Resume Help For C-Level: Key To Success


Executive director role is a great responsibility. Whether you are planning to change company or are only looking to apply for a C-level role, your resume and cover letter should reflect that you can handle this responsibility and will take the company to the new heights. The competition for the executive role is stronger than for inferior ones, and changing the job might take you up to a year in some cases. Under these circumstances, you cannot afford to make mistakes in your resume.

Help writing a resume for top managers

Our best executive resume writing company has been providing resume and cover letter assistance for over 9 years. Our professional resume services possess a wealth of experience promoting candidates for their dream jobs in multiple industries. And we can help you improve your resume and tailor it for C-level job search as well. While writing an entry-level resume is something you can manage, things are different at the executive level. Listing your skills and job duties are not enough any longer – to be of interest for a hiring manager you need to be strategic about your resume content, show off your accomplishments and clearly define your value proposition. If you feel that your old resume doesn’t reflect you in the best possible light, a professional resume writer from executive resume services is here to help.

An executive resume writer will work on your document until it fully satisfies your needs and requirements. Executive resume writing services also offer 24-hour delivery if you need to apply for a job urgently.

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Executive resume help: 10 steps to eye-grabbing executive resume

  1. Use a modern resume address
    However superficial this may sound, there’s a reasoning behind it. Whether we like it or not, age discrimination exists. University graduation dates and early jobs indicate your age, and so does an e-mail address at Yahoo. Moreover, using Google or Microsoft e-mail address also shows that you are tech-savvy and keep up with the times.
  2. Keep your resume no longer than 2-3 pages
    When you have 20 or 30 years of progressive professional experience, it may be a challenge to condense them into 2 pages. However, even at the executive level, nobody is going to read a resume 5 pages long (check our guidance on how long resume should be). Therefore, you’ll need to prioritize the content and include your most relevant key selling points.
    You can start with removing the experience which is older than 15 years – unless it’s critical for the role you are applying for. If you had had a diverse experience which can’t be fit into 2 pages, consider supplementing your resume with an executive biography. A bio will provide the hiring manager with the ‘big picture’ of your professional capabilities without taking the extra space of your resume.
  3. Stay on hybrid resume format
    Hybrid resume format is popular at the executive level as it allows combining your career history with the summary of your qualifications and skills. Hiring managers pay most attention to the top third of your resume, and by developing a strong Summary section you increase the chances for your resume to be read through. Include your biggest accomplishments, relevant skill sets and history of successes there. Your summary should clearly reflect the value you’ll bring to the employer and outline your biggest professional strengths. However, don’t let it sound fluffy – make sure that your experience proves the loud statements you use. 
  4. Make your value proposition visible
    Resume summary is the best place to expand on your brand and outline your value proposition. Your value proposition is something you’re best at. Some excel in increasing profitability, some are adept at building community relationships, and some can drive businesses out of the crisis. Ask yourself: What differentiates you from other leaders in the industry? What is your motto? Take your time to brainstorm and write down the answers. Find your own unique selling point and present it to the employer, aligning it with their goals. Probably, this is the best recipe for crafting a perfect career summary.
    If your job search takes longer than you had expected, you might be interested in speeding up the process using expert tricks from resume writing service:
  5. Focus on accomplishments, not job duties
    If you have worked your way up to the executive level, it’s already an indicator that you’re good at what you do. That’s why it makes no sense to list your duties after each job you had – they are of little interest for the hiring managers. C-level executives are hired to bring results, so showcase the results you have delivered to your previous employers.
    To make your accomplishments more visible, use figures. Whenever possible, support your statements with numbers and percentages. This will prove your professional value and will also make your resume more readable.
  6. Add the link to your LinkedIn profile
    For an executive director, this is a must. If your profile is inactive, be sure to fill it out completely and connect with everyone you’ve worked or studied with. It’s no surprise that the prospective employer will scan your presence on the Internet – be sure yours reflect you positively. You might also want to clean up your social media pages for any controversial pictures or comments.
    Need some guidance on how to fill out your LinkedIn effectively? Check our tips here:
  7. Take advantage of strong resume words
    Most executive resumes sound weak because of the overuse of “led”, “managed”, “worked on” and other standard resume verbs. The words have hidden power, and if you use weak ones, it will minimize your contribution in the eyes of the reader. When writing your resume, take advantage of the best words for resume – it’s one of the proven ways to make your resume sound solid and persuasive. Verbs like “facilitated”, “orchestrated” and “spearheaded” scream leadership and highlight your direct impact on the company’s processes.
  8. Use PAR statements in your writing
    PAR stands for “problem-action-results” and this approach is very effective in making your resume persuasive. Most candidates – even at the executive level – write about what they did, while the hiring managers are really interested in the ability to solve problems and deliver results. So, when writing your Experience section, use this technique for each statement you’d like to include and you’ll be surprised by how impressive your new resume looks.
  9. Make it keyword-rich and properly formatted
    Your resume should be formatted in an ATS-friendly way and enriched with relevant keywords to make sure you will pass an automated selection. Avoid sophisticated formatting such as tables, multiple charts, etc. – the software is likely to destroy it, making the text incredibly hard to read. Use keywords from the job posting and job search websites to make your resume even more relevant for the role.
    Senior executives are often asked unexpected interview questions to have their stress-resistance tested – check our guidance on how to respond to them properly.
  10. Have another pair of eyes to take a look at it
    Sometimes it’s difficult to access and present your own career history objectively. It’s also a challenge to evaluate the quality of your writing and proofread your own work. That’s why it’s recommended that you get your written resume checked by someone else – by a coworker, friend or a professional executive resume writer. Another person is likely to spot mistakes and discrepancies that you have omitted. When in need of help with my resume, don’t hesitate to contact us for a free resume review. Our certified professional resume writer will evaluate your resume and point out at the areas which need improvement.

Writing a C-level resume requires a different tactic and approach than an entry-level or professional one. You need to pay most of your attention to outlining your value proposition and showcasing your accomplishments. The entire process may become very tough, however, our c-level resume writers are here to help you with resumes and cover letter writing. You will get a personal brand resume that will help you get phone calls from recruiters. Our executive team will help you withing the shortest time possible (maximum 5 business days). Get professional career advice and coaching services, linkedin profiles and cover letters to get more interviews from hiring managers. A well-designed resume is your lucky ticket to c-level positions!

Give your C-level application a head start

Searching for a new executive role can take months – employers do not hurry as they’re focused at finding the best possible fit for the role. However, you can breathe life into your job search by creating an effective resume and selling cover letter – and we are here to help you.

Getting your resume written by a executive resume services will allow you to focus entirely on job hunting process and reduce your stress levels as you won’t need to worry about the quality of your resume any longer. The process is simple: you’ll only need to fill out a questionnaire and send us your old resume, and the writer will transform it into an eye-catching application. Our pricing policy is affordable; moreover, we offer discounts on ‘all-inclusive’ packages. So, if you think “I need help with my resume”, get in touch with our resume writing services – we’re open 24/7.

Have you ever written an executive resume on your own?

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Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech