Resume upgrade service: 5 signs it's time to hire a resume writer


Most professionals only think of their resumes when considering changing a job or starting a new career. And if it's been over a year since you last updated it, there's every chance that the resume needs a quality upgrade or a complete rewrite.

Modern job market is equally competitive for people across all industries. You have 6 to 10 seconds to capture the attention of a hiring manager, and before that, you need to beat applicant tracking systems that process all incoming resumes. Today, our resume writers are going to help you understand whether your resume needs a quality boost and how to update it on your own.

Want a 100% personalized advice on how to upgrade the resume? offers a free resume review service. Email your resume to us along with a job posting, and our resume writer will evaluate its strengths and shortcomings, providing you with instruction on how to make it better. We also offer custom professional resume writing services if you have no time to wait and want a persuasive resume that would help land your dream job.

5 signs that you need a resume writing service

1) You have a very low response rate. Have you sent, say, 50, 100 or even 200 resumes and hardly heard back from companies? In most situations, such a problem signals that the resume has issues. Maybe, the resume has mistakes that turn off the recruiters, or lacks keywords necessary to pass the ATS. An expert from resume writing services will find the problem and make you visible on the job market. 

2) You are offered lower-paid (or irrelevant) jobs. Here's another situation: recrutiers contact you only to offer jobs beyond your area of interest or jobs you're overqualified for. Say, you're a middle Java developer, but are offered junior-level roles. This means that you fail to advertise yourself and describe your experience accurately. A professionally written resume can save the day, positioning you for the jobs you want. 

3) You don't know the rules. Effective resume composition requires other skills apart from writing. You need to be aware of the current resume trends and practices, understand how to build a keyword optimized resume and how to write result-oriented statements. If all this sounds Greek to you, consider a certified professional writer who will build the document in line with employers' demands. 

4) Your career trajectory has issues. Not all job-seekers have smooth, gradually evolving career path. Chances are, that you took a year off work to raise a baby, changed three jobs in the last six months, or quit the job as an office manager in favor of better-paying data analyst career. A professional resume writer will connect the dots between your past and future career and draw the attention away from career gaps or job-hopping both in a resume and cover letter. 

5) You don't have a cover letter and LinkedIn. Employers expect cover letters even if the job posting doesn't say it. 45% of recruiters will reject a resume for not including a letter. As for LinkedIn profile, a hiring manager will look up you online anyway. So why not save their time and attach a link to a professional LinkedIn profile created for you by the best resume service? 

Professional resume writers can energize your job search and help you land more interviews. Don't miss out - offers 20% discount to every new customer. Contact us on chat to claim your code.

Professional resume writing tips to upgrade a resume

Want to try improving a resume by yourself? Then, follow these rules and strategies:

1) Keep it to 1-2 pages. Entry-level resumes need to take 1 page, while mid-level and executive ones can take 2 pages. Longer resumes are not recommended to turn in as busy recruiters won't have time to review them. 
2) Remove the irrelevant. Get rid of the information that is dated or irrelevant for your job search. Say, if you aim for a senior account manager role, remove the extracurricular activities from college and part-time jobs. 
3) Use a professional email address. Ideally, an email should comprise the first and second name and use a popular domain such as Google or Outlook. "Funny" emails with nicknames turn the hiring managers off. 
4) Adapt it for an applicant tracking system. Insert the keywords from the job posting and describe the experience in the same terms as the job ad does. By the way, resume keywording is included for free when you order resume services from our website. 
5) Add a resume header. Our resume writing service recommends that you use the desired job title, i.e. Senior Technical Writer, as a resume headline. In this way, you make screening easier for recruiters who often fill multiple positions simultaneously. 
6) Use the relevant Skills section. Firstly, it presents all work history and qualifications to employers in a nutshell. Secondly, skills can be used as keywords. Use between 8 and 14 skills and focus on hard and technical proficiencies in the first place. 
7) Keep job descriptions short. Use 6-7 bullets for each job to describe experience and accomplishments. Best resume services insist that this length is sufficient to show qualifications and results you delivered. 
8) Mind the accomplishments. The most effective resumes are accomplishment-driven. Use figures and percentages to give the employer the big picture of what you've accomplished. For example, "Maintained a 95% satisfaction rating over 1 year as a technical support representative"
9) Include computer skills and language proficiency. Resume writing services recommend that certain software skills and knowledge of German, Spanish, or Chinese can bring you a better starting salary, so put any valualbe skills in the visible place. 
10) Take care of formatting and design. Resume builders are not recommended as your resume will look like everyone else's. Format the document on your own, using colors and fonts to draw attention to the most important facts. 
11) Proofread before submitting. 59% of recruiters reject resumes with typos. Check the file for grammar, punctuation and other issues before sending it to a company. You may use online software such as, but don't rely on it completely. The better option is to have the best resume service edit it a a cheap price. 

Why choose our professional resume writing services? has been a trusted provider of resume services for 11+ years. We help professionals from every industry including marketing, healthcare, IT, manufacturing, FCMG, and arts land an interview and pursue their career goals. Our advantages include as follows:

✔ 100+ resume and cover letter writers and editors from English-speaking countries; 

✔ Custom writing process - the writer works one-on-one with you and takes every comment into account; 

✔ Prices start at $87 per resume, which makes us a cost-effective service provider for both student and C-level executives; 

✔ Fast delivery of all packages - it's possible to receive the final product within 48 hours or even 24 hours at a small additional fee; 

✔ Satisfaction guarantee - our resume writing services offer 2 weeks of free revisions, and you can request as many changes as needed until you are happy with the document; 

✔ Job-seekers call us the best resume service - 98% of customers were satisfied with our professionally written resumes and other documents. 

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech