Do Resume Writing Services Work?


Do resume writing services work? The pros and cons of hiring a resume writer uncovered

According to one popular study, recruiters spend about 8 seconds initially reviewing each resume. In most competitive industries, companies receive 250+ resumes in response to one job posting. As the data shows, job search has become more competitive than ever. So, partnering with a professional resume writer is often a sensible solution.

Yet, if you have never tried a resume writing service before, a question arises: what exactly can a professional resume writer do to help you stand out? Can a professionally written resume help you land a new job? In today's post, we will reveal what resume writers can help you with, and explore the pros and cons of hiring a professional to build your resume.

As a professional resume writing service with 14+ years of expertise, ResumePerk helps job-seekers at all career levels. We create customized resumes for every professional, enriching resumes with keywords to help you pass the ATS selection. Chat with us to choose the right package for your needs.

How can a professional resume writer help you?

A resume writer is a professional trained in resume composition precisely, or someone with experience in recruitment and hiring. They have an in-depth understanding of how hiring managers read resumes and how hiring practices work. Good resume writers also have industry knowledge and realize what employers in different fields are looking for.

Professional resume writers leverage this knowledge and business writing skills to present your career history persuasively. With a professional resume that showcases accomplishments, you'll have a much higher chance for an interview. Here's what a resume writer can do for you:

Create a resume from scratch

If you don't have a resume at all, you'll probably spend days trying to compose one. And the resume writing tips you'll find online can be confusing, to say the least. If your resume turns out not as efficient as it could be, you will miss out on a lot of professional opportunities.

Resume writing services can write your first resume according to all modern standards and practices. The writer will use the appropriate structure, and an eye-catching format and focus on your achievements in the previous workplaces. As a result, you will receive an effective resume that reflects your strengths for the job hunt.

Update your old resume

Updating your own resume time after time is a necessity, as employers are interested in your most recent professional history. If you don't add a new promotion or software skills you've recently mastered, your target employers can choose other applicants who demonstrate a track record of recent accomplishments.

A professional writer can update the resume with your target job in mind. They will add the most recent information about your education and skills, thus helping you look like a perfect candidate for the position.

Add relevant keywords

Most job-seekers get confused with ATS software. Experienced resume writers know that optimizing your resume with keywords is a must, as most large companies use this software to eliminate irrelevant resumes. If your resume doesn't have the right keywords, it has every chance to come across as irrelevant even if you are qualified.

A good resume writer understands how the applicant tracking system works. The writer will adapt your resume for a target job description, using the appropriate keywords to help you pass software screening.

Hiring a professional resume writer can give you a competitive edge in your job search. If your resume is well-structured, shows your career history and accomplishments, and explains how the company will benefit from hiring you, you will be one step ahead of other candidates. Let's have a closer look at the pros and cons of getting your resume written by an expert.

The pros of hiring a resume writing service

You will get a strong, tailored resume

Most resume writers are well aware of the industry trends and best practices in resume composition. They know what hiring managers in your industry look for in candidates and how they read resumes. Thus, they will emphasize the most important skills and achievements, and downplay the rest. Moreover, resume writers use selling techniques to transform your application into a powerful marketing tool.

Professional resume writing services also optimize resumes for specific job positions. To get an interview call, you need a customized resume that shows why you are an asset for this specific company and role. Resume writers help with this excellently.

Resume writing services optimize documents for ATS

According to the statistics, nearly 99% of Fortune 500 companies use ATS software to sift through candidates. Using the right keywords and ATS-friendly formatting is a must if you want your resume to be seen by a human hiring manager.

An experienced writer will optimize your resume and cover letter with relevant keywords, incorporating them into the text naturally. The right resume writer who knows industry standards can help you pass the electronic screening and get noticed faster.

Resume experts have strong writing skills

Crafting a resume on your own requires advanced writing skills. If your job is not associated with writing (say, you're an accountant or a software developer), writing a winning resume can become a challenge. Moreover, if you make a few typos, recruiters can reject your application whatsoever.

Resume consultants have professional writing experience and can describe your work history persuasively. Moreover, thanks to strong English skills, you can count on error-free writing and strong language that emphasizes your accomplishments.

Resume writing services help with career transitions

Writing a career change resume is hard. You need to connect the dots between, for example, your previous teaching position and a marketing associate role. Moreover, you need to compete with candidates who haven't changed careers and whose skills and expertise are easy to understand.

A resume writing service usually has experts who specialize in this type of resume. During the review process, they will identify your transferable skills, and accomplishments, and explain how they position you to succeed in a new field. They will also use the most effective format to prove your strengths.

Save time and effort

How long will it take you to rewrite an old resume or create an old one? If you don't write resumes regularly, it's likely to take you days, if not weeks. And you'll still be hesitating and asking yourself questions (Have I done everything right? Should I go back 10 or 15 years?).

With a professional resume writer, you can forget about your worries. Send them your existing resume and tell about your current professional goals and discuss your experience with them. You will receive a perfect resume and apply for jobs with confidence.

Still hesitating about hiring a resume writer?Our company offers a free resume review service. Send us your current resume, and our in-house expert will point out its strengths and what should be improved. Thus, you will get an unbiased professional opinion about how hiring managers perceive your resume. This is a free service, and it doesn't oblige you to place an order.

The cons of a professional resume service

A resume writer might not know your industry

After the coronavirus pandemic, many resume writing companies and individual writers emerged. Some of these writers have limited experience in hiring, and some know nothing about your industry. If you hire an inexperienced writer, they can do more harm than good.

To avoid this, do not pay someone money unless you find out their qualifications. Look for a writer who has written resumes for your industry before and can provide samples. Ask about their experience in resumes and if they have resume writing certifications (such as CPRW).

It's not free to hire a resume writer

The biggest setback that prevents job-seekers from hiring an expert is the cost of their services. The professional resume writer cost can vary from $50 to $1,000+ depending on the writer's expertise and the package. It is essential to maintain the balance. If you are an entry-level professional or unemployed, it makes little sense to invest $700 in a resume.

While many companies charge a lot, you can still find cost-effective solutions and get a brand-new resume for under $200. However, take the time to learn about the guarantees and what exactly the company offers to get a good product for your money.

The resume may not sound like you

When a resume writer creates your resume, it may not reflect your voice. Although the resume is a formal document, it should show your personality and writing style as well.

The solution is to stay involved in the resume writing process and provide the writer with as much information as possible. When you work collaboratively with the writer, you can correct the writing style along the way to receive a document that sounds more like "you".

How to make the most out of your cooperation with a resume writing expert?

  • Keep your expectations realistic. To get a good ROI on the resume writing service worth, you need to know upfront what a resume writer can do for you. Their job is to prepare the best resume, listing your achievements, skills, and credentials in a way that resonates with target employers. If the resume is written well with industry standards in mind, you are likely to get more interview requests. However, no resume writer can guarantee you an interview with a particular company, let alone the job.
  • Choose an experienced writer and ask for samples. It is best to avoid freelancers and beginning writers. Opt for an established resume-writing company with years on the market and positive customer feedback. Before you order, take a look at their sample resumes to get an idea about the writing style, formatting, and design they offer.
  • Understand your professional goals. A resume writer will help you better if you approach them with a specific career goal in mind. Not just "I want to land the next job in marketing", but "I'm looking for a mid-level marketing manager position in the IT industry that pays X annually". Thus, they'll craft a more focused resume to help you get more target interviews.
  • Look for reviews. Before hiring a professional resume writer, find out what other customers say about them. Read online reviews and testimonials and ask around. Maybe, some of your friends can recommend a good writer. Reviews aren't everything, but if a company has many negative comments or no reviews at all, this is a warning sign.
  • Beware of scammers. With today's volatile job market, there are many dishonest services that will take your money and provide you with a poorly written document that will not help you land a job. Or, they will just take your money and call it a day. Speak to the company's representative before you order, ask them questions about the company and writers' qualifications, and read the Terms of Service to make sure that your money is protected.

Boost your job search with an expert resume writer

Buying a resume is a significant investment, so be sure to choose a company that can best fulfill your needs. Our agency combines wordsmithing skills with industry knowledge to create strong custom resumes for every career situation.

You'll work directly with a writer who will emphasize your skills and qualifications that matter to your target employers. Moreover, we offer unlimited revisions for 14 days and a money-back guarantee to ensure that you will get the best possible resume for your money.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech