Top Job-Seeking Tips from Resume Building Services


In today’s busy world of work, you don’t have time for delays. Periods of unemployment leave you without a regular paycheck as well as the opportunity to keep your hand on the pulse of what is going on in your industry. Moreover, the periods of job-hunting are always accompanied by stress, especially if finding a new employment take longer than you had expected. To be one of those lucky ones who land a new employment in no time, you need to concentrate all your efforts on job searching and stay positive along the way.

Interested in how to speed up the job search? Start with making sure that your resume is up to scratch. If you suspect that your resume might be the reason you are not getting interviews, consider taking advantage of resume writing services. The executive resume writers of our team are adepts at identifying and correcting the weaknesses and discrepancies in resumes and cover letters across all career fields:

  • At a quite reasonable fee, you can get your resume edited for grammar, stylistics, punctuation and formatting issue and get it 100% prepared for submission.
  • If you need a brand new resume, our writer will create one based on your requirements and the standards of your industry.

It’s been proven multiple times that professionally done resumes generate more responses. So, if you still haven’t found the new job, feel free to contact us to have your resume issues resolved.

9 Tips for job-seekers from resume and cover letter services

  1. Treat your job-hunting as a full-time job
    With the growing competition for the best jobs out there, you need to go an extra mile to land the job you want. That being said, finding a new job is a job itself.  Spending one or two hours of day browsing new job openings and applying for them won’t take you anywhere. The faster you want to find a job, the more proactive you need to be. There are lots of activities which can potentially make you closer to a dream employment: sourcing new opportunities, tailoring your resume and cover letter, networking, volunteering, updating your portfolio, participating in industry events and many more. So, create a detailed action plan (sending out a dozen of resumes in the morning is not a plan) and stick to it.
    If you feel unmotivated for continuous job search, check our advice on regaining your motivation here:
  2. Quality beats quantity
    If you are willing to broaden the geography of job search, the number of available jobs will overwhelm you. Nevertheless, simply mailing your one-size-fits-all resume for all of them is a poor tactic. It’s not the quantity of resumes sent over that brings you results – it’s your ability to tailor your relevant expertise to the employer’s requirements for the role. In other words, ten targeted resumes sent in response for the jobs you are perfectly qualified for will bring more results than fifty non-tailored applications. And if you are still concerned about how long your resume should be, use our resume length tips.
  3. Make sure your resume is flawless
    If you are serious about success of your job search, you should not tolerate poor writing. Before you hit the ‘Send’ button, make sure that your resume is free from typos, spelling and punctuation errors as well as style mistakes. Proofread it multiple times and have someone else to take a look at it just in case you’ve omitted something. Read it out aloud to make sure all the statements make sense and don’t sound confusing. A missing comma or misspelled word won’t automatically put you out of consideration, but the hiring manager will definitely prefer someone who is attentive to detail and can demonstrate it with an error-free resume.
    For other components of successful modern resume, see here:
  4. Network, network, network
    Internet and social media aren’t the only places where you can land a job these days. Moreover, if you want to get hired fast, it’s more important to have connections with the right people. That’s why if you’re actively searching for the job networking should become your primary activity.
    Start with reaching out to everyone you’ve ever worked or studied with, such as former colleagues, ex-boss and even alumni acquaintances. Ask them whether there’s an opening where they work now and if they could recommend you. You can ask for help of friends, family, neighbors – let everyone know that you are job-hunting. Establishing new connections on LinkedIn, professional events and conferences can turn out to be beneficial as well.
    If you’ve been recommended for the role, make sure to mention it in your cover letter or during the conversation with the hiring manager. Top resume services say that it doesn’t guarantee you a job, but definitely puts you top of mind to the hiring manager.
  5. Be super serious about your online presence
    Have you ever wondered what will the employer see when they Google your name? Try doing it on your own to find out. If the first things you see are your public Instagram profile with party pictures and empty LinkedIn page, you’re in trouble.
    Before you start mailing your resume, be sure to clean up your online presence – here’s how to polish your social media for job search. Change your privacy settings to make sure recruiters won’t see anything they might find inappropriate. Even your personal profiles such as Facebook should look neat and professional. Set up your LinkedIn profile if you haven’t done so yet – applicants with complete and active profile usually get more responses. If you apply for senior level roles, take care of your personal brand by creating a website or blog.
  6. Impress the employer with your portfolio
    For certain job openings (such as journalism and web writing, design, programming, etc.) employers typically ask to provide a portfolio of previous work. If it applies to your field of work, bring the folder with your best work samples for an interview and accompany them with letters of recommendation and your application documents. If it doesn’t, still think about the way you can give an insight into the results of your previous work. For example, you can prepare a case of the situation you resolved on the previous work or provide testimonials from your former clients.
    You can go above and beyond their expectations by creating a personal website with samples, your bio, testimonials and blog. Moreover, having a personal website will contribute to your positive online image.
  7. Create a meaningful cover letter
    Resume making services say that although there’s an ongoing argument about the necessity of cover letter in 2018, there are two truths you should know. First, the fact of attaching a cover letter still matters. Even if the hiring manager doesn’t read them, applicants who sent a cover letter are usually top of consideration. And second, your cover letter should be meaningful and creative. Formal cover letters don’t work any longer.
    A job-winning cover letter is always meaningful, creative and targeted. Make sure that your writing conveys important information about your background and complements your resume, not reiterates it. If you are a creative type, think of an unusual approach to present your credentials and strengths. However, more importantly, a good cover letter connect you with the role, showing in which areas you could potentially excel if hired and highlighting the cultural fit.
    If you need in-depth advice, read our guidance on how to write an excellent cover letter.
  8. Practice interviewing for perfect results
    Even a perfect resume doesn’t guarantee a perfect interview. If you’re actively job-hunting, interviews will take a huge amount of your time and will actually determine your future career path. As well as with any other skills, handling interviews perfectly comes with practice. Take your time to practice answers to common interview questions, your speech and body language at home with your friend or spouse. Ask for feedback after actual job interviews – a hiring manager’s insights will help you see yourself from the side and correct your mistakes. And this will accordingly open you the way to winning group interviews and face-to-face ones. It’s also a good idea to send a thank you note after every interview.
    Moreover, if you experience interview stress, regular practice will inevitably minimize it, so after ten or fifteen interviews you’ll feel more relaxed and confident.
  9. Proactivity and persistence is the key
    In terms of personality traits needed to win the job, these two are most important. Being proactive means stop waiting for the right job to show up and take every opportunity that could potentially lead to employment. Cold calling, reaching out to corporate websites, giving out your visiting cards during industry events, using social media and your professional network – all is worth trying when it comes to your career success. You won’t feel positive and inspired about the job search all the time. However, having a job search plan and strategy and sticking to them will inevitably lead you to success in job search.

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Need resume writing assistance?

If you experience any problems with step one of your job-hunting journey – writing a resume – feel free to contact us. Awareness of hiring practices, resume writing methodology and dedication to quality writing makes our company the top choice for clients from the US and Canada. Whether you need to update your current resume or to create a new one according to your new career goals, we’re here to help. We offer 1 to 5 days turnaround and ongoing contact with your writer if you have any questions.

Resume writing looks dull? Drop us a line so we could create a resume which reflects your skills and qualifications best.

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Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech