
Problems Of Gender Wage Gap: 10 Facts


Although the equality between men and women is promoted in all spheres of life, such problem as gender wage gap still exists.  Many have heard that women typically earn less than men on the similar role, however, not everyone understands the scope of the problem. According to, women make only 80 cents for every dollar men make. In other words, to make the amount a man made in 2016, a typical woman will have to work until the 12th of April, which is known as Equal Pay Day.Such ...Continue reading

Main Differences Between Workaholic And Hard Worker


Probably, everyone has heard about workaholics – people who are so obsessed with their job routine that they can’t relax for a second. They work for 12 hours (or more!) per day, constantly check the mail and answer phone calls, and bring their work home. And, although workaholic approach is considered an addiction, looks like this addiction is approved countrywide. Unlike the other addicts, workaholics are often seen as hard-working personalities and even have a good reputation at ...Continue reading

How To Quit Your Job In The Right Way


Quitting your job is a hard decision. It is often preceded by the month of job dissatisfaction, professional stagnation or the overall feeling of unhappiness. There are a number of signs that it’s time to leave your job; and if you’ve found yourself within that description, now is the best time to move on.Making a decision to quit is only a halfway, though. The hardest task is to quit in the right way. Quitting your job isn’t the best time to be impulsive and reveal your ...Continue reading

Secrets How To Ask For A Raise: Just Follow These Tips


Asking for a salary increase can be exceptionally stressful. Even if you feel that you have a proper reasoning to receive a higher compensation, you might be daunted by the perspective of getting a refusal.According to Payscale, only 20% of employees agree that they are fairly compensated, while 40% of their bosses believe that the employees are comfortable with the salary levels. Thus, your boss might not even suspect that you would like to earn more, and the only way to resolve it is to ...Continue reading

Useful Tips How To Behave At Office Company Party


A corporate party is the perfect event to socialize with coworkers, make new acquaintances within the organization you work for and, if you’re lucky and sociable enough, even advance your career. However, all of the above is only possible if you know how to behave at parties of this kind.Although corporate parties are organized to let the staff relax and have fun, they are still business events and require an appropriate conduct. So, lots of things you’re used to doing when ...Continue reading

Must-Dos And Don'ts For Modern Resume You Should Know


Just like every field influenced by technology, resume writing rules constantly evolve. Some of the things that considered acceptable and necessary to include into your resume 10 years ago now look inappropriate.Moreover, various online journals and career coaches sometimes share quite the opposite advice (you’ve probably heard the discussions about whether your resume should fit into one page). So, for an average job-seeker it can be a tough task to put the resume together. Which tips ...Continue reading

Have You Asked Yourself What To Do After The Interview?


The interview is over, and you can walk out of the door and breathe out. You did your best and definitely impressed the hiring manager with your experience, your skills and personal traits. You used the best of interview advice to stand out and you hope that this job will be yours. However, now everything is up to the hiring manager.Is it really so? Have you ever wondered what you should do after the interview to maximize your chances for the job? Luckily, there are. Even in today’s ...Continue reading

10 Forbidden Habits During Job Interview


Many job-seekers feel relieved as soon as they get a desired Job Interview invitation from a hiring manager. Obviously, your resume had what it takes to convince the recruiter you might be a good fit for the position. However, an interview is just another chance for you to sell your professionalism and skills, this time in a form of face-to-face conversation. And you should make every effort to make an interview a success, as the tiniest mistake can cost you a job.You’ve probably already ...Continue reading

Top 15 Questions To End The Interview With


How to impress the hiring manager during the interview? The candidates all over the world are obsessed with this question. Interview coaches share the advice on what to wear, what to say and how to influence the interviewer’s opinion using the body language.  One of essentials of any successful interview is the art of asking the right questions.If your resume was good enough to get your foot to the door, the final outcome of application process will depend on how well you promote ...Continue reading

9 Ways To Present Athletic Experience During The Interview


Are you one of those graduates who were a part of college football team and participated in various competitions? Then, are you sure you have utilized this experience in your resume and during interviews correctly?Even if you’ve decided not to continue your athletic career, your athletic experience still can become your advantage even if you’re applying as a bank teller. Your sports experience has probably taught you a set of qualities which are valued high by recruiters. So, ...Continue reading

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO