Relocation Cover Letter: Tips from Cover Letter Proofreader


Are you planning to relocate to a new area or are just open to moving to a new city if the right opportunity arises? In this case, you need to take extra care of your application documents to compete with local job-seekers. If you are curious about how to reflect the relocation in your cover letter or how to write a CV for relocation – read below.

I need help writing a cover letter!

In most cases, applying for jobs in other states or overseas is a huge challenge. Including a physical address that is located far away from the job area might be seen as a red flag by an employer. And, just like any other red flag (job-hopping, career gap, etc.), it should be addressed properly on your application documents. Your relocation cover letter should be strong enough to appeal to a reader. Using relocation cover letter samples to help yourself with formatting is a great idea.

The seasoned experts of our resume writing service can explain any career challenge to your advantage. Our staff writers have 2+ years of experience with resume creation and have helped thousands of clients land better jobs with quality written, keyword-enriched resumes. So, if you struggle to find employment in a new city, don't hesitate to contact us and get your resume and cover letter done professionally. Relocation cover letters written by our team are strong, convincing, relevant to the job opening, and match the job title requirements.

Creating a cover letter for relocation

Relocation to a new area is a time-consuming process, so you should start early on. First of all, research the job market in the area where you're planning to move to make sure you'll have enough job opportunities to choose from. The best scenario is to relocate when you already have a job offer – it will save you money.

Keep your career level in mind. As a rule, if you are a senior specialist or an executive, you'll find it easier to get a job in a new city – companies are ready to go to great lengths to attract highly qualified staff and management. You are more likely to get a job interview if your relocation cover letter format clearly communicates your experience and qualifications. On the other hand, entry- and mid-level professionals might struggle to compete with the local job-seekers who are just as qualified as they are. Nevertheless, it only means that you will need to make extra effort and probably agree to relocate at your own expense. Make sure that the relocation fits into your career plan (if you don't have a career plan yet, here's why you need it:

Why address a relocation issue in a cover letter?

As a rule, covering letter is reviewed first, and based on what they read the hiring manager decides whether a resume is worth consideration. Moreover, a cover letter is more of a personal document and is perfect to refer to any work-related issues that don't belong to your resume. Thus, hiring managers do pay attention to what you actually write in your relocation cover letter before you get an invitation for a face to face interview or in person meeting.

Where to mention your willingness to relocate?

There are two popular scenarios for explaining the relocation issue: in the first paragraph of the letter and in the closing one.

The first option works best when the company attracts talents countrywide and relocating candidates there is quite routine. In this case, you can end an introductory paragraph with ‘I am willing to relocate for the job at your earliest convenience'.

However, if you need to explain the relocation in further detail, it's better to do so in the closing paragraph. This approach is better for companies that typically hire local candidates. Moreover, it allows you to focus on the job and qualifications at the top of the letter and, therefore, gives the target company more chances to fall in love with you.

Addressing the relocation issue: tips from professional writers

  • Highlight your connection with an area
    If you have previously lived or studied in the town or have a family member living there, be sure to inform the potential employer about it. This will let them know that you are familiar with the location and will take less time to accommodate a new environment. Looking for a job remotely often means that you'll have to pass a lot of phone interviews. Learn how to do a phone interview in the right way. This information should also be mentioned during in person interview.
  • Explain your reason for relocation
    If the company isn't specifically hunting you, they will be cautious when dealing with candidates applying remotely, and that's a normal practice. To convince the employer that you're a safe bet, you need to give a grounding for your relocation.  If you relocate for personal reasons (better climate, moving for your spouse, etc.), give the employer a solid reason that has motivated you to relocate. Highlight that you are moving permanently and are looking for a long-term, full-time position. If you're willing to move because of a higher salary and better career prospects, be sure to emphasize your dedication to your career. The best cover letter triggers the interest of the reader and yet does not leave too many open questions.
  • Show that you've done the research
    When creating a cover letter for relocation, you should be as specific about the company and the location as possible. Before writing that letter, do your research on the company and demonstrate your knowledge of the company, its challenges, and its products in your cover letter. Additionally, you can highlight your knowledge of the area and its perspectives for your career, if any, to demonstrate that you are serious about your relocation decision. Find a sample cover letter guide online to get a better idea of how to write a great cover letter. A perfect cover letter sample will save you a wealth of time.
  • Downplay the location factor
    If you're not aiming for a top-level role where companies are willing to attract qualified candidates at all costs, you might need to do some extra work to downplay the fact you're located in another state. One of the popular tricks is to use a local address. However, be aware that if you've indicated a local address, the employer won't compensate your travel expenses if you're invited for an interview, and the chances are that you'll have to fly for an interview in a rush. The better tactic is to say that you're already in the middle of the relocation process and, if you want that job at all costs, you can also mention that you're willing to relocate at your own expense. Therefore, you minimize the employer's expenses for hiring and your candidacy will be more welcomed.
  • Make your cover letter flawless
    Ideally, upon a cover letter review the hiring manager should reach out to their phone and invite you out for an interview. Although such cases are rare, a well-written cover letter increases your chances of getting an interview call. So, you should put extra effort into composing the letter until it's perfect in all aspects. Include your most important and relevant experience and highlight the accomplishments to show your orientation at the result. Mention any extra training that qualifies you for the position, academic degree, or volunteering projects. List the relevant skills with examples of how you've applied them. If you manage to convince the hiring manager that you're a perfect candidate, the relocation won't be a major issue any longer. When writing a cover letter, be sure to avoid the don'ts of a cover letter that turn the employers away.

There are several ways to mention relocation in your cover letter – use the method that fits your career situation and company time best. In some cases, one sentence in an opener is enough, and sometimes you'll need to expand on the issue for a few sentences. Therefore, choose a relocation cover letter template that meets your needs the most.

Should I address the relocation issue on my resume?

Typically, your desire to relocate is not mentioned on a resume. However, if the company asks to apply with a resume only, you can address the relocation issue at the end of your career summary, i.e. ‘Willing to relocate for the job'.

Want a guide to creating a high-quality resume? Check out how to create an effective modern resume.

Struggle to create a relocation cover letter? Our experts can help

Relocation is a serious step in your career, and finding a job at a distance is more difficult than getting hired by a local company. Therefore, you want a cover letter that addresses your relocation issue effectively so that the employer gets interested in your candidacy. Using writing tips and relying on sample relocation cover letter is a good idea, but our writers can take this burden of your shoulders and help you land a new job faster.

Resume experts on our team are ready to edit your existing cover letter or create a new one, especially for jobs that require relocation. We provide quality writing, timely delivery, and targeting your cover letter for a particular job posting. Our writer will consider all your requirements and will work on your letter until you're 100% satisfied as per our satisfaction guarantee. You can also get your resume, CV, and LinkedIn profile created and be totally prepared for job-hunting. We keep our prices moderate: check out our resume packages and discounts.

Relocation cover letter sample

Now that you are aware of the ways to describe relocation in your cover letter, take a look at a good example:

Relocation cover letter example

Image source:

Note that this candidate mentions the relocation issue right front so that the hiring manager will continue reading the letter even though the candidate is located in a different state. After that, the job-seeker lists their strengths and excellent academic performance, which, in their opinion, will be beneficial for the organization. And finally, they show their familiarity with the area and willingness to attend face-to-face interviews whenever it's convenient for an employer.

How to write a relocation letter: Key takeaways

Above, we've listed the practical ways to list your intent to relocate for the job. To describe your unique situation effectively, use the following principles.

  • Show your connection with the area or employer. Did you study in the city you're planning on moving to, and have friends or family there? Make sure the letter reflects that. Did you work for the company's branch before or were you an employee of their main client? Mention this as well. Are you moving for personal reasons? This deserves to be mentioned, too.
  • Demonstrate your fit for the role.The relocation issue is important, but don't make it a central point of your letter. First and foremost, focus on everything that makes you a valuable fit for the role: your experience, education, and accomplishments. Research the company so that you can highlight your fit more effectively. Find a relocation cover letter example that matches your exact situation!
  • Be concise and attentive to detail, as usual. Like a traditional cover letter, a relocation letter should not exceed one page unless you're in academia. 3-4 short paragraphs will work great. Don't forget to proofread the letter to exclude any occasional mistakes, double check your name and contact details. Do not forget a proper letter ending.

Have you ever written a cover letter for relocation?

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