Find a New Job ASAP: Tips From Resume Company


Find a new job ASAP

Landing a new employment is always time-consuming. As the practice shows, it may take 1-3 months to land a new job if you’re a professional and up to 6 months if you’re a C-level manager. But what if you don’t have this time? Career experts highlight that it’s possible to land a new employment in a matter of weeks or even days – but for that, you’ll need to put a lot of effort into your job-hunting.

Hire a resume company to find a job faster

What are the benefits of getting professional help with a CV? As you job-hunt actively, you need to focus on sourcing new jobs and networking rather than spend hours rewriting your resume. A professional writer will take on all your resume worries and send you a completed document which is 100% ready for submission. Moreover, thanks to the high quality of writing and sleek design, professionally done resumes typically get more responses from recruiters and hiring managers. And finally, we offer the next day delivery for busy professionals – send us your instruction and download a ready resume tomorrow.

Still curious whether it’s worth it to pay for resumes online? Learn more about our writers and guarantees.

Landing a new job fast: 7 expert tips

If you are looking to get hired as soon as possible, you’ll need to accept a whole different approach to job-hunting. Simply emailing a few resumes a week in response for job postings won’t work. To end up on the job fast, be sure to take the following steps:

Update your documents and profiles

To find a new employment really fast, you need to take the creation of strong application seriously. You need a resume, a cover letter and online profiles that show what you’re truly capable of. If you apply with a resume that you’ve last updated a year ago or with a half-empty LinkedIn profile, don’t wait for miracles to happen. By the way, failure to update and polish career documents is one of the most popular mistakes job seekers make.
Your resume needs to be written according to modern practices and be up-to-date. Add the recent details from your career history and the skills you’ve acquired and remove the information which is obsolete – such as irrelevant early experience or the outdated software proficiencies. Looking for professional resume companies near me to get your resume updated smart? We’re here to help your resume look modern. The cover letter doesn’t subject to updating, as you’ll need a custom version of it for each job. Also, clean up your online presence – fill out that LinkedIn so the former coworkers could recognize you and remove the inappropriate information from your social media. A way too casual Facebook profile can be a deal-breaker – here’s how:

Set clear career expectations

In time of need of a new job every day counts. Yet, if you don’t have a goal, you’ll waste a lot of time and spread the effort applying or interviewing for positions which don’t fit you. If you feel overwhelmed, write down your expectations from a prospective job: a salary range, location, industry and the company size. Give your list a reality check: if you want to make $85,000 a year whereas a median salary for your role is $70,000, it will take you nowhere.
To land a job faster, think of the criteria you can possibly reconsider – for instance, expand the search geography or sacrifice a high pay, recommends our writer of copywriting resumes.

Tell everyone you’re after a new job

Although the majority of job search is done through the web, the word of mouth is still the king. References and recommendation is a powerful tool in the world of work – in this case, you get top of mind for the hiring manager and, if you’re a good fit, you’ll be able to land an employment in a matter of days.
So, reach out to your network and let everyone know that you’re job-hunting. Contact your former coworkers and alumni contacts, but don’t neglect casual acquaintances as well – for instance, a mom of your son’s school friend can know someone in your dream company. If they have connections in the company you’re aiming at, they can not only pass your resume, but also arrange an interview. You never know who might be in touch with a helpful person – so tell literally everyone. By the way, if you get invited for an interview by recommendation, learn how to answer sexist questions during the interview.

Apply to your target companies directly

If you’ve done the research, you already know a bunch of companies that seem a perfect fit for continuing your career. Don’t hesitate and apply directly to these companies – even if no jobs are advertised. Why this tactic can work?
Firstly, you’ve probably heard that 70% of jobs are never advertised, and chances are that the company is now looking for someone with your background to join their team. Secondly, if you email the application to the hiring manager directly, they’ll be less picky about your resume than if they had to find the right candidate in the pile of hundreds of resumes. And finally, if the company is growing, they might need talented employees all the time.
However, don’t just send your resume without a proper explanation what brought you to the company. Show that you already know a lot about the company, are aware of where to go next in your career and their company fits it.

Use the power of social media

In addition to purchasing resumes online that will market you properly, use all available resources to find new opportunities and connect with the companies that hire. One of such tools is your personal social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Companies increasingly post the job ads and source talent through these platforms. Here’s what you can do to find a job:

  1. Publish a ‘job-hunting post’ – outline your experience, background and career goals in a few sentences, attach a resume and samples if possible. Ask your friends to share your posting to give it maximal exposure.
  2. Browse the open jobs via corporate pages or use the search option. By the way, you can also use hashtags to find the right position. Here’s how to do it:

Take job-hunting as a full-time job

If you need a new job ASAP, you should make the job hunting process your new job. It literally means devoting hours to this process every day. If you’re still on the job, spend as much time on job-search activities as possible without jeopardizing your current position. For instance, if you used to send 5 resumes a day, try sending 20 or even 40. If you were passive about the job searching process, the idea to devote 8 hours a day to it may astonish. However, as soon as you open every job board, social media and networking site to look for job, start customizing your resume and cover letter and dust off your phone book to reach out to your alumni friends, you might find that 8 hours a day aren’t actually enough.
Tip for those who is still on the job: keep silent that you are looking for new endeavors. In general, here’s the list of taboo things you should never discuss with colleagues.

Add a compelling cover letter

A cover letter is necessary to show your motivation in joining the company, tell about your most significant experience and explain how the company will benefit from hiring you. Some say cover letters are obsolete, but a lion’s share of employers will only consider a resume which goes with a letter. It also works perfectly to demonstrate a cultural fit and connect with the hiring managers on a personal level. Professionals recommend that you create a customized cover letter for each job posting: generic letters bring no results. If you manage to genuinely interest them with the letter, you might get an interview call immediately.
If you struggle to create a great letter, consider asking for the help of the best content resume writer – they will develop a strong letter to accompany your resume.
If you need more advice on composing a covering letter by yourself, read more tips on how to create a winning cover letter.

In addition to following the above-mentioned practices, you need to develop mindfulness to succeed. Even if you’re really short of cash or want to quit ASAP because of the toxic boss, never show the prospective employer that you are desperate or in a rush. Stay confident and highlight the fact that you are looking to advance your career and have a plenty of options to choose from. With that kind of attitude, they’ll make you more attractive offers.

Advance your career with a pro resume help

Looking for a copywriter resume? Entrust completion of your project to our writing team. We have experts for all industries and career level who will compose a resume in full accordance with your expectations. If you’re in a hurry, you can get a resume done by tomorrow without compromising the quality. Satisfaction is guaranteed – or we’ll rewrite your resume for free! Check out our list of services and prices – we offer attractive discounts for all-inclusive resume packages.

Have you ever been looking for a job in a rush? How fast did you manage to land an employment?

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

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