How to write a powerful LinkedIn headline: Examples & tips


LinkedIn headline is the first thing that recruiters, hiring managers or prospects see when they come across your profile in LinkedIn searches. It can spark their interest and inspire them to view your profile - or to skip it.

Standard LinkedIn headlines consist of your job title and company name. However, career experts don't recommend sticking to the default option. There are plenty of ways to use a LinkedIn profile header as a strong marketing tool, so why not use this opportunity to promote yourself?

In today's guide, professional resume writers will share some pointers on how to create a great LinkedIn headline and give a few examples. And if you want to boost your visibility with a strong LinkedIn profile, consider getting professional help. offers LinkedIn writing services to job-seekers across all industries. The writer will work one-on-one with you to craft a profile that emphasizes your skillset, career progression and credentials, and is optimized to appear higher in search results. All writers are native English speakers, and we offer 2 weeks of free revisions until you are satisfied.

Why every job-seeker should bother about having a LinkedIn account?

Before we get to the point, let's think: why even bother about LinkedIn? This social network has 660M+ active users, and social professional networks are the #1 source of quality hires. Having a complete and active profile (including a compelling LinkedIn headline) increases your chances of being found and contacted by employers.

Even if you apply with a resume, most recruiters will look up for your profile anyway. The profile works both for generating opportunities and building your online image, so neglecting it can be costly for your career.

5 strategies to writing winning LinkedIn headlines

LinkedIn headline example by default consists of your job title and company name, for example, Senior Copywriter at XYZ Corp. However, since it serves as the first thing people notice about you, we do not recommend leaving it like this. Take a look at some strategies below, and use these 120 characters to create the best LinkedIn title that corresponds with your current goals.

Strategy #1. Expand on your job title

Construction Project Manager | PMP Certified | Commercial Development | Accounting & Budgeting

Why does it work? Most LinkedIn headlines naturally start with job titles. Yet, why restrict it to the title alone if there is plenty of space to expand on your areas of expertise and strengths you're proud of? The above LinkedIn headline example lists a certification which is highly valued in the industry, and also specifies the industry and strengths of this particular candidate. So, when a recruiter sees this caption in LinkedIn search, they'll know if the candidate can be a good fit.

Strategy #2. Brag about the brand of your employer

Digital Marketing Manager at Deloitte | Digital Marketer for Fortune 500 Companies | Lead & Sales Generation

Why does it work? Mentioning the current employer in a LinkedIn headline is not necessary. However, things are different when you work for a top employer in your industry or a worldwide recognized brand. In this case, name-dropping is your real estate, as recruiters would be interested to check out your profile. This LinkedIn headline examples formula also includes the right keywords and gives an idea of what kind of companies this candidate worked previously. Quite a viable strategy!

Strategy #3. Mention that you're job hunting

Computer Science Student | 2021 Graduation | JavaScript, HTML/CSS, PHP | Seeking Front-End Developer Job

What to do if you're unemployed? Some candidates straightforwardly say "unemployed" in their profile headlines, but this isn't the best LinkedIn strategy. Instead, focus on skills and credentials that you bring to the table and mention what kind of opportunity you're after. The above example LinkedIn headline says that job-seeker has a relevant degree and a skillset, and lists the desired job title. With a narrow focus and clearly articulated strengths, you'll get noticed by target companies much faster.

Strategy #4. Highlight the accomplishment

B2B Sales Rep | $1.5M Generated in 2020 | Salesperson of the Year Award, 2019

Why does it work? Listing areas of expertise or keywords is good, but formulating unique value proposition is even more effective. In the above LinkedIn headline examples, one can see the results of work of a candidate and get a tangible idea of their professional capabilities. Since private sector companies expect results from their employees, this formula could work as a marketing trick and bring you new opportunities from the impressed recruiters.

Strategy #5. Make it keyword-rich

Human Resource Manager | Employee Relations | Benefits & Payroll | Hiring & Onboarding

Why does it work? Keywords help recruiters locate the right candidate in LinkedIn social media. If certain words are mentioned in your LinkedIn headline, your profile will appearh higher in search results. Therefore, it's important not only to articulate your areas of expertise, but also use keywords and data used by business to find qualified candidates for jobs. Which keywords to use to stand out? Research skills and credentials which are of biggest value for your target position, and use them in a LinkedIn headline.

When updating your social media, don't forget to revise the resume as well. Is it up-to-date? Does it reflect your current professional goals and present your abilities in a good light? If it's time for update, consider finding a professional writer to improve it. Resume wizards of can rewrite your resume in 24 hours while providing a personalized service.

What is a good LinkedIn headline example? 5 writing tips

In addition to the above-listed strategies, keep in mind the following tips to craft a catchy headline (and a good profile in general):

• Avoid 'filler words'. Since LinkedIn headline space is limited, omit words and statements that sound like self-descriptions, not facts. Examples: hard-working, proactive, dedicated, expert. Let your accomplishments and skills speak for themselves.

• Speak the language of your target audience. If you have a rarely used job title (for instance, Customer Success Manager), replace it with a common one (i.e. Sales Manager). Use abbreviations and slang only if they are easy to understand for your target companies or prospects.

• Align LinkedIn headline with resume content. Quite often, job-seekers view LinkedIn profile and a resume as two different documents. Yet, when you're job-hunting, they should have the same focus and highlight the same skills and qualifications to create a holistic impression about you.

• Don't lie! A fake accomplishment or certification may grab the recruiter's attention. Yet, in the digital era, it has become easier than ever to perform background checks. And once the truth reveals, this could damage your business reputation.

• Always proofread. Before you hit the "Publish" button, proofread the headline text, as well as the rest of the profile content. A few typos here and there - and your profile is not appearing in search results, let alone you're not making a professional impression.

• Keep the profile active. A complete profile with no activity might look suspicious. Publish a post or article from time to time, share your thoughts on events in your industry, etc. This will make your profile more likeable for visitors.

How to draft a perfect LinkedIn headline: Key takeaways

• Emphasize your key selling points. Professional accomplishments, degrees, certifications, skills that are crucial for a job will help you get noticed and land an interview.

• Write for people, adapt for robots. Remember that using keywords is essential if you want to get found via LinkedIn searching. Make sure that your header (and profile in general) contain keywords relevant to the position.

• Find your target audience. Do you want to be found by recruiters, hiring managers, business owners, or potential clients? Use the language and abbreviations that your target audience understands.

• Ask for help. Still have questions about drafting a good LinkedIn headline? Whenever in doubt, consult a resume professional! At a fee that is less than a day's pay, you can cut weeks off your job search. All first-time clients are eligible to 20% discount.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

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