Best Resume Writers Tips to Boost Your LinkedIn Profile View


Best resume writers

A LinkedIn is all-in-one tool for those oriented at career success. It combines the features of a social media, professional networking platform and your personal website, with your online resume and samples of work visible to potential employers. These days, employers might hear about you from somewhere and seek the information about you online. So, what kind of impression will you make if your LinkedIn profile is nearly empty or wasn’t updated for years?

Certified professional resume writer insist that you miss on a lot of career opportunities if you have a weak or outdated LinkedIn profile. If you still haven’t registered, here’s a guide to help you make the first steps: However, if you already have a profile but would like to increase its efficiency and raise it higher in search results, you’ll need something more than filling out the blank spots and uploading your picture. Our resume writers online share the advice on how to become a top candidate and raise your profile in search results.

Keep your profile up-to-dated

Keeping your profile current is the key to getting the best out of your profile. So, if you’ve updated the profile last year, it’s high time you fixed that. Inactive profile is unlikely to get job offers and use the other advantages LinkedIn has to offer, best resume writers say.

  • Add the information about trainings, certifications, projects, and education as soon as you’ve completed them;
  • Keep your last job current. If your previous job has ended and you haven’t added any information since then, your profile will be considered outdated
  • Fill out the blanks – to make your profile reach an expert level, you have to fill out every field in your page. Expert level profiles get ranked higher in search results and usually get more offers.

Also in this section:

Upload a professional profile picture

Pictures are crucially important for making your profile a success. It’s stated that profiles with pictures have 11 times more chances to get viewed than those without a headshot.

The picture, however, should be different from those you typically post in Facebook or Instagram.   LinkedIn requires a professionally looking picture, with the plain background and no other people. A photo from your office or a professional event, with a dress code, will work great. Don’t forget to smile and display enthusiasm and confidence.

Use keywords

Just like the resume, your LinkedIn should have a plenty of keywords to help the people find you. Research the keywords and professional slang that is widely used in your industry and rewrite your summary and experience using them. This simple trick will increase your visibility on LinkedIn.

Use keywords in job titles. Vary the name of your position or add more details in keywords. This will help you rank higher and indicate your areas of proficiency for hiring managers.

By the way, if you need more tips on how to enrich your resume keywords, use the advice from resume writers pro:

Use LinkedIn button on your website or professional page

If you have a website or a professional social media page, you can use the opportunity of adding a direct link to your LinkedIn there. This will help the occasional visitors review your professional background, and, if you are a freelancer, it’s likely to generate more clients.

Be active

Setting up your page is not enough. To get your profile raised in search results, you need to be active in this social media.

  • Join the relevant groups. There’s a limitation of 50 groups you can be the member of. You don’t have to become a member of every group out there, but you need to be active in those you have joined. Network, take part in the discussions and share the content. Groups are a great place to meet new people within your industry and expand your network.

By spreading the information relevant to your field of work, you’ll build an image of a proactive individual. Moreover, the hiring managers will know that you’re an active user of the website and will respond to their email.

Post your own content

If you are a writer/blogger, you can use LinkedIn as a platform to share your own content. Google ranks highly the search results from LinkedIn, so if you want to share a new article with your network, don’t hesitate to do so.

Moreover, a LinkedIn can help you establish your reputation as an expert of subject matter. A professional who posts his own ideas and shares his opinion on the new industry trends will definitely evoke more interest than someone with an empty profile or 1-2 reposts from groups or other influencers.

Expand your professional network

It’s the profiles with a huge number of connections that are displayed at the top of search results. So, if your number of connections doesn’t exceed 100 or 200, it’s high time you improved that.

  • Connect with peers and tutors from your alumni, if you still haven’t;
  • Find your previous coworkers, employers, clients and follow them;
  • Finally, add your friends as connections.

Add the certification after your name

Although it’s not recommended to add your degree or certification along with your name in a resume, things are different with LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn notices the acronyms of degrees and certifications after your name (i.e. MBA, PhD, CPRW) and ranks such profiles higher in search results. Make sure to list all your current certifications and credentials (if you have plenty of them, choose 1-3 most significant ones). In addition to influencing the search results, this simple trick will impress the hiring manager if you’re looking for an employment.

Spread your contact information

Not all employers and managers have unlimited in-mail to get in touch with you. That’s why you may benefit from indicating other contact information in your Summary section (for example, after a short summary statement). This information is public, so it’s totally up to you which contact details to include. However, an e-mail and a phone number will make it easier for hiring managers to get in touch with you if they get interested.

Create a catchy headline

Most users limit their headline to their current job and the company name. However, this line under your name is an excellent opportunity to indicate your key professional strength. No need to go overboard with creativity – ‘guru of marketing’ and ‘superman of sales’ won’t be taken seriously.

Get recommendations and endorsements

Reach to some people from your network and ask them to give you a recommendation and endorse your skills (be sure to offer to do the same for them). A profile with recommendations shows your professional value in the eyes of a potential employer. In their turn, the endorsements serve as a social proof of your key competencies. For example, if you are a freelancer looking for new clients, numerous endorsements will help them make a choice in your favor.


Proofreading your LinkedIn is just as essential as proofreading your resume prior to sending it. Grammar errors, typos, incomplete sentences won’t help you in finding your next job. Moreover, they are often seen as a lack of attention to detail.

So, if you are updating the profile, make sure you’ve proofread it for a few times before you hit “Save changes”. Read it aloud and then let your friend or colleague to have a look at it. Or, hire the best resume writer services if you feel the need of professional assistance with it.


Using a LinkedIn network is an excellent way to create resume online. It lets the entire world know about your professionalism and skills – and you don’t have to actually send your resume to different companies for it. To get more attention from business owners and hiring managers, however, you need to make your profile popular. With the above tips, you’ll transform your outdated profile into an attractive page that will work for you.

Need help to make an online resume? Contact the writing experts from our company. We have been offering resume and LinkedIn profile help for over 9 years and know what the hiring managers are looking for. At an affordable fee, you’ll get your LinkedIn created from scratch or improved.

Is your LinkedIn profile visible in the top of search results?

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