Getting A Job In Media With Cover Letter Writing Service UK


Entry level media jobs are highly competitive as more and more graduates see media as the perfect choice of career. The possibility to utilize their creativity, keep up to date with the world’s trending events and publicity entice many freshers. Moreover, due to a versatility of media jobs, everyone can choose the field that appeals for them best: radio, television, publishing, online and social media.

Due to a competition, getting the first job is tough: some graduate job openings attract over 250 applications. And on the resume screening page, it’s not about being the best person for the role. It’s about convincing the hiring manager that you’ve got what it takes through thoroughly composed application documents. A creative professional resume is a great way to get you a step ahead of the competition – but not the only one. To find out how to get a job in media without experience, read below.

Cover letter writing service UK: How to find your firs job in media

Create a compelling resume and cover letter
If you don’t know the hiring manager in person and wasn’t recommended to them by someone employed within the organization, the first contact you’ll have with the company representatives is through a resume.

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Some graduates prefer hiring UK cover letter writing services to make sure the resume represents them well. If you opt to writing it on your own, keep the following tips in mind:

  1. Impress them from the very first lines. With the abundance of incoming application, nobody is going to read your resume from the top of the bottom. If you haven’t captured their attention from the top third of the resume, it goes to “No” pile.
    So, concentrate the most important information at the very beginning of your resume and present it well. For more guidance on which resume format works best for the students and graduates, see here:
  2. Exploit non-traditional resume format. Non-traditional resume formats are questionable; still, in media industry they are helpful more than somewhere else. A job opening might even require you to apply via video resume or to create your own podcast. To apply for creative jobs, infographics resumes work as well.
    So, if the position requires a bunch of creativity, showcase this quality at the application stage. You needn’t neglect the traditional text resume, though. Just attach a creative resume along with the text one.
  3. Show your connection with the role. If you lack relevant professional experience, think of how you dealt with a desired industry in the past. For instance, if you had your own Facebook public page or have the experience creating posts that went viral it’s worth mentioning in a resume for the position of social media manager. If you submitted articles for a college newspaper, stress this when applying for a role of an associate script writer.
  4. Make your cover letter narrative and personal
    Formal, traditionally written cover letters don’t belong to media industry. In media, every piece of writing you submit is evaluated not only against the criteria that make you a good match for the role. Resume and cover letter also showcase your communication abilities, writing skills and personality – the qualities which determine whether you can make it in the media.
    Your cover letter requires a thorough approach simply because it gives you the chance to connect personally with the hiring manager. Media cover letter is a great chance to tell your story, show the tone of writing and make your candidacy memorable. For more guidance on writing a strong cover letter, read here:

Get the relevant experience

Sometimes it’s possible to break into the media industry without the relevant experience. However, keep in mind that the number of such opening is limited and the more experience you have, the more career opportunities are for you.  That’s why it will be more helpful if you manage to get some sort of relevant experience even before you start applying for jobs in media.

How to get the experience in media if you don’t have a relevant degree? Here are a few ideas you can start from:

  • Volunteer for a big organization. Actually, volunteering in any company will do, but if is an important player in the industry with a name well-known for everyone, it will add you more points. Although volunteering assumes no compensation for your efforts, it gives you an opportunity to get valuable industry knowledge from the inside. Moreover, volunteering, as well as internships, give you excellent opportunities to network and meet the people who can potentially help you with getting a job in the future.
    To get in, even for a volunteering/apprenticeship program, you’ll need a resume as well. If you need to apply urgently, make online resume within 6 hours will be helpful for you.
  • . With the abundance of freelance websites out there, everyone can find tasks they’re capable of completing and try their luck. Of course, you’ll unlikely get much money for that; still, it will help you get a relevant paid experience.
    Freelancing isn’t an option for everyone, though. To freelance in a totally new industry, you’ll need utmost self-organizing skills and ability to learn from practice. If this is about you, create a freelancing resume and start applying for jobs posted online.
  • Take training/courses. This point isn’t about getting practical experience. However, since you lack formal education in media, even part-time training will be helpful and add points to your resume.

Establish your online presence

Job-seekers from all industries are warned about the importance of their social media accounts during the job hunting. Employers scan social media; so, it’s recommended to remove the controversial postings, silly pictures and all that’s inappropriate to preserve strictly professional image.

For job-seekers in media, this is twice as much important, since your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are seen as your personal media channels – and are evaluated accordingly. There’s no doubt that applying for a job of social media manager and having weak personal profiles makes little sense to a hiring manager (as well as applying for writing job and making numerous mistakes in a cover letter).

  • See your online accounts as another chance for self-promotion. Engage your friends and subscribers by sharing interesting content, and this will make a positive impression on the prospective employer.
  • Build your personal brand. If you are an active user of social media and have your own successful blog, some companies might even start searching for you and offering career opportunities.

Showcase your soft skills

Today your set of skills means less than your ability to function as a part of the team and your ability to learn on the fly. Even if you lack in expertise, being an enthusiastic person who is pleasant to work with will compensate it during the interview phase. The employer is more likely to hire someone who is communicative, eager to learn and faces challenges with enthusiasm than a person with developed skills who is a pain in the neck. So, utilize it to your advantage.

  • Make sure your resume reflects such skills as leadership, teamwork, problem solving, adaptability, and communication – these are the top soft skills employers are looking for. Since working in media often implies extensive contact with public and other teams, such skills are even more important than elsewhere.
  • Prepare for the interview carefully. Preparing for the interview is much more than looking up for responses to standard interview questions. If the prospective job requires public contacts, you need to be extremely confident, open and enthusiastic. Probably, you’ll need to practice in front of the interview before you learn the right body language.

Are you ready for a stellar media career?

As you see, if you are keen on building a career in media industry, lack of formal education isn’t the obstacle. The lack of experience isn’t the problem either – you can gain the relevant experience through unpaid projects and temporary jobs. So, the biggest challenge left is creating an eye-catching resume and memorable covering letter.

If you are looking to create resume for free samples, a plenty of them are available on our website. Nevertheless, a quality result requires the individual approach. Our company staffs the best resume writers with years of experience who know for sure what media employers are looking for in successful candidates.

Already have a written resume? Online resume posting requires a thorough approach. Make sure you spread it online with maximum efficiency – check help to submit resume.

A cover letter deserves special attention. As we’ve mentioned above, cover letter for media industry is not only the addition to a resume. It is the sample of your writing and communication skills, as well as the reflection of your personality. If writing your cover letter looks daunting, consider getting some professional help. One of our writers can create a cover letter that will help you get a job in media at an affordable price.

Have you ever applied for jobs in media? Did you succeed in getting the job you wanted?

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