Cover Letter Editing Service: Writing A Winning Cover Letter


What is the purpose of the cover letter? Basically, a cover letter is read before the resume and should evoke the desire to read your resume through and invite you for an interview. And the era of internet did not destroy cover letters – on the contrary, you often need to go to great lengths to get noticed.  Despite the fierce competition, a quality cover letter is rare. Job-seekers often see them as reiteration of their own resume or as an obligatory formality. Nevertheless, cover letter can really open doors – provided that yours is so well-written that it motivates the hiring manager to give you much consideration.

So, what does it takes to make a cover letter really job-winning? Although your case is unique, there are a few proven approaches and tricks for effective cover letter writing. Our experts who create professional resume shared some of them below.

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Make your cover letter shine: tips from cover letter editor

  1. Address the hiring manager by name
    In the era of the internet, it’s incredibly easy to look up for the name of hiring manager of the company you’re applying for (hint: LinkedIn and social media are at your disposal). If that doesn’t help, you can call the company and ask the name of the addressee. However, if you are really interested in the job, don’t ever address your letter “To whom it may concern”. Hiring managers will see it as lack of interest in the position. If you didn’t bother much to look up for their name, what kind of attitude to work will you demonstrate?
    When it comes to writing application documents, there are no little things. So, make everything right from the first step and address the hiring manager by their name.
  2. Get away from the standard opening sentence
    Best articles and blog postings capture our attention right from the first sentence. This applies for cover letters as well. Cover letter editing professional recommend you to remove that “I am writing to express my genuine interest in the position of a Software Engineer” if you want your cover letter to be memorable.
    Which cover letter beginning will work? To find out, think of a cover letter as a story you’d like to tell a hiring manager. You can start with mentioning how you found your labor of love (if you are still looking for a true calling, these tips will come handy: ). Mentioning your connection to the company or biggest academic/professional achievement can also work. Your goal is to hook and wow them from the first lines, and this will ensure your cover letter getting read.

Tip: if you are in the traditional industry or military, your creativity might be not appreciated. There are exceptions when it’s better to use the safe bets.

  1. Target your letter for a specific opening
    In our blog, we have the entire article devoted to cover letter targeting (you can go deeper into the subject here: To cut the long story short, tailoring is about including only the information that will be helpful for a prospective employer.
    Smart tailoring requires you to make a research of the company to anticipate their needs. Your task isn’t only to show that you have the necessary skills and training, but also to prove that you are more qualified than the other applicants and will make an excellent match for the role.
    However, a simple reiteration of skills and competences to match the job posting isn’t the most effective approach to writing – everyone does that. So, to really make your letter unique, you’ll need to…
  2. Tell them a story
    Best cover letters are written in a format of narrative – and yet contain the information which is beneficial for the employer. Everyone applying for management position can put that “I have strong team management skills” on their letters, but instead you can tell your unique story no one else can tell – and instantly get a few steps ahead of the competition.
    Having started with a strong opening sentence, you can continue with outlining your key accomplishments, important projects you were involved in, examples of rapid problem solving, etc. Write them in form of the story with examples. It’s the stories that capture our attention best; and it’s the story that can eventually lead you to getting hired.

Tip from cover letter editing service: If you have any career issues (i.e. career gap or change of industry), make sure the letter addresses it proactively. Don’t make the hiring manager guess; answer their questions proactively and with an upbeat style.

  1. Develop the right tone of voice
    Along with making your cover letter informative and relevant, paying attention to the tone of voice is crucial. This point is often overlooked by job-seekers; as a result, most cover letters look either too reserved or overly friendly in inappropriate way.
    Developing the right tone of voice will not only make the hiring manager resonate with your writing. Your writing is perfect to understand your cultural fit with the organization. It makes sense to research the company’s culture (by browsing their website, reading feedback of employees, and paying attention to the language in a job posting). If they’re a young startup who foster team spirit and zero bureaucracy, you’ll likely be using different language and tone than when applying for an international corporation. The right tone will score you more points eventually. You can also use high-impact resume adverbs in a cover letter if appropriate.
  2. End it with a question or call to action
    Your cover letter’s ending should be as strong as the beginning. Don’t end your narrative with a cliché “I will appreciate the opportunity for the interview”. Take the initiative. Ask them to instruct you on the next steps of the hiring process. Or, in contrary, say that you will follow up on the status of your application – and do follow up. The proactive approach will show your interest in the role as well.
  3. Stick to a traditional business letter format
    Although using a narrative format implies creative approach to cover letter writing, its formatting and look should be traditional. Remember that a cover letter is the business letter type, and format it accordingly. It is recommended that you use one of the traditional fonts, 10-12 pts size, and apply a consistent formatting. Keep the cover letter length to one page unless you are applying for jobs in academia.

Tip: your cover letter should have the same formatting as your resume. If you are breaking your head over the formatting of your resume, check resume free templates prepared by our company. You can use them as a base for writing your own documents.

  1. Edit and proofread thoroughly
    Quality of writing, grammar and punctuation contribute a lot to your professional image. After you’ve completed the letter, give yourself a break and then edit and proofread it. Use the professional proofreading tips if you don’t know where to get started.
    You’ve worked hard on letter writing, and proofreading helps make sure it looks flawless and makes killer first impression. That’s why it’s recommended to have someone proofread your resume as the other person is not attached to the text and will spot the mistakes faster. A friend or colleague can do this for you; however, if you refer to professional resume editors, it will be far more effective. In our company, cover letter service edit price is quite affordable. You can learn more about our packages and charges on the Prices page.

Creating a winning cover letter is not a whim, but a necessity if you are looking to succeed in a competitive job search. A well-written and tailored cover letter can really help you stand out by promoting your strengths in an engaging, narrative way. So, take your time to author a great letter and this effort will pay off!

When is it time to pay for cover letter editing services? 

Based on the tips above, every job-seeker can compose a quality cover letter. But in certain situations, it’s best to show your letter to professional editors for in-depth editing and proofreading. 

English isn’t your native language

Foreign students and professionals often make mistakes that stand between them and their dream job. Even if you’ve studied in Yale University or Pennsylvania State University, you might be making grammatical errors that turn off the recruiters. 

The editors of cover letter editing services are native English speakers. So, they can make your English language sound natural and professional, correct any shortcomings and return a complete, error-free job application in a few hours. 

Your cover letter looks a bit messy 

Cover letter is meant to impress with a written word, but formatting matters as well. If the letter you submit looks cluttered and poorly designed, you’ll fall short of making a strong first impression. Even the tiniest mistake can sabotage your success. 

Our experienced editors not only fix spelling, syntax and punctuation, but also take care of the visual representation. They will give your document a logical structure and catchy design that exposes your top strengths for a new job! 

You need a cover letter for school  

If you are going to get a degree in computer science, comparative literature, public health or cultural anthropology, you know that personal statements are the important part of the admission. 

Our editing services are provided by subject matter experts. An editor with extensive experience will proofread and strengthen your writing. We are ready to go the extra mile to fulfil your request and get you noticed by the admissions committee. 

Qualified, but not getting interviews 

If you keep sending job applications and don’t hear back, it’s time to show your documents to a pro editor. Chances are, you are making some mistakes that turn off the recruiters or simply understate your value. These issues are easy to fix – and we can provide you with an edited cover letter in 24 hours. 

You value quality and perfection in everything 

If you want to rest assured that your application documents will be appreciated by the hiring manager, simply select a resume and cover letter editing service when placing your order. In this case, an editor will do an in-depth editing of every document (correction of minor mistakes, grammar improvement, correction of structure, logic, flow, and more) and also format them professionally. 

In case you don’t have a cover letter, you can order services of a professional writer. We will create your letter from scratch – original writing is guaranteed. We also offer free revisions for 2 weeks. 

Whenever you need a helping hand with getting your letter improved, let us know. Unlimited revisions, verified reviews and extensive experience. Try us out. More questions? We are ready to talk in a live chat. 

Need a cover letter edited?

Have a cover letter but not sure if it’s good enough? Our resume writing professionals provide cover letter writing and editing services as well. You can get your resume edited at a reasonable fee – or written from scratch. We can also make online resume urgently for you – you can get it done in just 24 hours! 

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