15 Best Work From Home Careers: List of Jobs & Tips


Work From Home Careers

Pursue a profitable remote job this year

If you were considering a remote career, 2020 is the right time to pursue it. According to the statistics, there’s a 44% growth in remote work over the previous 5 years, and this trend is predicted to grow. Professionals who already switched to work-from-home careers report better work-life balance, reduced stress and even better job satisfaction. And, taking coronavirus pandemic into account, telecommuting is likely to become a new norm for the upcoming months.

Transitioning to a remote career for the first time, whether it’s looking for a remote job in your field or changing career completely, may look challenging at first sight. To ease this thorny path for you, our online resume writers have prepared a list of remote professions you can pursue.

These careers are absolutely legal and in high demand these days, so you can choose the one that aligns best with your skills and interests. Later in this post, we’ll outline a few pros of remote work as well as give some expert recommendations on how to adjust your resume for a remote job search.

Land your first remote job with a professionally done resume

The demand for top remote jobs is high, but so is the competition. Hiring managers are busy and have short attention spans when they review resumes, so you want a resume that would capture their attention in seconds. The writing wizards of Resumeperk.com can help capture the recruiters’ attention with persuasive writing, strategically placed accomplishments and custom design. Your resume creator works as long as it takes until you’re satisfied with the way your resume looks and sounds.

The most popular remote careers

Take a look at our top of telecommuting jobs, and choose the ones that appeal to you.

1. Social media manager

With the growing number of businesses grow their presence online, the demand for people who understand how to drive visitors’ engagement, share helpful content and stay in touch with prospects also grows. Social media professionals grow brand awareness across a variety of platforms.

Specifically, their responsibilities include creating and scheduling posts, running ads, responding to messages, and administering online groups. If you know your way around one or more social platforms, this career is a good way to go. Moreover, many social media postings offer a part-time schedule if you need even more flexibility.

2. Call center support rep

Online businesses are willing to hire remote professionals for customer-facing positions. In particular, call center representatives take phone calls from customers, educate them on the product or service, and deal with complaints or returns. This job requires strong phone etiquette, patience, ability to deal with objections and customer service skills.

Previous experience in similar roles is not mandatory, yet your target employer will appreciate if you’ve worked in customer support or management roles before. Remote call center reps are hired across many industries, so this niche is growing and you can choose from the variety of job postings.

3. Virtual assistant

These specialists help businesses with administrative, technical and client support tasks. They are mostly hired by online businesses or the enterprises that don’t feel that the workload is sufficient to find a full-time office employee.

These professionals perform a lot of tasks in accordance with the employer’s requirements and the industry. Typically, this includes responding to emails, writing correspondence, scheduling, transcribing conference calls, managing support tickets, and handling media inquiries. Since many virtual assistants work for multiple clients, they typically charge per hour. And since this career requires only basic administration and organization skills to get started, it’s a popular option for office employees transitioning to a remote career.

4. Translator/Interpreter

Are you fluent in at least one language other than English (i.e. Spanish, French, German, or Arabic)? Translators work with written documents, video files, audio materials, and are often employed by public or private sector organizations. Companies usually opt for such translators when they have a particular project. Thus, you are free to choose multiple projects at once and manage your workload.

Interpreting means working in a spoken language which isn’t exactly a work-from-home career. Yet, many translators work as interpreters as well. This job is also flexible, rewarding and typically pays more than written translations.

5. Web developer/Software engineer

Any IT jobs have a huge remote potential. If you work as a programmer or web developer, all it takes to write a clear and effective code from home is a good equipment and remote conferencing tools. For instance, a web developer sets up and designs websites depend on their client’s specifications and goals. They write code and are responsible for the visual appearance of the website.

There’s an abundance of web developer remote jobs on the job boards. Yet, the IT industry isn’t easy to break into without proper training. If you’ve worked in an industry other than IT, you’ll need to enroll to a course to get theoretical foundation first, and then practice building your own website. If you are serious about entering the IT field, you’ll find this guide helpful: https://resumeperk.com/blog/how-to-start-a-career-in-tech-10-expert-tips.

6. Remote travel agent

The demand for travel agents decrease as more and more people plan their trips on their own through the internet. However, the services of travel agents aren’t going anywhere – they will just transform. For instance, travel agents who specialize on group travels, exotic destinations or VIP services for wealthy clients will prosper. So, if you are a passionate traveler who wants to share your experience and help people plan their dream journeys, you’ll enjoy this career.

Typically, travel agents work on a commission base and earn money from hotels as the clients book accommodations.

7. Family therapist

Cognitive, gestalt, family and other types of therapists typically have private practices and accept patients in their offices. Yet, video communications made it possible for a majority of therapists to work remotely. Many professionals who have already tried this method report that it reduces the patient no-shows and hence is more productive for both therapists and their clients.

This type of profession didn’t arise with the digital economy and is quite difficult to enter. You’ll need to complete a Master’s degree and a state licensure. But if you already work as a therapist, consider working online at least one day in the week and see how it works for you and your clients.

Did you know? 80% of remote workers experience less job stress. If you still work traditional office hours, take a look at how to manage stress at work

8. Online teacher

Are you proficient in one or more academic subjects and would like to share your knowledge with children or college students? Teaching students online is on the rise, so you can give private lessons without leaving your home. The income depends on your qualifications and the number of students you take. Choose the subjects that you are going to teach – American history, literature, maths, economics, geometry, or more. If you’re new to teaching, consider taking some online classes on how to teach online.

There’s also a growing demand for native English speakers to give lessons to foreign students. You can become an English teacher without any experience and help the overseas students learning English to master grammar and speech.

9. Freelance copywriter

There’s a growing demand for web writers of all kinds – copywriters, bloggers, article writers, and more. Freelance writers work for businesses, online magazines, and news resources. If you are well familiar with one or more subjects and know how to create a good copy that captures the reader’s attention, being a freelance author can make a good use of your writing and editing skills.

Freelance writers are typically paid per article, however, there’s also an opportunity to work one employer remotely and produce the agreed amount of content on a regular basis. Freelancers usually make an average salary, but as you grow in skills and get regular clients, you can turn freelance writing into a lucrative career.

10. Graphic designer

Are you passionate about design? Can you create visual concepts to communicate the information to the prospective customers in an attention-grabbing way? Then, a career in graphic design might be a good fit. These professionals develop logos for businesses, assist with website design creation, design product illustrations, create images and infographics for web, print ads and social media, and more.

This is a popular remote career option – you can keep in touch with clients using remote conferencing tools, phone, and emails. If you’ve never worked as a designer before, you’ll need to take training and build a portfolio before you can become a remote designer.

Did you know? In addition to letting you rest from corporate etiquette rules, remote work keeps you healthier. 50% of employees say that teleworking has reduced their sick days.

11. Rental host

It’s not one of the typical work-from-home remote jobs. Yet, if there is a free bedroom in your house or apartment, consider renting it out to tourists and city visitors. You might need to learn the demand and furnish the room with the extra utilities to make the stay convenient for tourists as well as set the fair price before you post your ad on Airbnb or similar website.

Your income will depend on the location and the convenience of the place you’re renting. Obviously, large tourist attractions can bring you a steady flow of potential clients.

12. Transcriptionist

If you have strong typing skills, are attentive to detail and are comfortable performing monotonous work for hours, the job of a transcriptionist might be a good fit. This role means listening to audios and turning them into text, sometimes using special transcriptionist tools. The types of information you’ll need to transcribe depends on the client you work for and may vary from interviews, podcasts, audio lectures to voice recordings from medical workers.

This job requires no specific training. Moreover, due to an expansion of audio and video content, the demand for it will only grow.

13. Search engine evaluator

Professionals who have strong research and analytical skills will find this option interesting. Search engine evaluators analyze the search results to make sure they are informative and relevant to what the users are searching for in the web. These professionals improve the quality of search engine results and improve user experience in general.

To get started, you’ll need to pass a short training and then take an exam before you can get hired for the project. As a rule, this is a part-time opportunity, but if you work on several projects simultaneously, it can become your full-time career.

During the online or face-to-face interview, the question “Why should we hire you?” will inevitably be asked. Here’s how to handle it: https://resumeperk.com/blog/why-should-we-hire-you-sample-answers--tips.

14. Bookkeeper/Accountant

Many traditional office jobs increasingly offer telecommuting options, and accountancy jobs are not the exception. If you want to work from home in the finance field, there are two common options for you. Firstly, you can work for one of the companies who hire with remote accountants to handle payroll, sales, accounts payable and receivable, and more.

Secondly, you may establish your own business and hire as a contractor for multiple clients and assist them with financial matters. Both scenarios will give you a desired amount of flexibility, since you’ll spend most of your time in a home office, and the income will depend on your efforts either.

15. Online survey assignments

Although taking online surveys can hardly be seen as a full-time remote job, this is definitely an opportunity to earn some extra money while staying at home or after your main job. All you need to do is to sign up for the website that pays for surveys and choose from the available options. These surveys come in multiple forms – from opinion polls to questions about shopping habits.

Businesses collect information from these surveys to better understand their potential customers. You can use them to make some quick money, since this remote job requires no knowledge, training or experience so you can sign up and take surveys anytime.

Bonus: 5 highest paying remote jobs

Do you dream about a remote career and want to earn significantly higher than the average salary? Then, you might want to consider these lucrative remote work opportunities:

  1. Psychiatrist - $180,000 per year
  2. PR director - $140,000 per year
  3. Senior software engineer - $125,000 per year
  4. Data analyst - $115,000 per year
  5. Information security manager - $110,000 per year

We haven’t included these jobs into the above list of remote careers since these are the jobs that require extensive education and years of experience. Yet, it’s more than possible to earn over $100K while working from a cozy home office.

5 reasons to choose a work-from-home career

  1. The number of remote work is growing – the increasing number of businesses prefer hiring remote employees, and the number of companies who work virtually without having an office grows as well. This creates a steady demand for remote employees.
  2. It provides better work-life balance – remote employees can plain their day according to their needs, work at a comfortable pace and don’t waste hours commuting. As a result, they enjoy better balance between professional and personal life.
  3. It is cost-effective – forget about the expenses for lunches, office suits, and transportation. Working from home saves not only your time, but doesn’t hurt your wallet as well.
  4. You eliminate distractions and stress – no more annoying colleagues who talk on the phone loud next to you or distract you every few minutes with chat. At home, you can switch off the TV, put your phone away and fully immerse yourself in work.
  5. Flexible schedule – if you are a freelancer or simply don’t have fixed working hours, you can organize your day in a way you find convenient. In other words, if you are most productive while working from a coffee shop or late in the evening, there’s every opportunity to do exactly that.

How to write a resume for a remote job?

Using the same resume that you used to apply for office job isn’t the most effective tactic. To target your resume for remote job search, be sure to follow the next steps:

  1. Make it clear that you want a remote position. The experts recommend mentioning that you want a remote opportunity. The best place to do it is your career summary or a cover letter. Chances are, that the company is hiring both remote and office employees, and this will help you avoid misunderstanding.
  2. Highlight skills specific to teleworking. Remote employees are expected to be familiar with office suite packages, video conferencing and collaborating tools, and to be organized and self-motivated. Make sure that your resume clearly communicates these traits.
  3. Focus on remote or freelancing jobs. Did you work remotely or took freelance projects before? Then, make sure your resume specifies that some of your previous work were remote. You can simply state Remote or Freelance project next to the position’s name.

Hear what the experts think about your resume

When you write a resume on your own, it’s always helpful to hear the opinion of someone who works with resumes every day. Feedback from the resume pro will help you improve your resume’s quality, get rid of mistakes and increase the number of interviews accordingly. Send us your resume, and one of our experts will review it free of charge and give your suggestions for improvement.

Are you looking to do my resume for me at low cost? You’ve come to the right place. Our website offers custom resume writing at an affordable fee. Contact us via live chat to hear about the amazing benefits we offer and receive your personal 20% discount.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech