Unexpected Benefits Of Using Resume Writing Help


Resume writing help

Today more and more job-seekers ask for resume writing help to survive in the competition. It’s often said that a professionally written resume will generate you more interviews than the one you’ve written by yourself. And it’s no surprise: an experienced resume writer who is well aware of the labor market trends, the demands of the employers and knows how to market you better will probably do the better job. First job resume tips can be found here.

Nevertheless, if you’ve never cooperated with a professional resume writer, you probably don’t realize all the benefits of this cooperation. Here we will outline why you should consider getting your resume done by a professional and how it can help you and your career.

How can a professional resume writer improve your resume, exactly? 

If you’ve never paid for a resume writing service before, the advantages of such cooperation might not be obvious. We’ll talk about many benefits of getting a resume professionally done below. But first, let us quickly highlight what exactly a resume consultant can do for you: 

Tailor your resume for a target job description 

Let’s imagine you’ve found a dream job posting that offers challenging tasks, great employee benefits programs and opportunities to grow using their internal training programs. To get noticed and shortlisted by a human resources manager, you need to submit a resume written specifically for this position. 

The resume should reflect relevant skills, achievements and keywords specific to your target role. Say, if you apply for a Digital Marketing Manager position, no need to list your work experience with offline channels. A resume writer will focus on the digital campaign management only to help you look as the best candidate for this specific employer. 

Choose the top skills to display in Skills section 

Skills and qualifications section should be filled with keywords and high-value skills that matter for getting you hired. A resume writer will add the most important skills for potential employers. With a highly relevant skills section your resume is more likely to pass the ATS and you’ll make a better impression as an employee. 

Fix the ‘red flags’ that turn off the hiring managers 

Sometimes great professionals struggle getting interviews because of resume shortcomings. You may be not aware of them, but your job searching will suffer. The examples of biggest resume issues for recruiters are: gaps in work history, experience in irrelevant industry, typos or poor grammar, unprofessional design, and including personal information. 

A resume pro will help you build a strong resume by eliminating any issues that may raise questions. With all shortcomings fixed, you’ll be way ahead of other applicants and get better employment prospects with the company. 

Choose the perfect resume design 

If you use a resume template from the interview, it won’t secure you an interview. The problem with template resumes is that many other candidates used them, so you won’t achieve much results with such a resume.  

Our resume writing service will develop a custom design that highlights your education, strengths and a benefits of hiring you for an employer. Your resume will inevitably catch the attention! 

Help you stand out with accomplishments 

When writing their own resume, job-seekers often understate their accomplishments and miss their chance. Our experts will draw the attention to your achievements, such as Master of Business Administration degree, experience in leading diverse team of employees, or a track record in boosting sales and profitability. Thus, you’ll have a higher chance of getting noticed and hired! 

Now, let’s take a look why resume writing help can save your job search. 

You save the precious time
If you take the job search process seriously, you do realize that it’s a lot of work. Actually, an active job search can take as much time and effort as full-time job does! Constantly browsing for new job postings, updating online profiles and rewriting your resume in a way that YOU think will appeal to a potential employer…

Stop. If you aren’t a career coaching/resume writing professional, you can’t know for sure which version of your resume works. And you’ll waste a lot of precious time trying to figure it out from practice.

Moreover, if you still have a job, you won’t be able to devote hours every day to all job search activities.
So, under these circumstances, paying a professional for help with resume writing is a bargain, as you’ll have a working version of your resume at hand. You’ll only need to apply for relevant jobs, which saves you a lot of time.

Also in this section:

“Professional” means quality writing
Some experts believe there’s a tight correlation between someone’s quality of writing and job performance. And here’s why this is essential:

  • Today, many jobs require you to clearly communicate in written. More importantly, if you are a journalist/blogger/PR manager, writing IS your bread and butter. So, if you apply with a resume full of typos or errors, it will question your professionalism.
    By the way, if you want to check your resume for punctuation mistakes, these proofreading techniques can be very helpful: https://resumeperk.com/blog/tips-for-flawless-resume-proofreading
  • Resume errors can be seen as lack of attention to detail, or even lack of interest in the position. Is this the impression you are trying to make?

Moreover, it isn’t all about grammar and punctuation. The overuse of slang and abbreviation don’t contribute to the quality of your resume either.

A quality resume is the one that you enjoy reading, and that is easy to understand for everyone even outside of your field. Is your old resume written like this?

You’ll get an objective opinion about your resume

Let’s face it, little can understand and objectively evaluate the quality of someone’s resume. You may believe that your resume is good. You can be confident that if your resume is error-free, has plenty of figures and looks better than your friend’s one, it’s almost perfect.

Both can be not the case.

You see, only professionals involved into career coaching and recruiting can say for sure what your resume is worth. If you have an acquaintance who is a hiring manager, do ask them for opinion about your resume. If you don’t, you can contact us for a free resume evaluation.

How it works? You send us your resume and one of our resume writers responds you with a detailed critique encompassing your strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement. It’s free of charge and doesn’t oblige you to place an order.

However, if you decide to get your resume done professionally, you can get a discount if you order resume help online. Just contact us in chat to get your personal discount code.

You’ll get a grasp of your real value

Surprising, but many professionals are unaware of their contribution and their real value for the company. They believe there’s “no big deal” about what they do on a daily basis. As a result, these employees end up in a job that pays less than they deserve or doesn’t fully utilize their potential.

When working with resume writer, you’ll look at your duties under different angle and use the problem-action-result approach. If you don’t know what your biggest achievements are, it will help you identify them and put them on your resume, thus making it more attractive for hiring managers.

Sure, you don’t need to exaggerate your achievements. But if you’ve made a significant contribution to the success of your current employer, you need to be specific about it and add figures, if any. You can learn more about effective resume writing techniques here: https://resumeperk.com/blog/an-executive-resume-tips-from-online-resume-writing-service

You’ll get your resume issues addressed and resolved

Some types of resume writing can be quite complex. Here are a few situations when creating a resume is a tough task:

  • You’re a graduate with no relevant experience
  • You’re looking to start a career in a completely new field
  • You’ve had a long break in your professional history
  • You’re a “job-hopper”, etc.

Many hiring managers see the employment gaps, job-hopping, career change and similar issues as ‘red flags’. If you don’t address these issues in a cover letter or don’t downplay them, they’ll likely opt for someone with a smooth career history. Resumes writing experts can handle this challenge for you.

Resume writers understand the hiring practices

Resume writers have the ability to look at your resume from the hiring manager’s perspective. This is the skill only hiring managers, career coaches and experienced resume writers have.

The matter is, even if you possess strong writing skills and can access your strengths on your own, it doesn’t mean that your resume will be a success. You can create a good piece explaining your major responsibilities and achievements. However, a good resume is more than a well-written career history.

Professional writer will look at your resume from the point of view of the hiring manager. Thus, they know what and how to write to get them into your resume.

You will save money

Some job-seekers who have never ordered a resume from a writing professional ask “Why would I pay for something I can do on my own?”

But the truth is, by NOT paying anyone for resume writing or career assistance you’ll pay much more in the long-term. Career experts say that in average it takes 2-4 months to find the next job. Think of how much money you will not make while searching for a job….

Meanwhile, a professionally written resume can significantly speed up the process. The knowledge of the labor market and expectations of hiring managers enables resume writer to create a more effective piece.

You can understand their expectations by yourself, through correcting and sending in your resume again and again, reading manuals and resume writing guides. But why not spend this time expanding your professional knowledge and doing something you’re great at?                                                

You’ll have more chances to get promoted

Surpirsed? A resume is your reliable helper not only when you’re looking to quit (check our list of the most popular reasons why employees quit jobs)

If you’re up for a promotion (especially if there’s a competition), a professionally crafted resume is a helpful tool to remind your boss about your accomplishments, skills and training they could have forgotten. All your professional strengths and competences collected in one place will effectively sell your candidacy for the position.

You can get assistance with any career documents you like

Cover letter, thank you note, LinkedIn profile – all the documents you need to apply for a dream job can be prepared for you in 24 hours only. If there’s one specific document you need, it can be prepared in accordance with the resume you already have and as soon as you need it.

A new resume can take your career to the next level

As you see, there are multiple reasons why a resume writer’s help can be beneficial for you. In general, it can save you time and effort. Moreover, a writer’s expertise can speed up your job search and bring you better results in less time.

Have you ever got a suspicion that you put so much effort into writing a resume and get too little interview calls? You can contact our top professional resume writing services for resume assistance.

Our company has been providing resume writing services to clients from the US and Canada for over 9 years. We offer assistance in multiple fields, including business, finance, military transition, media, sales, IT and many others. You can check our prices here – and they will pleasantly surprise you as we’ve made them affordable for specialists of any career level.

Have you ever collaborated with a professional resume writer? Were you satisfied with the result?

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Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech