Why You Will Benefit From Professional Writer Resume


Professional writer resume

Lots of resume writing services are widely advertised these days. The Internet access allows you to hire a writer with right experience and credentials either from your hometown or from NYC. The price range is also impressive: starting at $50, charges of professional resume writers reach nearly $1,5K for a single resume.

The majority of resume writing services also offers cover letter, thank you note and online profiles writing to accompany your resume with other necessary job-search documents. Some of them go even further and offer interview guidance by Skype, career coaching and resume distribution to the top recruitment agencies.

However, the major question you’re probably facing is “How exactly can a professional resume writer help me in my job search?” Each and every website claims that they guarantee ‘high-quality writing’, ‘keyword stuffing’ and ‘more interview calls’. Still, all of the above sounds somewhat vague, doesn’t it?

In this entry we will explain in deeper detail what exactly a certified resume writer is doing to your resume, so you could make an informed decision if hiring a resume writer is something you really need.

How exactly can a resume writer help you?

  • Professional writer has an eye for resumes
    An average resume writer reads and edits hundreds of resume during each year of his career. This enables him to tell a good resume from a weak one at a glance. Moreover, he/she can spot the problems or inappropriate details in your resume just after reading it through once or twice. You may be confident that your resume is informative and designed well enough to get your foot to the door. But how can you be sure if you’ve only read a few resumes in your life?
  • Professional writer understand demands of the hiring managers
    Here’s the truth: sometimes what you believe is important to include on a resume and what really matters to an employer are two different things. Professional executive resume writers know what hiring managers are really looking for in resumes. They know how to present your experience and achievements under the right angle and thus make you an irresistibly attractive candidate.
    Moreover, a professional writer knows the peculiarities of the hiring process and can help you out if you are feeling stuck.
  • Professional writer is an expert at formats and design
    If you’re not a writer by trade, you’re probably unaware of the variety of resume designs, styles and formats which can be applied to your resume. Someone finds the solution in using one of the popular resume builders. Yes, this sounds easy, but think of the following: a recruiter receives ten resumes with the same design and formatting… On the contrary, resume professional writers develop custom design to help your resume stand out.
  • Resume writer can help you understand your value
    If your resume lacks accomplishments, figures and clearly visible results, maybe, you don’t understand your real contribution to the company? While working with the writer, you’ll have a chance to reconsider your experience, get rid of the shyness about your accomplishments and create an outcome-driven resume instead of a task-oriented one. And, no doubt, this will make you a much more attractive candidate!
  • Resume writer saves your time
    Creating a resume from scratch is a time-consuming task. You should take into account all resume writing rules and tips, and only then put the document together. However, this isn’t the end, as you’ll probably have to rewrite your resume several times before you find out what works for you and what doesn’t. Thus, you end up spending hours and hours rewriting and improving your resume instead of focusing on a job search. By entrusting writing your resume to a professional you’ll feel relieved from stress that comes from writing and save the precious time that can be spend more effectively.
    Moreover, a professional writer will prepare a copy of resume for you as soon as in 1-3 days. Think how much time would you spend composing a resume by yourself?
  • Resume writer is an excellent editor
    Even if you totally disagree to have someone else write your resume, you should at least send it to a writing professional for editing and proofreading. Editing your own work is a very complex task even for writers by trade. You can read your resume from the top to the bottom several times and still miss out on some important details. A resume writer professional will have a look at your resume with a fresh eye and easily spot the errors and issues, and fix them in no time.
  • A professionally written resume does increase your chances for an interview
    As stated by RefreshYourStep, a professionally written resume increases your chances to get an interview by 31%, and the odds you’ll finally get a job by 40%. So, not using a professional help can hurt your job search efficiency. Times have changed, and now many successful professionals use resume services because they know this investment in finding a job will soon pay off.
  • A resume writer knows the rules of ATS application
    Every professionally written resume is usually enriched with keywords necessary for your resume to pass the software selection. The writer picks keywords according to your industry and desired position and thus increases the chances for the consideration of your resume.
    What does the resume keywording mean? Keywords are usually professional attributes which are required from the candidate for a particular position. Your previous position names, company names, professional skills, software names, achievements – all of the above can be considered as keywords by your prospective employer. Thus, the more your resume matches the requirements set by an employer, the more is the chance your resume will be read from the top to the bottom and you’ll be invited for an interview.
  • A resume writer is your partner in creating a top-notch resume
    A resume writer isn’t just someone who will write a resume instead of you. A good writer offers collaborative approach to writing. By contacting our writer, make sure you’ll have all your concerns addressed and your questions answered. The writer will work on your resume taking into consideration all your demands and wishes and up until the point you’re satisfied with the product. And, if you’re not sure whether your resume needs rewriting, ask for free resume critique and receive a comprehensive resume critique free of charge.
  • Hiring a resume writer is a sensible decision
    Of course, you can study the dozens of blogs and online magazines offering free advice on resume writing, and try to compose a resume on your own. However, as you have probably noticed, these resume tips offered online often contradict each other, and the resume trends and rules change all the time, and some things which were okay to do three years ago, aren’t appropriate now. So, why not make your professional life a little easier and entrust your resume writing to someone who’s well-versed at it? Especially if you don’t risk anything: when purchasing a resume from our website, we guarantee delivering a resume you’ll be happy with or your money back!

Identify your real professional value

Working with a professional writer can save you hours of time and effort, and the final resume will be much better than if you were writing it by yourself. However, another amazing benefit of cooperating with a resume pro is that a brand-new resume can increase your professional worth.

Many competent job-seekers undersell themselves on the resume and don’t show their full potential on paper. A professional writer, on the other side, presents your strengths and accomplishments in the favorable light, showing the maximum of what you’re capable of. As a result, you can claim a higher salary during the interview.

To let the writer literally sell your strengths to the employer, be sure to answer their questions and provide the additional information they request. The writer needs the breadth of information so that they could position you as a best fitting person for the role.

Save money

A poor, ineffective resume can cost you months of unemployment and can slow down the job-search process. Moreover, if the resume doesn’t represent you well, it will simply be overlooked by busy recruiters. Paying a resume writer for their knowledge and expertise helps you find the job faster, thus, you’ll start earning money sooner.

Of course, the assistance of a competent resume writer cannot be free. At Resumeperk.com, we keep the balance between affordability of services and consistently high quality of writing. At a very reasonable fee, the writer will provide you with a custom resume designed to facilitate your job search.

Have you just entered the world of work?

‘Do I need the help of a resume writer if I’m just out of college?’ you may ask. In fact, having a resume writer to create your first resume is a very effective move. If you’re not familiar with resume writing, you might unknowingly make mistakes which will prevent you from getting internships or entry-level jobs, even if you have good academic results and are an ambitious person.

A resume writer will help showcase your potential, your soft skills and relevant academic courses. We will also assist with keyword optimization and presenting of your part-time jobs. More importantly, you’ll learn from example how a successful resume should look like, and will be able to produce strong resumes in your further professional life.

Now, as you are aware of peculiarities of the resume writer’s job, you can make an informed decision about hiring a professional writer. Our writers are available for you 24/7 and we offer attractive discounts for new clients!

Do you believe that a professionally written resume can help you find the job faster? Why?

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech