Skyrocket Your Career with The Help of a CV Writer


Skyrocket your career using career roadmapHave you planned to make a long-awaited career transition in 2019? Or maybe, you want to quit a dead-end job and join the organization that offers the opportunity for career progression? In either case, your way starts with composing a strong CV – and here’s why.

Why get expert help to make a CV

Many accomplished, experienced professionals undersell themselves in resumes. As a result, being perfectly qualified for their dream job, they struggle getting interviews. And here’s when the American resume experts can make the difference. Through the careful evaluation of your experience and skills, pro writers of put your core strengths into spotlight, making them visible both for HR managers and the machines.  Thanks to the right positioning and high quality of writing, you’ll get a way more chances for quality interview calls.

Already got a resume? We can edit and proofread it to the latest resume standards, correcting the most popular mistakes. And, with a quality customized CV at hand, you’ll be able to fully focus on building your career.

Tips from a professional CV writer

Career roadmap: a perfect tool to work your way up

To make the right career moves, you need to have a long-term career goal set. Without a final career goal in mind, you have the odds of getting stuck in menial jobs and not realizing your full potential. Today, our career consultants would like to present you a helpful tool for career building called a career roadmap.

Whether you are a college student, a copywriter or sales assistant, a career map is truly indispensable. It can get you inspired for the ambitious career achievements, help you see the path by visualizing your way up and give you a sense of clarity. This guidance from our career professional will help you get the best out of career mapping:

  1. Know what should my career be
    The first step of creating your route is defining where you currently are – this is going to be your point A. Then, mark your point B which is the destination of your career in 10 years from now. It’s recommended that you use this time frame since 5 years might not be sufficient to make a significant vertical progression. On the other hand, 20 years is too much since the situation in your industry can change dramatically.
    The space between points A and B is where you’ll be building a roadmap. You might want to visualize a map on the big paper sheet, but just writing it down is also okay.
  2. Be detailed about your destination
    A goal that sounds like “I want to be a CEO” isn’t going to work. Write down the target position name, the industry, company size and other attributes you consider important. Be realistic here. If you’re a sales manager, setting a head of sales as your final goal means selling yourself short, since you can achieve this goal in less than 10 years. On the other hand, don’t set unrealistic goals. A working goal can sound like “Head of PR with a Fortune 500 environmentally friendly company”.
  3. Stick to non-linear approach
    Your way up isn’t likely to be as linear and straightforward as you’ve written is down. There is more than one way to develop from, let’s say, a journalist to editor-in-chief. So, consider alternatives at every step of your imagined career ladder. Add 2-3 alternative positions at each stage to broaden your number of options.
  4. Think of the tools you’ll need for career advancement (the right writers CV is one of them)
    Rapid career growth is associated with constant learning: you need to gain and advance skills and maybe obtain a number of certifications or even a relevant degree. Add the the skills and expertise necessary for promotion into your career route. Since it’s challenging to predict which skills will be required for a senior role in 7 years from now, focus on a closer perspective. Write down the skills and expertise that your career will depend on in 1-2 years from now and think of how you can gain these skills. Concentrate on those skills that will get you promoted in the first place. If you’re planning to work your way up with the current, employer, you’ll benefit from our advice for getting a promotion:  
    However, if you’d like to continue a career with the different organization, you might need to completely rewrite your CV. The professionals of our services can help target your resume to your dream position, providing personal consulting to ensure that a brand-new resume totally meets your needs. Your English resume creator will complement a resume with a high-impact cover letter for job applications.
  5. Create a target list of companies
    In addition to planning the skills and experience you need to obtain, it’s extremely helpful to make a list of companies which are perfect for your development in the chosen field. Then, try to establish personal connection with the representatives of these companies. Get in touch with the HR personnel of these organizations and invite them out for coffee to discuss how you could collaborate with these companies. This strategy might not work instantly, but if you are persistent enough, you’ll end up establishing strong connections with the companies which might offer you the job in the future.
  6. Find a career counselor and take their advice
    To ease your way up, it’s helpful to have a mentor who will serve as a role model for your career development and give practical advice for success. Ideally, it should be someone with the position you’re planning to obtain in the future – a professional in your organization or the external guide. Mentor has been in your shoes years ago, so they can share the priceless first-hand tips on building a stellar career. If you haven’t found a mentor yet, check out the expert career building tips from women leaders:
  7. Expand the professional network
    The key career advice that every mentor shares is expanding the professional network. As you get to know more professionals and hear their stories, you’re getting exposure to other possible career trajectories. Knowing the right people in the industry can get you hired by the most reputable companies and give you the opportunity to learn from the top people in your field. And with the help of the internet, getting connected with others is easy as never: LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media provide a plenty of opportunities for networking. 
  8. Correct your roadmap along the way, professional CV writer recommends
    Now that you’ve created a career map, it doesn’t mean that you should follow the pre-written trajectory at all costs. On the contrary, pick a time frame (every 3 or 6 months’ work best) and revise your career map according to this schedule. As you work at your career, you might find a shorter, indirect way of working your way up you couldn’t think of before. Or, you might want to change the course of your career in the middle of the road as you come across something that better fits your personality. In this case, just redirect your map as per the new route. Career roadmap is a flexible tool.

The magical thing about your career map is that it keeps you focused. People who write down their goals have over 80% success rate of reaching them. As you break down the major career goal into the smaller steps and working on achieving them, you are seizing every opportunity to learn, grow, earn experience and make more money. And consequently, you’ll manage to reach the goal you’re after.

The key secret to create professional CV online

A resume should reflect the present state of things in your career. One of the most popular problems with resumes of our clients is that their resumes don’t reflect their level of seniority. To avoid it, you’ll need to review and revise a resume yearly (or more frequently) to add new jobs, update skills, spruce up some accomplishments and cut off the outdated details. Moreover, a resume must be written for your target position and tailored for it closely – otherwise, you’re underselling yourself. Should I remind that a weak resume slows down your moving to target jobs.

An ineffective resume can extend the period of job hunting to months and prevent you from getting roles you deserve. So, every time you get down to updating a resume, make sure you’ve done your best to make resume to be noticed. You can always find the first-hand writing advice and tips in our blog.

Claim a good CV done professionally

How to receive a truly correct and effective resume without spending much effort on it? Delegate creation of your resume to professional writers. The specialists of Resumeperk com possess all the right skills and expertise to create your curriculum vitae up to the recent standards. We work with the professionals of all career levels, from recent graduates to CEOs.

How hiring a custom CV maker online can help your career

We will match you with a suitable writer who will invest their time and expertise into writing or editing your resume as per your current career goals. Therefore, you can focus solely on your own career development. The other advantage of ours is the price – we offer cheap assistance and give 20% additional discount off your first order. Want to discuss how we can make your resume better? Contact our chat assistant to ask any questions – we are online 24/7.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech