Top 7 Qualities of A Good Editor Resumes


Top 7 Qualities of A Good Editor ResumesHow to make certain that your resume is up to the standards and free from mistakes? Hire a resume editor. These professionals work with written resumes, fixing the minor downsides and ensuring that the document is flawless in all regards. Not all editors are equal, though. How to find a qualified professional you can entrust your important career documents to – read below.

Where to find editor resumes?

Big resume companies typically have staff editors. For instance, here at in addition to business and federal resume writers we have an editorial team who perform the quality control of the resumes we write. Our editor can correct your old resume as well – just register and send us the copy to get started.

Our biggest advantage over other best resumes writing companies is that we provide comprehensive editing. In other words, not only grammar and punctuation mistakes will be fixed – we will also work on the word choice, document layout, logical structure and flow, and design. At the price of editing, you’ll get every aspect of your resume corrected and improved. Got interested? Find out more about our writer’s qualifications and achievements. Use relevant verbs and adverbs.

Why perfect writing is so important for your future job?

Not only do the hiring authorities skim through your resume and cover letter to get a grasp of your value and background, but also they evaluate your writing abilities. Strong writing skills typically communicate a range of personality traits that are highly valued by employers. Not to mention that mistakes on resume have an opposed effect – recruiters often reject resumes with errors even if the applicant is totally qualified for the position. Quality resume is a must if you want to find a job faster.

Hiring a professional resume editor helps you look:

  • More professional - a person who produces grammatically correct, well-structured writing is perceived as a better professional comparing to someone with weaker writing abilities.
  • Educated – many employers connect good writing skills with good education.
  • Good communicator – as office workers have to write lots of reports, memos, and emails, showing strong writing skills in your resume helps you come across as an effective communicator.
  • More interested in a job – the fact that you’ve submitted an error-free application shows that you are interested in the position enough to make the application documents perfect.

Get a professional edit a resume: 7 attributes of a good resume editor

Utmost attention to detail

An eye for detail is the #1 trait for a resume editor. In case when the occasional typo can cost you an interview call, there is no place for mistakes. Most resumes that job-seekers create on their own are full of mistakes. An editor works step by step, correcting mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax and style of writing, as well as fixes the other pitfalls of your resume.

Of course, everyone can edit their own resume – but if you don’t know where to look at or don’t have rich experience with resume writing, you’ll probably skip many crucial mistakes. Here are some of the practices resume editors use in their daily work:

Organization and time-management skills

An in-demand resume editor is often overwhelmed with multiple projects and has to handle them simultaneously. Resumes, cover letters, and admission essays require full attention and deep concentration on the paper – only in this way a quality result is possible.

That’s why successful editors can juggle several projects at once and can prioritize tasks to get everything done on time. Being organized, they rarely forget something or miss deadlines. And, since they are capable of organizing their own working day efficiently, they use the same attitude when editing your curriculum vitae – they create a plan and fix your CV’s flaws step by step. All you’ll have to do is to take full advantage of your perfectly edited, modern looking document and not to make one of the common job seekers mistakes.

Analytical skills and critical thinking

As we’ve mentioned above, resume editing is quite different from an essay, article or blog post editing. Your editor needs to prioritize the information, choose what to preserve and which facts to leave out, and how to present your juiciest accomplishments. All of the above requires a great deal of critical thinking and analysis. Experienced resume editors are capable of finding the missing pieces of the puzzle in writing, see the structure when it isn’t obvious and make the most of not-so-good writing sometimes. With this vision, along with the understanding what to put above the fold to get you noticed, editors can make even mediocre writing shine.

Familiarity with resume formats and design

The goal of a professional resume is to maximize your chances for an interview. To achieve that, a quality writing alone is not enough – the resume should market your skills using the combination of writing, layout and design. In addition to the ability to fix mistakes in writing, good resume editors also understand which resume format to use, how to organize the content and how to make your accomplishments noticeable at a glimpse. They also know which margins, fonts and colors to use as there are no little things when it comes to constructing a visually attractive career document.

Solid educational background

Most of resume editors have a degree in English, journalism or mass communication. This educational background is typical for editors across all fields. Many editors in the resume writing field have one of the resume writing certifications as well (NRWA, CPRW or other). Linguistic education along with deep understanding of principles and rules of resume writing help editors literally work wonders on resumes, turning poorly written copies into the catchy marketing documents. However, since no college offer a specialization in resume writing, many successful resume editors have a university degree in another field.

Teamwork and collaboration

Although resume editing is the intellectual task, good editing is impossible without close collaboration with writers and clients. For instance, when resume editors review the resumes or cover letters created by the writers, they discuss the details of the project to make the editing truly efficient.

At Resumeperk com, we believe that the best resumes are created through collaboration. If you order resume editing with us, you’ll get an opportunity to talk to your editor anytime. You can discuss your career goals or ask questions to help the editor fully access your needs. As a result, they’ll be able to fix your resume better and to make sure that the updated resume is fully suited for your needs.

Copy editor resume is well aware of the hiring trends

Why an editor who works with short stories and novels can’t help your resume succeed? Editors who specialize in fixing resumes must have a sound understanding of how the modern recruitment process works. Otherwise, they won’t help to get your foot to the door.

In particular, good resume editors should understand how ATS works, and which words to use in a resume to help you get through an electronic gatekeeper. If your resume doesn’t contain the keywords that resume robot is programmed to look for, your resume won’t make it to the next stage even if you are perfectly qualified for that target job.

Apart from making your resume robot-friendly, a successful editor realizes which qualifications hiring managers look for in the resume in the first place. Therefore, they put those experiences and skills of yours above the fold.

Keep calm and get in touch with your resume editor

After you’ve finally finished putting your resume together, don’t hurry up to submit it. Let an experienced resume corrector take a look at it first. Why is it important? Firstly, a review of an experienced editor will eliminate the risk that you’ve made one of those mistakes that recruiters will see as a grounding for rejecting you. Secondly, an editor will downplay the tricky issues in your career such as job-hopping, changing industry, or career gaps. And finally, working with a professional will calm your nerves and help you feel more confident when applying for jobs.

If you haven’t written your covering letter yet, grab the pro tips on how to make it eye-catching:

Who can edit my resume for me?

If you’re in need of an experienced resume editor, you’ve come to the right place. The editors of our site are well-versed with all types of career documents and can improve your resume, curriculum vitae, cover letter or any other application you need to submit. We work not only with words but also polish the visual appearance and improve logical structure. Moreover, our prices will pleasantly surprise you – check out our charges for editing services.

Start the new year with a new job. Entrust improving your resume to a professional and keep an eye on your career goal to make them happen!

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech