    Employers hate overused clichés like “go-getter”, “creative thinker”, “detail-oriented” etc. Moreover, if the writer uses clichés in his/her own resume, it’s a big no-no! Remember that for a writer by trade the resume is itself the sample of writing, so it should be flawless in terms of word use, grammar, and punctuation. And when the writer fails to communicate his key strengths without the use of clichés, it makes the employer doubt his professionalism. It’s like an editor applying for a job with a resume that contains three punctuation mistakes. Would you hire such an editor?
  • Specify your qualifications
    Obviously, your main task will be to create the texts of certain kinds. However, there are a number of other skills that might be required from a modern writer, such as HTML/CSS knowledge, SEO optimization, technical writing skills, etc. By putting at the top of your resume a list of related and technical skills you possess, you will increase your opportunity to get an interview as the potential employer will see at a glance that you’ve got everything what it takes for a job (we hope that you do!). If you struggle identifying your strengths, contact a resume expert for help. 
  • List awards and membership in professional affiliations
    If your writing skills were recognized not only by the clients or the employer who paid you, but by competent organizations as well, it gives you a huge advantage before the other applicants.  Membership in professional organization means that you improve your skills and grow professionally, which is always valued by employers. If you won some awards, it’s even better.
  • Hone your social media presence
    As soon as you have rewritten your resume to the highest standards, make sure that your online presence is up to scratch. Imagine the disappointment of a recruiter who is impressed by your resume. He opens Google to check out your Facebook page… and sees odd postings you shared with friends and pictures from parties… Your job search is likely to fail up until the moment you edit your LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media pages and make them look professional. Professionally written online profile can even help you find a job!
  • Take care of the visual appearance
    Paying close attention to what should be included on a resume is a must. However, don’t underestimate the significance of the visual appearance. Choose one of the classic resume fonts (Calibri, Arial, Times New Roman or Tahoma) and make sure it’s big enough and the resume is comfortable to read. Divide the documents into the clearly visible subsections so the readers won’t have to read through the massive of text to navigate the key information. Finally, highlight the sections and your key projects to guide the employer through the resume. Although design isn’t everything, even the best resume can be tossed if you don’t make it convenient to read.

The above simple tricks will improve the quality of your resume and make it more informative for your potential employers or clients. Moreover, a properly written resume will advocate in favor of your professionalism and outstanding writing skills, thus improving your chances to win the desired job or a project.

Too busy with your work to rewrite a resume on your own? Then, ask for services of our resume writer professional. Our writer will create a new copy of your resume, improving it step by step up until the point you’re totally satisfied with it.

Don’t know whether your resume needs rewriting? Then, use our free resume critique service. Your resume will be evaluated by the resume professional and you will receive an email with recommendations on what should be changed to make the document effective for your job search.

Do you believe that a certified writer can compose the resume better than you can?

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech