Freelancer Cover Letter: Tips From Cover Letter Writers


Cover letter writers

As a freelancer, you’ll have to deal with cover letter writing a lot – much more often than if you had worked full-time. The office fellows create that letter only once to get a job (or contact the professional writer, saying “Write my cover letter!”). However, you’ll need to author that cover letter every time you want to get a new gig - maybe, even a few times a day! So, it’s high time you’ve learned to do it right – the odds of getting the job, as well as the money you’ll be paid, depend on cover letter as well.

In a nutshell, a freelancer’s cover letter is similar to a sales pitch. You don’t need to impress the hiring manager – your task is to go straight to the point and convince the client you’ve got what it takes to get the job done. The style of writing is slightly different from a traditional cover letter. Our professional resume writing service recommends that you do the following to perfect your cover letter writing skills:

Also in this section:

  1. Start with the traditional greeting
    Even in the digital era when everyone around are busy, it’s still important to be polite and maintain professional etiquette. So, start with your name and 1-2 sentences about yourself. Thus, you will sound like a real person and build a bit of rapport straightaway. Don’t use the same cover letter for all jobs and don’t copy it from the web – nothing turns potential clients away more than cookie-cutter applications, professional cover letter writer says.
  2. Be concise and up to the point
    A cover letter of freelancer isn’t the best place to share your impressive professional history or reveal private details. Your primary task is to get hired for the job; so, build the entire letter around this goal. Don’t write lengthy letters – some job postings attract up to hundred responses, so nobody will read them. Let them know your experience, what makes you the best person for the job, and where they can find your resume/samples.
    To learn the practices of cover letter writing in more detail, see here:
  3. Highlight your unique skills or area of specialization
    You can be an expert in multiple fields, but it’s not something the client is looking for. They need someone with a specific set of skills to complete their project. So, instead of trying to impress with vast expertise, focus on the skills they are looking for to sell yourself best for the job. That’s what writer cover letters of our company do – identify the needs of employer and focus to match your experience with the client’s needs.
    As the client is looking for some problem to be solved, you need to prove why you are the best person to provide this solution. You can provide the examples of your past success with similar tasks.
  4. Don’t try too hard to look passionate
    Of course, sounding enthusiastic in your letter is important to help the client choose you among other candidates – but don’t overdo with this. For example, if you are a photographer who is applying to shoot children’s birthday, don’t claim that you’re passionate about taking pictures of kids, especially if you really specialize in fashion shooting. Do sound confident and interested in your writing, and highlight skills that will help you succeed in this gig rather than exclaiming something which isn’t 100% true.
  5. Highlight relevant personality traits
    To stand out from the pool of freelancers, you need to connect with the prospective client on a personal level. To achieve this, you can explain your inner motivation to excel in the job or to demonstrate you possess the soft skills that will make collaboration with you easy and enjoyable. Experienced cover letter writers insist that communication skills and the ability to be on the same wavelength with client is just as important as your skill set is.
  6. Apply the attractive formatting
    Imagine that the client received dozens of cover letter in response for a job posting. How to make yours catch the eye instantly? That’s right: by using the format that looks attractive. Break your letter into at least three paragraphs with a plenty of white space between them. Make sure to use bulleted points when listing your skills or projects. Don’t write lengthy sentences – you need to make sure that your cover letter is easy to look through. If you’re not sure which format to use, check free cover letter templates online.
  7. Include the name of the lead in the first paragraph
    If you have a mutual acquaintance or were recommended to apply by someone who had worked for this client before, this apparently needs to be mentioned. To get this note read, it’s better to write it in the first paragraph.
    Why? Because networking is more effective way of getting the job than simple application in response to a posting. A recommendation of the mutual coworker or acquaintance serves as another proof of your professionalism and credibility, and makes the client choose you over other candidates.    
  8. Follow the client’s guidelines
    Read every job posting carefully as some of them have clear directions about how to apply. For example, the client may request you to answer some simple question or include a keyword in your cover letter. It is aimed to weed out the applicants who spam the potential employers with the same cover letter and identify the freelancers who take the prospective gig seriously.
    Also, be sure to strictly adhere to the client’s directions as per the application. If they ask you to provide specific samples, expand on your motivation for work, etc. you need to do exactly as they have indicated.
  9. Exude confidence
    Another trick to generate the client’s interest to you is to start discussing working matters even if you haven’t been hired yet. For instance, you can specify how many hours the gig can possibly take, ask for additional information or clarify some questionable issues. Thus, they will know that you’ve read the description of job carefully and are ready to get to work immediately.
    If the client decides to interview you, you will benefit from these tips on how to handle phone or Skype interview with brilliance:
  10. Highlight your willingness to learn new skills
    Many freelancers’ gigs are the steps out of the comfort zone. The projects are likely to involve a deal of something you’ve never done before. So, indicate that you are willing to learn the new skills or practices which are necessary for the successful work. 
  11. Provide links to your online portfolio
    It’s a good idea to end your cover letter with a live link to your portfolio or previous published samples of work, if any. Sometimes the result of your work speaks more than thousand words, so show them your best samples which are relevant to what they are looking for. Positive testimonials for your previous work will also ensure the clients that you can deliver quality services.
  12. Revise and proofread the letter
    Before hitting the “send” button, make sure your letter is free from grammar and punctuation mistakes and flows correctly. Typos and incomplete sentences indicate that you wrote the letter in a hurry or aren’t scrupulous in what you do. A simple fast proofreading will contribute to your professional image (especially if you are a writer by trade).

When closing the letter, let the prospective client know when you are going to follow up with them (if you are communicating by e-mail). Add a positive closing and express the interest in future collaboration. If you’ve done everything right, this will lead to a hire and a successful new project.

Does a freelancer need a resume?

Although your portfolio and cover letter will speak for themselves, most of the clients still want to see a resume to find out about your professional background, experience and skills. And the resume should be written to support the information mentioned in your cover letter with the strong formatting and convincing words for resume.

As well as the cover letter, freelance resume is different from a resume that is created to apply for full-time office jobs. If you need more guidance on creating freelancer’s resume, learn the tips for a killer freelancer resume,

Need some professional assistance?

Are you looking to boost your freelancer’s career but don’t know where to get started? Start with creating a resume and a cover letter that will serve as a perfect presentation of your hard and soft skills, as well as specific experience.

If you are ready to invest in quality, contact our resume professionals for assistance. With 9+ years of relevant expertise, our writers will prepare a resume and a cover letter, taking into consideration the peculiarities of your career field. You can also receive resume proofreading 24 hours a day.

Moreover, resume and cover letter writing provided by our company are affordable for professionals of all career level – learn more about our pricing.

Do you often write cover letters to apply for a new gig?

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