Cover Letter Writer Service: Help for Graduates


For the university graduates, the first employment matters. Getting hired by a reputable company is a must for those looking to build a successful career afterwards. However, the competition for those attractive corporate openings is huge, too, and you need to have your resume and cover letter written up to scratch to get a chance for the personal interview.

Land your first job successfully with a cover letter service

Quite often, recent graduates underestimate the importance of a well-written cover letter and see it as a pure formality. Meanwhile, a cover letter is a great place to outline your key skills, communicate your personality and highlight your enthusiasm even before the employer puts their hands on your resume. A weak (or no) cover letter tends to be seen as lack of motivation and interest in the position.

You never get the second chance to make a first impression – so, the covering letter should be eye-catching and absorbing from the first lines. If you struggle creating a great letter, don’t leave your future career to a chance and contact our writing experts to get one. Our company has created thousands of cover letter for job-seekers of all career levels – and we can craft a high-impact cover letter and create professional resume  to help you win more interviews. Moreover, we have special discounts for students and graduates – learn more about our pricing policy.

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Writing a graduate cover letter: 10 tips

  1. Use the traditional business letter structure
    Although a cover letter tends to become more informal and creative over the past years, it still remains a business letter – and you should stick to this idea while writing. Align the recipient’s address to the left, use single spacing and limit the letter length by one page – for a graduate, that’s the optimal length.
    You don’t have to write the full page, though – 3 to 4 paragraphs are usually enough to outline your key points without bothering the hiring manager with unnecessary detail. Use one of the common fonts (Arial or Times New Roman), 10-12 pts. Be sure to stick to the formal writing style, avoid using slang and conversational language. The structure should be formal as well, with the introduction, body and closing.
    Choosing the appropriate length for your resume is important as well – for a graduate, it’s usually one page. For more information about picking the resume length, see here:
  2. Address the hiring manager by the name
    By addressing the hiring authority directly, you establish a personal connection with them and highlight your particular interest in the role (since you’ve taken your time to find out whom to address your application to). If the hiring manager’s name isn’t specified in a job posting, you can use LinkedIn to find out who is responsible for hiring in your target company. Or, if the internet research didn’t bring results, it’s acceptable to call to the company and find out the hiring manager’s name and whether you should address them as Mr. or Mrs. If you address the person by the name, don’t forget to use ‘Yours sincerely’ at the end of the letter.
    Addressing your letter to ‘Dear Hiring Manager’ is acceptable if you didn’t manage to figure out who will be reviewing your application. In this case, use ‘Yours faithfully’ in the closing.
  3. Mirror the language used in a job opening
    Curious where to get started with writing your covering letter? Our cover letter services suggest that you read the job posting carefully, highlight the key qualifications and skills required for the role – these are most likely to be keywords. And then, get down to writing a letter using the same wording and phrases used in a job ad.
    What you will achieve by that? First of all, since many employers use applicant tracking software, using the words from a job posting increases your chance of passing the automated selection. And secondly, when a hiring manager will be skimming through your letter, you’ll increase the likelihood of getting a closer review and the interview invitation accordingly.
    Never copy the entire sentences or statements from the job posting – it will bring the opposite result. Use the keywords smart. Here’s our guide to enriching your application with relevant keywords:
  4. Don’t repeat the information from your resume
    A cover letter is written not to reiterate the facts from your resume, but to complement them. It should intrigue the reader with the key highlights from your background and motivate them to spend more time reviewing your resume. This rule works for all career levels.
    What a good cover letter should do is to show your personality and enthusiasm. For example, if you’ve just obtained the Master’s in finance management, you can explain what drives you most in the career line you’ve chosen. Any potential ‘red flags’ in your resume (such as changing the major or taking a year off your studies) should be explained in cover letter as well.
    As a rule, a cover letter is being written after the resume. If you haven’t created the resume yet, write it first, using our graduate tips for help with making a resume.
  5. Create a strong opening paragraph
    Here are a few quick hints on what a good opener should contain:
    1. A name of the position, the source of job posting and the job code (if any) – since mid-sized and big companies often have multiple job openings, this will avoid the confusion and ensure that your covering letter is to hand. Moreover, it helps the hiring managers to identify the most effective recruitment channels.
    2. A name of your reference – mentioning that someone from the company has recommended you for the role increases your chances for interview significantly.
    3. A quick overview of your qualifications and enthusiasm in joining the organization. In a few words, summarize your key qualifications for the role to introduce the letter content to a reader. Also, indicate that you’re highly motivated to join the company – it’s considered a good tone.
  6. Be detailed about your educational background
    Since your recently obtained degree is your biggest asset so far, be sure to stress it in your cover letter. Include the full information about your degree, concentration and maybe the most significant coursework, if it’s relevant to the prospective job. Be sure to mention any academic distinctions or awards, such as Dean’s list, publications or high GPA – corporate employers typically look for candidates with a track record of academic achievements. However, don’t just share the fact that you did well in school – explain how your educational background makes you a perfectly fitting candidate for the role.
  7. Include the internships, trainings and transferrable experience
    If you have any experience apart from academic one, feel free to mention it in your cover letter. Student internships, part-time jobs, volunteering affairs and even irrelevant summer jobs are all fine to include. When writing about the relevant experience, both paid and unpaid, highlight how you used the qualities required for the job you’d like to get (for recent graduates, the most in-demand traits are teamwork, ability to learn quickly, time management, and organization) and how you applied the knowledge gained in your studies.
    Don’t have any relevant experience? Then, even irrelevant summer jobs deserve being mentioned – but be sure to highlight how this experience transfers into the job. if you can’t find any connections between the skills you’ve learned and the prospective role, leave it off.
    When you get hired, remember that not all topics can be discussed in the office – there’s the list of taboo topics for colleagues.
  8. Put the job and the company in focus
    Saying that you are ‘excited about joining the company’ in the first paragraph isn’t enough to capture the hiring manager’s attention. In addition to that fluffy statement, show that you’ve done your homework and explain the reason for this excitement or highlight how you could contribute to their success.
    For instance, you can show that you share their corporate values and would like to participate in eco-friendly projects that they launch. Or, mention that you could minimize their expenses using the findings of the research you’ve done in the university. The stronger is the connection between your professional interests and the company’s goals, the higher is the chance that you’ll be invited over for an interview.
  9. Let them know that you’ll follow up
    The closing paragraph of the letter is typically used to thank the hiring manager for their time and attention, express the willingness to join the team once again and would like to be invited for an interview. However, simply expressing your interest isn’t the best tactic. Instead, let the hiring manager know that you’ll follow up to find out about the status of your application – and be sure to do so in a week or two if you don’t hear back from anyone. Telling that you’ll follow up on the status of your resume will let the company know that you’re really interested.
    If you have got an interview invitation, it’s no time to rest on your laurels – check out what to do after the interview to strengthen the positive impression.

After you’ve completed the writing process, do your cover letter a final check. Proofread it to eliminate mistakes and support your reputation as a detail-oriented individual. Make sure that your letter makes good positive impression, is easy to skim through and looks neat in general. If you are looking for a job without a resume, check out this article

Not getting interviews? Cover letter writing services can help

If you apply for entry-level jobs you’re qualified for but still don’t hear back from anyone, it’s time to give your resume and cover letter a professional makeover. Our experts with 9+ years of experience in resume writing will be glad to help you with launching your career with a reputable employer.

The perfect graduate cover letter should exude enthusiasm, ability to collaborate with others and learn on the go supported with your academic and extra-curricular achievements. We can create a letter according to your requirements and tailor it for a specific role. Satisfaction is guaranteed – if you aren’t 100% satisfied with your letter, the cover letter writer will revise it absolutely free of charge.

Not sure if your resume is effective enough to win an interview for you? Contact us for a free resume critique, and get your resume evaluated by a professional writer.

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