Where to Buy Resume That Will Work?


A good resume is your advertisement and an elevator pitch. Rather than throwing light on your detailed career history, it emphasizes the skills, credentials and accomplishments for the role you’re planning to obtain. At a very first sight, the recruiter or a hiring manager can clearly see how you relate to the position and what you can bring to the table if hired. Is your resume like this? If it isn’t, you might be missing out a lot of opportunities.

If writing your own resume looks overwhelming, then you might be interested in getting one created for you by a resume expert. But where to find a professional who can craft the best CV for you? How to get the product which is worth the money? If you are still confused, our experts can help.

Who can make a resume for me?

Resumeperk.com staffs only experienced resume writers who excel at creating winning resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles. The process is as simple as never – just send us your old resume (or fill out the questionnaire if you don’t have one), your target job ad and get a brand new resume written exclusively for you right on time. No more worries if your resume is good enough – our writer will take care of everything.

Unlike many other companies, we won’t charge you a fortune – our prices are affordable even for university graduates. Moreover, we offer lucrative discounts on all-inclusive packages. Not sure if you need professional assistance? Contact us today to discuss your career goals and expectations from your resume.

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Signs that your resume is hopelessly outdated

A quality resume must be written in accordance with the expectations of today’s employers – and these expectations constantly change and evolve. If your resume is totally out of fashion and looks like it was written in the 1990s, the recruiter might think that you are either over 50 (and reject your application based on this fact) or you’re not good with technology. Moreover, if you don’t know how a modern resume should look, you’re likely to fail the ATS selection. So, if you still wonder why hire a professional resume writer, here’s the answer: to make your resume look modern and fresh.

Here are the surefire signs that your resume will look old from the employer’s perspective:

  1. You still use an objective statement instead of a summary
    Objectives used to be popular over 10 years ago, and now they’re increasingly replaced with summaries. Why? An objective tells the prospective employers what you expect to get from them, whereas the summary explains why you are the best candidate to fill their position. Summaries have more to do with the employer’s goals, so by crafting a good summary, you’ll capture their attention and motivate them to read the entire resume.
    Are you a customer service professional? Then, you’ll benefit from these tips for writing an absorbing customer service resume.
  2. You list your personal interests
    In a modern resume, every line matters. Wasting the resume space just to mention that you enjoy cooking on days off, jog or practice yoga makes no sense. Your hobbies deserve to be included only if they relate directly for the job you’re aiming for (for example, saying that you dance for fun might add you extra points if you apply for a role as a fitness instructor). In all other cases, get rid of this section. All in all, you can save the information about hobbies for an interview if you need something to talk about.
    Not every subject of discussion is good for an interview, though. There’s a list of forbidden questions to ask at an interview – read it to make sure you’ve made only positive impression.
  3. You always end the resume with “References available upon request”
    Years ago, finishing your resume with this statement was a common practice. Now this phrase only confuses the reader – why write about something which is obvious? Of course, you are expected to have a list of references at hand and e-mail it to your prospective employer or bring it to an interview. By the way, don’t make the references the part of your resume – prepare them on a separate sheet.
    When you ask for references, you expect to hear only the good things about your personality type and performance. The best way to ensure that your current boss say a lot of good about you is to actually act like a perfect employee. Here’s how you can do it: https://resumeperk.com/blog/watch-and-learn-top-15-qualities-of-the-ideal-employee.
  4. You list your entire career history since the year you graduated
    Maybe, you’ve heard that the honesty is the best policy. However, it doesn’t mean that you need to include each and every job you had since the graduation. Not only this makes the resume unnecessarily long, but also shows that you didn’t bother to tailor your resume for the employer’s needs (which is a must for today’s good resume). As we’ve mentioned above, a resume is your promotional tool, not your career chronology – so it needs to be focused on the most recent and most relevant experiences. Career experts recommend that you include the last 10-15 years from your professional history.
  5. You are very detailed about your education
    The education section is highly important for students and graduates. However, being detailed about your university if you’ve been working for decades is nonsense. The key thing about a quality resume is its timeliness – you need to focus on the most relevant experiences. Moreover, when you mention the graduation date in your resume from the 20th century, it makes you look unbelievably old for a millennial recruiter.
    Hint: if you graduated over 10 years ago, you should only leave the school name and degree. Nobody is interested in a GPA and college awards of an experienced professional.
  6. You reiterate each and every job function
    Resume is written not to list each task or responsibility that you were ever assigned. First and foremost, it should be written with an emphasis on the results you delivered for the previous employer and your professional accomplishments. Secondly, your job description shouldn’t be too long – 5-6 bullets for your responsibilities and the same for your accomplishments are enough. In a modern resume, accomplishments should be supplemented with figures and percentages to showcase your business impact.
    If your work experience section reads like a work description, it means that your resume is seriously out of date. Cannot prioritize the facts from your career history and figure out what to save and what to leave out? Ask professional resume writers online to do this for you.
  7. You include obvious and outdated skills
    If you decide to include a list of professional skills, avoid including the skills which should be a given or skills which are obsolete. For instance, including Internet or MS Office as your special skills, you’ll only make the employer raise their eyebrows – this is something that even elementary school students can do. Revise your resume for outdated skills and software proficiencies as well. You want to look like a tech-savvy, modern professional, not like someone who is stuck in 2000s.
    Want to work your way up the career ladder? Read here how to do it effectively: https://resumeperk.com/blog/brief-guide-to-achieving-work-success.
  8. Your resume is black and white, with no formatting and design applied
    Of course, formatting and design aren’t everything when it comes to resume efficiency. But without proper formatting, your most significant qualifications and skills are likely to remain unnoticed. Moreover, if the formatting is eye-catching, there are more chances that the recruiter will keep their eye on it and read more of your resume content.
    You need a resume which is well-structured, neat, formatted clearly yet professionally. It is acceptable to use another color except for black.
  9. Add a link to your LinkedIn profile
    Although you needn’t include links to your private social media pages (hiring managers will find them anyway), pasting a link to your LinkedIn profile or a professional website is highly recommended. By doing so, you’ll demonstrate your technology awareness and build your online brand. However, be sure to check your profile before including that link and remove any inflammatory or inappropriate content. Fill out your profile completely – it will also help the recruiters find you via search and contact you with relevant job offers.

Where to get a resume written? We know the answer

If you feel that your resume is slightly out of date, consider contacting the writing professionals to get it updated as per the standards of modern resume writing. Resume writers of Resumeperk are ready to assist you with the resume of any career level and industry, tailoring your resume at a specific type of jobs to help you get noticed faster. Moreover, we offer and encourage direct communication with the writer so you could ask any questions and discuss your project in detail. We’ve already helped thousands of clients worldwide with their resumes and will be glad to create a resume that sells you to the prospective employer in the best possible way.

We work 24/7 and can complete your resume and a cover letter in as little as 24 hours without compromising the quality of writing. Anytime you need a new resume, write us.

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Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech