How to List Volunteer Work On a Resume


As you are writing a resume, you’re eager to do everything right. You sweat over highlighting professional accomplishments, reflecting the job progression accurately and picking the relevant keywords. You polish the formatting, layout and design. Yet, you still might be overlooking the importance of one of the resume sections – voluntary work.Volunteering isn’t the mandatory section along with the work experience, skills and education. However, 41% of employers consider ...Continue reading

7 Resume Skills That Will Increase Your Earnings


Your potential for career advancement depends a lot on the skills you have under your belt. Skills and competencies influence your earning potential, too. So, if you feel stuck in your career or would like to earn more, start with developing in-demand skills that will help you excel in the role and negotiate a better salary.Some companies offer in-house training in accordance with your career plan. However, if your employer doesn’t, you can take responsibility for your own career and ...Continue reading

Infographic vs Traditional Resume: When to Use Each


A bright, professionally designed infographic resume can make a lot of difference to your chance of getting employment – provided that you use it in the right way. With the growing popularity of visual resumes, more and more job-seekers use them to stand out from the competition. The supporters of resume infographics say that people are visual creatures and perceive information in pictures better. Yet, if you don’t use it right, an infographic resume can make the opposite effect and ...Continue reading

How to Hide Age On Your Resume? 8 Tips


Increase your chances to get a job in your 50sFor most workers above 50, writing a resume turns into a real challenge. Not only you have to condense the decades of extensive experience into two pages, but also to downplay your actual age. Unfortunately, age discrimination exists. Employers are wary of older candidates for multiple reasons: they assume that the person is overqualified, they doubt their tech skills and the ability to fit into the younger team. Looking for jobs without resume? ...Continue reading

7 Key Components of a Successful Executive Resume


Resume advice from the best executive resume writer serviceSenior-level leaders and executives face stronger competition than mid-level professionals when looking for the next employment. Probably, you have a degree from a prestigious university and a track record of impressive achievements under your belt, but your competitors have them as well. Thus, your new executive resume has to be truly distinctive if you want to land a lucrative leadership role. The executive resume writers of our ...Continue reading

10 Professional Resume Skills for All Types of Jobs


Writing a resume but can’t decide on which skills you should include? Are you supposed to write those skills as a list or give the examples of how and when you used them? Resume skills are meant to show the employer that you can succeed in a role if hired because you possess all necessary knowledge and competencies. At the same time, simply putting everything you can do on a resume isn’t the best idea because it will blur the focus of your resume.To help you put the right skills in ...Continue reading

10 Ways to Improve Your Resume in 30 Minutes


When it comes to the success of your resume, it's the tiny details that make all the difference. A couple of grammar mistakes can disqualify you from the competition whereas a few minor improvements can get your resume liked by recruiters. In today's entry, top resume writers of our team are sharing the ten small improvements you can make to your resume tonight to boost your interview chances.If your resume needs in-depth changes or you don't have a resume at all, ...Continue reading

Resume VS Curriculum Vitae (CV) Difference & Writing Tips


The Difference Between Resume and a CVGoing to apply for a job? Start by figuring out what document the prospective employer expects you to apply with. The two most popular types are CV and resume, and these two terms often confuse job-seekers. Although these documents look similar at the first sight, there is a difference in writing them and each document type has its purpose. Today, our online resume writers are going to explain the difference between the CV and resume and share a few ...Continue reading

10 Things to Add to Your Resume to Make It Outstanding


Let’s face it – most resumes look pretty much the same. They use similar corporate language like “work effectively under pressure” or “possess a strong business acumen”. The structure doesn’t allow much space for creativity either: a career summary, work experience, education and skills. Let alone the fact that the bureaucratic format of a traditional resume doesn’t allow you to show your human side to the hiring person. So, how on earth under ...Continue reading

How to Write a Chronological Resume: 7 Simple Steps


Your path to a new employment, a promotion or an internship starts with creation of a strong, convincing resume. Since you have 10 seconds in average to draw the recruiters’ attention, each aspect of your resume writing should be taken seriously.One of the controversial issues is picking the right format. There are different types of resumes, and each of them is more effective in a particular career situation. Chronological resume is the most popular one among the candidates of all ...Continue reading

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech