Why Professional CV Resume Can’t Get You A Job


Professional CV resume

Many job-seekers see a professionally written resume as a rescue from their ongoing employment problems. They believe that once a professional resume maker gets his hand on their resume, things will go smooth with landing a new job. This is true to some extent – a professional CV resume can really generate more quality interview calls. Nevertheless, even the best resume can hardly ever warrant you a job. Why? Choosing the best candidate is influenced by too many factors, and a good resume is only one of them. The reliable CV resume writing services are aware of this fact; that’s why trustworthy service providers only can only guarantee you more interviews, not a job offer. Those claiming to write you a job-winning resume are often the scammers and it’s better not to deal with them. But can you find a job without resume?

So, if you have problems getting a job with your obviously good resume, or are looking to make your job search more effective, continue reading.

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Reasons why a professional resume can’t get you a job

  1. You don’t have the right qualifications for the position
    There are multiple versions of this situation. Maybe, you’re a recent graduate or career switcher, and the company needs someone who is experienced enough and doesn’t need to be trained. Probably, you have the years of experience required, but the company works in different field and thus your experience isn’t that significant. That is, you aren’t the right type of employee for this specific position – and your resume clearly indicates it.
    Resume targeting is good because it helps you obtain exactly the job you want. If your resume is written well, all you need to do is to apply only for relevant positions. If you’re not sure it’s good enough, run it through our detailed resume checklist: https://resumeperk.com/blog/help-me-write-a-cv-efficient-resume-checklist.
  2. You don’t use the power of networking
    Imagine that there are two equally good candidates for the same job opening. The first one has sent the application through a job board such as indeed.com. The second fellow, in addition to sending a resume, has been recommended to a hiring manager by two current employees of the company. It goes without saying who eventually gets the job.
    This doesn’t mean that you have to befriend everyone in your industry. Still, expanding your professional network to have someone put in a word for you can be very helpful for getting a good, competitive job.
  3. You neglect the rules of online resume submission
    There are lots of ways to fail in this stage, especially for tech newbies and inattentive applicants. To cut the long story short, you should always apply in the way the employer require (i.e. through a job board, via corporate website or send it directly by e-mail) and in a format requested by them. If you’re new to online resume submission and distribution, check these rules for reference: https://resumeperk.com/blog/how-to-submit-your-resume-online
  4. You didn’t pass the background check
    Either before or after the interview, the employer will definitely check the information stated in your resume. Your employment history, educational credentials and licenses, criminal record, salary history, and social media - all of the above subjects to check, depending on the employer’s preferences. Social media accounts deserve special attention – although your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are private, they need to be polished for inappropriate content, especially if you are looking for a job in a conservative industry. If you want to know how to make your resume even better, follow the top resume tips.
  5. Resume doesn’t assure job offers – the interview does
    The primary task of a resume is to get you an interview invitation. So, if you have no problems getting interview calls but no job offers follow, it’s the interviewing that puts you down. There are lots of issues people have at the interview phase: lack of preparation, underselling themselves, lack of confidence and even the inadequate behavior because of the anxiety.
    Remember that if you don’t master the interviewing, you won’t be getting jobs you deserve. So, practice in front of a mirror or a friend, understand your weaknesses and work on them until you feel totally confident. Or, find a career coach to assist you with this – he/she will streamline your interview preparation and teach you helpful practices to make an upbeat impression and reduce stress.
  6. Your cover letter isn’t persuasive
    If your resume is well-written (and the feedback from HR managers, editors and resume writers proves it) but still little results, the problem may be in your cover letter. Today, many applicants neglect this important document and don’t take their time to customize it for a job opening or tell a story. As a result, a good resume is supplemented by a weak cover letter which doesn’t add value and simply reiterates what has already been told in a resume.
    A cover letter is the first document the hiring manager will read; so, put an extra effort to make it attention-grabbing and human. If you have a problem with it, consider getting help from an experienced resume writer.
  7. Your job search strategies are weak or not sufficient
    How do most people search for jobs today? Having learned how to create a free resume online they head to job boards or corporate websites and apply there. In most cases, that’s it.
    Nevertheless, when the competition is intense, you need to approach the job hunting more creatively to get noticed. The hiring manager might choose between dozens of candidates which are equally good for the role, and you need to stay ahead of the competition. Of course, extreme techniques such as publishing your face on billboards, joining the same gym your potential boss is visiting or putting your QR code on every surface is not for everyone.
    You can benefit from connecting with potential employers using social media, cold calling, professional organizations and alumni connections.
  8. You don’t follow the job search etiquette
    For office jobs (especially those which imply extensive communication with vendors, clients, and management), employers will prefer hiring someone who is familiar with business communications etiquette. And, your behavior during the job application process serves as an illustration of such skills. 
    Don’t be annoying and don’t constantly call/e-mail the hiring manager about the progress of your application. It’s only appropriate to follow up 2 weeks after the resume submission, and to send a thank you note after the interview.

The bottom line

Although a concise, targeted professionally written resume matters a lot during a job search, don’t rely solely on it. Resume isn’t everything; it’s just one of the tools aimed at helping you to sell your skills faster and more effectively.

Your interview skills, your professional connections, soft skills and understanding of job hunting process are as important as a good resume. So, focus on improving in these areas, and you won’t have a problem getting a desired job.

Need a resume to support your career ambitions?

In our busy world, it’s better to entrust writing of your resume to a company from list of top professional resume writing services. Our staff writers possess the experience in creating resumes for every career situation and industry. Contact us 24/7 to find out how we can assist you – we offer 24 hours turnaround. You can read about our packages and prices at the prices page.

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