Fresh Resume Trends From Best CV Writing Service


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Want to find a new job this year but feel like your resume is stuck in 2000s? Need to give it a makeover but don’t know where to start? Luckily, we do.

The rules of resume writing evolve and change every few years. Cheap CV writing services report that what was appropriate to include in a resume 5 years ago doesn’t work any longer. And most of these changes are driven by the growing impact of internet and social media in particular on the job application process.

Our best resume writer will share the information of how a modern resume should look like and which fresh trends you should consider using to make your resume sharp, eye-catching and up-to-dated.

Also in this section:

  1. Keywords are more important than ever
    If you haven’t bothered to enrich your resume with relevant keywords, it’s high time you changed the attitude. CV professional writing services inform that majority of big and medium-sized companies already use the applicant tracking systems, and this number will only grow. So, if your resume is not keyword-enriched, the system will pass it.
    In the digital era, it’s hard to overestimate the importance of keywords. If you publish your resume on a job board or social media like LinkedIn, it’s the keywords that make your resume visible for employers. Since they are looking for particular set of skills, if you indicate them on a resume, your chances for interview will tremendously grow.  
    By the way, here you can find how to enrich your resume with keywords appropriately.
  2. Social media become the part of your resume
    A resume is a summary of your skills, qualifications and achievements. In this regard, if you are in a fashion/creative/service industry, your Instagram or Twitter account can pretty much serve as your resume. So, if you have an active professional profile out there, CV writing professional service recommends including a link to it at the top of your resume, right after your e-mail and phone number. Professional social accounts are both the samples of your work and a proof that you are marketing-savvy, which is always valued.
    However, keep the links to your personal profile out of your resume. Obviously, the hiring managers will look up them in Google, so make sure you’ve cleaned all inappropriate information. Here’s how to prepare your online profiles for a job search to make a positive impression.
  3. Soft skills continue to play the vital role in hiring
    If you are confident that it’s only your professionalism and relevant hard skills that determine whether you’ll be hired or not, you live in the past. In the modern world of work, employers realize that they not only hire someone to get the job done – they hire a colleague. And while the hard skills can be learned, a rude and arrogant coworker can slow down the productivity of the entire team.
    Team management, motivation, self-organization, clear communication – all of these skills are critical for any job and successful functioning as a part of the team. That’s why the emotional intelligence is valued and hunted, and this tendency will continue to grow.
  4. Tech skills help you be ahead of the competition
    In the post-industrial economy, all processes tend to become optimized and streamlined through various programs and applications. To come across as a modern and proactive candidate, you need to keep your hand on the pulse of the tech news in the industry and learn the trending software in your field. Needless to say that computer proficiency like programming languages, content management systems and any organization apps you use on a daily basis should be included in your resume, Best CV writing service recommends that you use a separate section for this (i.e. Technical skills or Computer Proficiency).
  5. Creative resumes found their own niche
    There was many debates concerning creative resume types such as inforgraphic resumes and video resumes. Some predicted they wouldn’t last long, while the others insisted that it was the future of an old-fashioned traditional resume. One way or another, consider taking the advantage of this brand new resume type. It is proven that visual resumes make a stronger impact than the text one; it will be especially true in below cases:
    • When applying for job in startups or IT where millenials rule;
    • For any job that in creative industries (i.e. filmmaking, design, fashion, etc.)
    • As a visual companion to a traditional old-school resume to illustrate your achievements and stand out from the other candidates.
      Keep in mind though that government and conservative industries might not welcome resumes which don’t align with their strict guidelines. And, to ensure positive impact regardless of resume type, avoid resume ruining words.
  6. Resumes get easier to skim through
    Thanks to the social media and web content, the way we consume information has changed. People get too lazy to read into the blocks of plain text. We want to read the documents which are well-organized, broken into logical pieces and structured, with lists incorporated and key information highlighted. Basically, your resume needs to look as a well-designed web page, with plenty of white space between the blocks of text. Here’s what else can be done:
    • Keep the number of words per page below 350;
    • Ditch lengthy introductions and career summaries; your resume should not exceed 1 page.
    • Use bulleted lists whenever possible.
      It’s also a good idea to keep each statement of your resume under 140 characters - just as long as the tweet. This advice alone will help with making your resume shorter as you’ll have to think hard how to dense the information into concise statements.
  7. People tend to outsource their resume writing
    In our information-driven society, people have to commit to ongoing learning if they want to be successful at what they do. And, since a resume writing is a time-consuming task, more and more people tend to hire someone to get it written for them.
    There’s an excess of resume writing companies out there, which illustrates the growing demand for services of this kind. Resume writers typically follow the latest trends in resume writing, labor market and the employer’s requirements to the applicants. So, if you’re tired trying to create resume for free, you can get a competitive resume copy written under $100.
  8. Resume branding is here to stay
    Branding has affected all the areas of our life, and resume writing isn’t the exception. The fierce competition has led to the situation when possessing the needed hard and soft skills are far not enough to get noticed. This is especially true for highly competitive and corporate jobs.
    Resume branding is about to highlight your unique offer. Here and there resume experts advice “Find what differentiates you from the other candidates”. If you already have an established brand, make sure your resume is written to match it. For example, your resume might use the same colors your blog uses and your professional motto. Or, if you are a designer, make sure to include your logo or other personal visual elements.
  9. The term ‘job hopping’ becomes a history
    The dominance of technology, growing number of freelancers and people working part-time lead to increasing tolerance to short-term, or gig-type job. The so-called ‘job-hopping’ when a candidate changes jobs that last less than 2 years made an absolutely negative impression in the past. However, the times have changed, and someone changing jobs each 2-3 years is normal.
    Of course, changing jobs every 2-3 months isn’t something you should be proud of. Nevertheless, the period of time we typically work for the same employer in the same role tends to minimize.
  10. References available upon request
    This line at the end of the resume has become obsolete years ago. Make sure you’ve removed it and your resume looks modern.


Resume writing trends change and evolve constantly and new types of resume appear. As an applicant, you need to demonstrate that you’re aware of the recent trends and can use them to your advantage. However, it’s not only your resume that needs to be up-to-dated. The success in a job search is all about understanding the modern requirements of the market and keeping up with them by learning necessary software, developing soft skills and promoting your personal brand.

Modern resume goes visual and needs to have a pleasant design to get noticed. Nevertheless, don’t underestimate the importance of using the right words in your resume. Choose the top powerful resume words and you’ll be surprised at how your resume instantly makes better impression.

Looking to have your old, dull resume refreshed and updated?

The resume experts of our service know the demands of our clients and fulfill them successfully. Our client satisfaction rate exceeds 97%. Your resume will be edited or rewritten in accordance with the latest trends and your requirements. Moreover, you can contact our support team and get a personal discount code for resume writing.

Have you ever applied for jobs using a creative, visual resume? Did you get a job offer?

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Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech