3 Reasons Why You Need Resume and Cover Letter Help


3 reasons you need resume and cover letter helpYour resume and a cover letter are meant to sell your competencies to a hiring person and ensure you an interview invitation. But what if it simply doesn’t happen? Say, you’ve been job-hunting for 1-2 months already, and all you got was a couple of interviews and no job offers. The competition in today’s labor market works against you, as your resume is being compared with hundreds of other applications. And if the resume or your cover letter isn’t up to scratch, the potential employer will never figure out how great you are for this opening.

For this reason, more and more job-seekers delegate their resume writing to professionals. Professional writers have the right blend of writing, marketing and HR skills to create documents that will truly help you stand out. Today, a staff writer of our best cover letter services will tell about the benefits of hiring a professional resume writer and share the ways of searching for a job you might haven’t thought of. Are handwritten resumes still relevant?

Why hire resume experts and online cover letter writers?

  1. Quality writing – quality writing isn’t only about avoiding the typos, misspelled words and grammar issues. As you may have heard, over half of the recruiters reject resumes because of mistakes in writing. However, more importantly, quality writing means the ability to communicate your professional strengths in a way that will evoke the interest of a decision-maker.  And this is exactly what the professionals of Resumeperk.com do – leverage writing and design skills to put your professional strengths above the fold.
  2. Industry expertise – when we purchase a certain service – be it a plumber or a barber – we pay for their specialization. The same works for career writing. Experienced writers are aware of employers’ expectations from your resume, know how to make it compatible with various screening systems and which format will work best for describing your career path. With 100s of written resumes, our professionals truly know how to make yours outstanding.
  3. Save time and effort – writing both a resume and a cover letter is frustrating if you aren’t familiar with all the peculiarities of composing such paper types. Which format to use, what experience to include and what to leave off, how many pages should a resume be, how to use keywords – all these questions can keep you puzzled and stuck for days. Why not give an assignment to an experienced writer and spend this time more productively?

Resumes And Cover Letter Help

Our staff resume writers can help you accomplish your career goals without going to extremes. Professional American copywriters will prepare custom career documents in accordance with your expectations. We can customize your resume closely for a certain job posting or keep it a bit generic so you could apply for multiple positions with it. Timely delivery and satisfaction are guaranteed – we will revise the ready work until you are satisfied!

How to submit your resume efficiently?

Once you have a professionally written resume at hand, think beyond the traditional ways you typically apply for jobs. Most job-seekers use job boards such as Indeed.com or Glassdoor.com and stick to them. Since job boards are the most common ways to apply for openings, it’s also the least effective. We propose you to follow these guidelines to make sure your application gets noticed:

1. Submit your resume to the company website

You probably have a target list of employers in your field (if you don’t, it’s high time that you created one). So, instead of searching for job openings, go to company websites directly and email your resume there (or fill out the online form). This proactive approach might lead to your getting hired by one of the top players in the industry. And, since you needn’t break your head thinking “How to fix my resume”, you’ll have plenty of time to apply for all desired companies. The slight disadvantage of this approach is it might not be a fit if you need a job urgently – they might not be hiring at the moment.

2. Get in touch with the department head, not HR

It seems logical to email your resume directly to HR since they deal with all candidates. But think about this: department heads know about the job opening even before the HR. Moreover, if you send a resume to them directly, your resume is likely to be the only one (or one of the few) this person receives, so it will get a closer consideration. Hence, applying for a job to your prospective boss directly might secure you an interview.

However, just like any unsolicited contact, this method requires thorough approach. Research the person’s name via LinkedIn or the corporate website and email them your resume and cover letter only once. If they don’t respond, see it as ‘no’ and avoid being annoying.

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3. Speak to the conference moderators, cover letter editing service recommends

One of the common pieces of advice job-seekers hear is to expand their professional network by attending conferences and events. Have plenty of printed resumes on you to hand out to someone is interested. This is a helpful tip in general, but if your communication skills leave much to be desired and you cannot promote yourself, conferences might not be much effective for you.

Our tip is: speak to conference moderators. They typically attract less attention than the speakers do, yet they have an abundance of helpful connections. Talk to the moderator, tell about your goals a bit and ask them who you should specifically talk to at the conference.

Interview preparation goes hand in hand with job-hunting. Use these tips to get prepared for a behavioral interview: https://resumeperk.com/blog/behavioral-interview-questions---and-how-to-answer-them.

4. Leverage the power of social media

Online hiring goes far beyond the job boards, corporate websites and LinkedIn. Small and big companies increasingly post or advertise their openings via Facebook, Instagram and other social media. Chances are that you won’t even have to look for them specifically: if you look up for certain type of job via Google, social media starts advertising similar roles for you.

To look up for vacancies in social media, use hashtags. We’ve previously written about which hashtags to use in various media: https://resumeperk.com/blog/top-hashtags-to-find-your-next-job. If you have many friends or followers, consider creating ‘looking for a job’ posting with a brief description of your skills and a resume/portfolio attached. Then, ask everyone to share it – such virtual ‘word of mouth’ might connect you with the right person.

5. Write my cover letter for each job specifically

This part of job-hunting most candidates find the toughest. To make cover letter work, you need to write it with a certain job posting and company in mind. While you might use the same version of a resume (especially if you apply for pretty similar jobs), the same approach with a cover letter simply doesn’t work.

It doesn’t mean that you have to write a letter from scratch every time. You can create a basic letter and then change 2-3 sentences in it depending on the job. However, if you write a cover letter yourself, don’t forget to find a professional to edit and proofread it.

If you order a professionally written resume and then follow the above ways to apply for jobs, you might receive more offers than you expected. In this case, take a look at the ways of declining job offer professionally.  

Find a professional cover letter editor to ease your job search

Resume writers of Resumeperk com possess years of experience in creating all kinds of job-search documents and use a personal approach to help each client present their qualifications on paper in an attention-grabbing way. Unlike many other resumes writing companies, we will work on your resume until you are happy with it. 

Our price starts at $87 per resume and you can take advantage of a special discount off your first order. Already got a resume and a cover letter? Hire an editor to give these documents a professional touch. 

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO, Biotech