Resume Formatting Services: Get a Resume You Deserve


resume formatting servicesWriting your own resume is a challenge. In fact, it’s a bigger challenge than you think it is. Despite the common opinion, an effective resume takes more than just good writing skills. To make your application shine, you need to know the modern rules of resume writing and cv formatting service, stay aware of the employers’ expectations and hiring trends and be able to market your skills and expertise rather than just list your job duties.

That’s why even the accomplished professionals often struggle to put their resume together – they simply don’t know how to present their real value on paper.

So, if you aren’t getting interview calls or the job-hunting process is taking you longer than you expected, it’s time to get your resume improved. Our experts are here to solve your resume problems, and professional resume writers cost will pleasantly surprise you.

Why choose resume formatting services over a resume builder?

When looking for CV formatting services, you are likely to come across multiple resume building services. These websites promise you to build a new resume in minutes using their bespoke templates. Although resumes created via resume builders may make a good first impression, they aren’t very effective in brining you more interviews.

As you use a resume builder, you simply copy and paste your old resume into a shiny new template. If your resume had any shortcomings, lacks skills or accomplishments, a resume builder cannot fix it. Moreover, quite often resumes made through builders don’t open correctly with applicant tracking systems.

Custom resume writing services are more helpful in every aspect. A professional resume writer has the needed industry knowledge and skills to create a quality resume. We use the best resume practices and excellent writing skills to successfully represent your qualifications. Moreover, we will prepare your resume in a required format that will please the recruitment agency, staffing agencies or a human resources manager.

What does our resume formatting service entail?

CV formatting done by our professional resume writers is the cheapest yet effective way to refresh your old resume. A Resume Editing service includes correction of mistakes, improvement of formatting and the addition of key skills for the applicant tracking system.

  • Correction of resume content – the writer checks work history, career summary and other sections for mistakes and uses strong resume words when necessary for a better impression. We check sentence by sentence focusing on minor mistakes and sentence structure to help you make a spotless impression.
  • Formatting service – hiring managers spend under 7 seconds on each resume. Our dedicated team creates a customized formatting that further highlights your qualifications for a dream job. We check if the resume length is appropriate, remove or add details if necessary.
  • ATS-friendly resumes – your resume writer adds high-value keywords to help you score better with the ATS. Moreover, we deliver each resume in Microsoft Word format that opens in all ATS.
  • Effective turnaround time – our clients can choose a deadline up to 5 days. If you need the document urgently, a 24 hour expedited delivery is available.
  • Other services to fast-track your job search – apart from resumes, we help build LinkedIn profiles and can compose a cover letter that highlights your motivation.

According to the statistic, 59% of hiring managers reject resumes with typos, poor grammar or other writing issues. Not only our team can improve the visual formatting, but also correct all types of mistakes to boost your chance for getting shortlisted.

Don’t have a resume at all? Don’t worry – our resume writing service can create you a new one from scratch. We use a streamlined resume writing process, meaning that placing the order in our processing services takes under 15 minutes. A writer starts working immediately, returning your first draft within a few days, and then you have two weeks to request a revision. Get your resume done by our best resume writing experts and get closer to your career goals!

How can a resume fixing service give you a competitive advantage?

An experienced resume writer has reviewed hundreds, or even thousands, of resumes and knows what differentiates weak applications from interview-winning ones. Moreover, a writer has a vision you probably don’t have, so they can see your resume weaknesses and turnoffs at a glance. Here’s exactly what you will get in return for your small investment:

  • A resume free from biggest resume mistakes, 100% original and created in full accordance with your requirements based on the best resume writing practices;
  • Targeting your resume for a specific job position to increase the efficiency of your application;
  • Ongoing assistance of your writer who is ready to answer all of your questions or edit your resume for free if you feel that something can be improved;
  • Saving your time and effort – it only takes you 15 minutes to place an order, and the rest will be done by writing professional.

Moreover, if you decide to hire a resume professional, you’ll have more time to get ready for the next interview and revise in-person and online interviews key points.

Also in this section:​

7 secrets to ace your next interview

An interview is probably the scariest part of the entire job-hunting process. The fact of being evaluated, attempts to make a good impression, unknown surrounding and the need in the job turn a simply discussion about the role into a huge stress. Below, you’ll find the tricks that will help you feel more confident and undoubtedly increase your chances for a job offer:

  1. Practice makes perfect
    The skill of passing interviews are best honed through practice. At your first interview in the last five years, you’ll probably have sweaty hands and shaking knees. At the fifteenth, your will not care much. Never decline an interview invitation even if you don’t like the role – see it as a chance to practice your interviewing skills. It’s hard to remain calm when you’re being interviewed to a dream company, though. But even in this case, seeing an important interview as an opportunity to talk to a company representative and practice your presentation skills helps reduce nervousness.
    Practicing answering the questions in front of the mirror will do, too. However, it can’t be compared with a challenge in the real world.
    Curious what a handshake can say about you during the interview? Read here:
  2. Dress as if you were working for them
    Many career guides suggest that you dress formally when visiting the organization for the first time. However, if you wear a suit for an interview in IT company which values casual style and relaxed environment, they might doubt your cultural fit. The best approach is to research the company’s working style, its dress code and choose attire according to it. When you look as someone who is already working for them, you make a better impression than if you wore something overly formal.
    Need more guidance on what to wear for an interview? Check this out:
  3. Lack confidence? Fake it
    Feeling insecure is one of your biggest problems during an interview. You stumble over your own words, forget the right answers to the tricky questions and feel lost. Sounds familiar? Luckily to you, only you know how you really feel. And, thanks to it, you can hide your nervousness and showcase a positive, confident attitude even if you don’t feel this way at the moment.
    Imagine how you would act if you felt confident. Most likely, you’d give an interviewer a firm handshake and kept an eye contact. You would also listen carefully to what they are saying and answer shortly and up to the point. So, take a deep breath and fake confidence during an interview. The point is, when you fake something you start really feel this way quite soon.
  4. Preparation is the key
    Even if you are perfectly qualified for the role and confident in your ability to impress, keep in mind that every successful interview takes preparation. Resume editor service recommends that you read about the company the day before an interview to understand their goals and their expectations from the role better. Not only you’ll avoid confusion answering the questions about the company, but also will be able to keep the conversation closer to business. Speaking about their needs will ultimately differentiate you from other applicants.
    Also, don’t neglect the simple advice such as arriving 15 minutes early, taking printed copies of your resume and samples and switching off your phone. This helps you look organized which is valued highly in any role.
  5. Give short, positive responses
    Although an interview should have the form of conversation, it doesn’t mean that the more you talk about yourself the better. Rambling over things often has opposite effect – you sound selfish, show disrespect to hiring manager’s time and show that you find it hard to formulate your idea which may indicate lack of effective communication skills. Ideally, most of your responses should be limited to a minute or less. This time frame is enough to give an answer with a proper grounding without boring the interviewer.
    Being positive means that even when asked provocative questions (such as Did you get along well with your previous boss?) you need to avoid badmouthing or complaining about anyone from your past job. This is a huge turnoff for an interviewer.
  6. Show your personality
    Your skills and background, your appearance and the way you speak all matter for winning that interview. Nevertheless, to really become top of mind for a potential employer, they need to like your personality type. While the skills can be learned, attitude and personal attributes of an applicant rarely change. And it’s your emotional intelligence, communication skills and collaboration style that determine whether the others will find it comfortable working with you and your productivity as a part of the team as follows.
    With the growing importance of soft skills in the workplace, the hiring manager is likely to prefer someone who they like in person over someone who is perfectly qualified and experienced.
  7. End on a good note
    An end of the interview is the perfect time to strengthen the impression you’ve made or even make up for something you’ve said or done wrong during the interview. To close the conversation effectively, be sure to do the following:
    1. Ask the right questions – at the end of the interview, a hiring manager will suggest that you ask the questions, so be sure to ask the right questions and avoid the questions that break your success at interview.  If something bothers you, it’s better to clarify it early on and make sure that the role fits your requirements.
    2. Ask about how to proceed – instead of just thanking for their time, ask the interviewer about when the decision will be made and how to get to the next interview stage. Let them know you’ll follow up within the time frame specified by them – this will show your motivation and interest in the role.
    3. Connect with the hiring manager via LinkedIn – ask for their permission to connect on LinkedIn. Making professional connections is always helpful – even if you don’t get hired for this opening, they are likely to make you similar offers in the future.
    4. Request the feedback – feel that you didn’t do well during the interview? Don’t be shy to ask about the things you’ve done or said wrong. A feedback from hiring manager will help you understand your mistakes and fix them to do better at your next interview.
    5. Send a thank you note – be sure to send a follow-up note the same day or the day after the interview. This is a great way to remind about your candidacy and show courtesy.

Get more interviews with resume proofreading service

Think that your resume leaves much to be desired? Then, don’t waste a minute and contact the resume writers of our team to get a brand new effective resume. The writer will choose the best structure, apply the ATS-friendly cv formatting services and pick the right action verbs to highlight your qualifications for the role.

Need just a slight resume updated? We also offer editing proofreading resume services – get your old resume cleaned from grammar, punctuation and stylistic errors and improved visually. Contact us via live chat to get a personal discount code for your first order!

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Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO