Pay Someone to Make My Resume Better and Find a Dream Job


Why hire someone to make my resume online?

Everyone can write an average resume, but writing a resume that stands out is tough. The market is flooded by people who are just as qualified as you. So, you need to prove your worth to a hiring manager in a few seconds. If you don’t work with resumes on a daily basis, crafting one that instantly pushes you ahead of the competition becomes a real struggle. And that’s when the professional resume creator comes into play.

Ways to make my resume look professional

There are three main principles that distinguish a professional resume. First, keep it concise – no more than two pages. Busy hiring managers won’t waste their time reading multi-page resumes. Second, tailor the resume for the positions you’re applying for. All outdated, secondary and less relevant information should go. Last but not least, make it reader-friendly. This means using readable font size, clear subheadings, and enough blank space on the page. Or, find a professional resume writer, and they will take care of these and many other elements of your resume. staffs experienced American and British resume makers. We incorporate the best practices in business communications, resume writing and ATS optimization to create stellar resumes that get our clients noticed. With a strong professional resume, your interview chances will skyrocket. Want to know if your current resume sells you well? Contact us for a free resume review.

How to look for a job while you are employed?

Now that you know how to create a professional resume, it’s time to ease the job search process. Most people look for a new job being currently employed. And when the job offers no personal development in workplace, it makes sense to look for more promising employment. If you’re in the same situation, you need to act stealthily to avoid spoiling the relationship with your current employer. We’ll show you how to combine sending resumes and attending interviews with a full-time job.

  1. Don’t use company resources for a job search
    When you have a few minutes’ break at work, it’s tempting to use it to check recent job postings or answer a couple of emails from recruiters. That’s okay, but don’t use a company laptop or smartphone for that. Corporate email and phone are also a big no-no if you are job-hunting secretly. Most employers monitor the emails and computers, so you’ll get yourself in the trouble. Use your own computer and email account for this purpose.
    Want to know for sure if your employer is spying on you? Check it out:
  2. Stick to a job-hunting schedule
    Combining a full-time job with a job-hunting can drive you crazy if you don’t get organized. Allocate at least one hour every day for job search – sourcing the opportunities, answering emails, scheduling interviews and more. The optimal time is in the morning before work or late in the evening. Having the regimen will help you strike the balance between the two activities.
  3. Keep silent in the office
    Beat the temptation to share the job-hunting news with your coworkers, even those you are friends with. The walls have ears, and what you have secretly told to a few people will reach your boss sooner or later. And if your boss finds out, it will make it difficult to quit on a good note. So, keep the curious interview stories and other details related to the job search to your family and closest friend outside of work.
    If you are planning to quit, read how to leave your job in a professional manner and preserve a good reputation.
  4. Update your LinkedIn account
    The potential employers will look for you online, and one of the first things they’ll see is your LinkedIn page. A 100% complete profile helps you make a professional impression and give comprehensive information about your skills and competencies. Also, it will generate more offers from recruiters through social media. However, avoid publishing that you are looking for new opportunities, as your coworkers or boss might be monitoring your page.
  5. Be cautious in social media
    It’s okay to share a job-hunting post on Facebook only when you’re unemployed. Otherwise, keep discreet in your public accounts. Again, some of your coworkers or managers might be viewing your page. And they’ll be curious to read the tweet about your interview with the company’s competitor that went great. Sharing such information can get you in trouble at work or even lead to termination sooner than you expected. By the way, here’s how to use social media during the job search:
  6. Keep working hard
    Even if you dread your job and can’t wait to find better employment, don’t neglect your responsibilities. A don’t-care attitude can provoke conflicts and won’t let you to quit on a good note when you finally find a new job. So, keep your current job a priority. Dedicate the working hours to your primary responsibilities and don’t sabotage the company’s success and work of others.
  7. Don’t include your current boss and colleagues in the reference list
    When you are still employed, it’s better to focus on references from previous employers, alumni or volunteering projects. If someone who is not aware that you’re job-searching will receive a call from the HR department, that will arise a lot of questions. Since this moment, you’ll be unable to keep everything in secret. Don’t jeopardize your current employment until you get a new one due to workplace safety.
  8. Don’t post your resume online
    Publishing your resume on job board screams “I want a new job ASAP”. Moreover, online resumes can be easily found by your coworkers, supervisor or the HR department. And again, you’ll need to do a lot of explaining. It’s better to send a resume directly to companies in response to job listings, upload through the Career sections of corporate websites, or contact hiring managers directly on LinkedIn.
  9. Use the advantages of tech solutions
    Technology made our lives easier, and this principle applies to job-hunting. There are plenty of resources which can make searching for jobs simpler and more efficient. For example, posts company reviews from employees and salary information. helps optimize your resume for ATS and pass the automated screening. Moreover, there is an abundance of job search apps you can use to screen suitable openings from the smartphone.
  10. Schedule interviews carefully
    Your boss will suspect that you’re secretly looking for a job when you make excuses to leave work a few times a week. Minimize the use of working hours for attending interviews to reduce this suspicion. Try to arrange for interviews early in the morning, in the lunch time or after work. If you tell the interviewer that you are searching for a job secretly, they’ll be more receptive to arranging a meeting at a less convenient time.
    Are you freaked out by interviews? Check out the keys to overcoming job interview anxiety.

To successfully find a new job, keep the fact in job-hunting in secret using the tips above. Don’t risk your current employment, as it might lead to termination even before you find a new company. Maintain the work-life balance, search for the new opportunity from home and stay productive in your current job.

Last but not least, if you’re currently working, it’s a plus for your job-hunting. The recruiters see you as an in-demand, valuable hire. And if the interview doesn’t go very well, the current job works as a safety net.  Moreover, you can spend as much time as necessary to find the right opportunity, as you are not pressed financially and psychologically.

Get your resume professionally done by our expert

A bad resume can cost you lots of missed opportunities. If you are tired of job-hunting with little success and want a resume that would represent you well, contact us. We offer the best online professional CV creation services for professionals across all industries. The pro writer will highlight your skills and accomplishments, making you a more valuable candidate for the prospective employers. Now you can get a resume for sale for cheap – take a look at our resume prices. Get your resume improved and updated, and get the chance to land the job of your dream.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech