Business Professional Resume Tips & Examples


Business professionals should submit impeccable resumes as the competition is severe. Whether you apply for a position in business management, administration, or analytics, it is important to impress hiring managers in mere seconds. According to the research, 40% of recruiters spend under 1 minute on each resume they receive! Therefore, a business resume you submit should cater to the needs of your target employer while emphasizing your value as a professional.

Composing a resume that turns heads is a tough task. In today's article, top resume experts of our website will share actionable tips you can use to write a persuasive resume. On our website, you can also view business resume example composed by our writers.

Have no time to learn the rules? Our website has 100+ resume writers who can build your resume from scratch or improve the one you already have. A business resume writer will take care of the content, wrap up accomplishments attractively, and add powerful keywords. Moreover, the writer will develop a custom resume template that works best for your career situation. Hurry up - discounts up to 20% are available for every new user! Do not forget action verbs and adverbs for your resume!

10 tips to write a strong business resume

When composing a powerful business resume, it's important to market the right facts and qualifications to employers. Make sure to follow these principles:

Know what sections of a business resume are mandatory to include

Building a resume starts with including key information without which you won't be considered. You can find such sections in all resume examples and resume templates. Firstly, add contact information so that the recruiter could reach out to you upon reading your great resume. Second, the resume should show when and in which university received a degree. If you are a recent graduate and the topic of your thesis research directly relates to your target position, indicate it in your resume as well.

Third, you need to add professional experience which is the most important part of your business resume. Include organization or client names, job titles, and list responsibilities you performed using bullet points. Omit the early career positions, but be detailed enough when describing jobs you had in the last 5-7 years. As you can see in a business resume example, other sections are optional and you can add them depending on your career situation.

Choose an effective resume format

There are several formats of resume writing, but your choice of format should be informed. For example, if you lack work experience in a given industry or have career gaps, it's better to opt for a functional resume template. It is used to describe specific work experience and jobs without arranging their order chronologically. Such a resume focuses on education, specialized knowledge and skills, and is also acceptable in case of lengthy career gap or career change.

If work experience is your biggest asset, write a chronological resume, listing all jobs and company names. A chronological or retrospective resume is most suitable for specialists with the long track record in the same field for many years who want to continue their activities in it. A combination resume is used to showcase some special achievements while preserving the chronological sequence of work experience and education.

Avoid using a generic resume

When you're applying for a job as an office manager, sales manager, account executive or a business analyst, make sure to use a targeted resume. Your business resume and cover letter should focus on the exact skills, qualifications and experiences which are demanded by the company. Such qualifications may include new business generation, managing a team, overseeing inventory levels or building relationships with the existing clients. By targeting your business management resume closely, you increase your chances to be shortlisted.

Use a career snapshot at the top

If you've browsed plenty of resume examples on the internet, you know that most of them start with a Career Summary or Summary of Qualifications. This section at the top outlines your most remarkable skills and experiences in 3-4 sentences, and promotes your personal brand. If you still use a resume objective, it's time to craft a summary instead. Focus on 2-3 competencies which are most relevant and significant for your target business job and introduce your superpowers to the company.

Add the right amount of keywords

According to the statistic, 75% of all resumes get rejected by applicant tracking systems. The main reasons for rejecting an application are incorrect formatting which is incompatible with an ATS, irrelevant resume content or the absense of key words. Therefore, it is crucial that you adapt your professional resume to each position you apply. Use the language used in a job posting, such as credentials, skill names, and other qualifications. Since keywords weigh more when placed at the top of the first page, do your best to place them higher.

Keep the document to 1-2 pages

According to a statistic, the ideal length of a business resume is 1-2 pages and no longer than 600 words. This length is ideal to cover work history, scope of responsibility and credentials without getting the reader bored and overwhelmed. If your professional resume exceeds the suggested length, try removing dated and irrelevant jobs. Condense the list of responsibilities as well - experts recommend that you keep each job description to 6-7 bullet points. You needn't tell the entire professional history since the high school - being concise and focused works better.

Avoid using a resume template from the internet

Using a resume builder to generate templates is not the best idea. Although most examples business resume are free, they probably have been used by hundreds of other job-seekers. Therefore, your resume and a cover letter won't look unique to a recruiter. Moreover, many of such business resume template produced by a resume builder are terribly ATS-unfriendly, which may lead to getting your application tossed. It's best to use resume examples from the internet for inspiration and then create your own.

Describe relevant professional skills

Job-related skills is an important block on your business resume example as it shows your assets to an employer in a moment. Moreover, it helps you pass through ATS if your skills are sought by a company and mentioned in a job posting. But don't get carried away - avoid listing obvious skills such as time management or Microsoft Word just for the sake of it. Don't copy someone's skills even from the best resume templates, write about what you can do! Some good skills for business resumes include:

• Business acumen

• Data analysis

• ERP systems

• Client relations management

• Foreign languages (German, Spanish, Chinese, etc.)

• Presentation skills

• Project management

Make it accomplishment-driven, not task-based

Many professionals write a resume that completely consists of daily duties, but this isn't the right approach. Hiring managers are mostly interested in accomplishments and precise results rather than typical responsibilities. Make sure your business resume contains at least 2-3 tangible accomplishments with figures and context. Here's a business resume example of an accomplishment: "Conducted in-depth analysis of project communication, testing, and requirements implementation resulting in cost saving by 15%"

Ensure the accuracy of writing and professional tone

59% of hiring managers will reject a business resume because of typos or grammar issues. Spotless writing is a must, so it's necessary to edit the document for a few times before you submit it to a company. Use an online spell checker to spot minor errors and typos, but don't rely on it completely since no software can detect 100% of mistakes. Edit your business resume by yourself - you may read it aloud or read from paper to faster detect tone of voice issues or poor word choice.

Also, read the job posting carefully. Sometimes the employers post instructions on how to submit the application, or will ask you to add a secret word to resume text to check your attentiveness. Follow each and every instruction to make sure your resume gets read!

How to build a successful business career?

Business resume writing is only the first step towards buildind a fulfilling career. Follow these tips to reach career success once you're hired:

• Identify your goals - set specific goals, say, to become a project manager for Microsoft in 5 years. In this case, you can analyze what education, skills and competencies the people in these positions have and can create your career trajectory.

• Create your personal brand - in its very essense, your brand is the answer to the question "what do I do best?" Identify 2-3 key competencies which your future clients or employers can benefit from. Make sure your business resume example reflects your brand as well.

• Network - have you heard that up to 70% jobs are never advertised and are filled through networking? So, knowing the right people in your industry can give you access to great job openings you wouldn't have gotten otherwise.

•  Maintain your online reputation - since most employers will browse your social media before inviting you for an interview, make sure they all display a professional image. Hide old, controversial or unprofessional posts so that they don't damage your reputation.

Want more resume writing and career advice? Find more free resume tips and resume examples in our blog.

Order a professional, customized business resume today

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