Professional CV And Cover Letter Writing Service


When it comes to finding a new job or making the next big step into career in management, you don’t want to make any mistakes. That’s why you dig deep into interviewing do’s and don’ts (you can find out more about the latter here:, keep your skills up-to-dated and your network active. Why do you neglect the quality of your resume in this case?

The major companies get hundreds and hundreds of resumes in response to job postings, so they can afford to be selective and picky about their candidates. In a tough competition like this, only a resume compiled for you by a professional resume service can generate the attention you deserve. To get noticed, your resume needs to be informative, visually attractive and free even from tiniest mistakes, such as typo or missed comma. With our commitment to quality and career success of our clients, we can prepare exactly the type of document that hiring manager of your dream company will be thrilled to receive.

Professional CV and cover letter writing service: perks of collaboration

  • You won’t waste your time writing and rewriting your resume and cover letter: everything will be done for you with no effort from your side and at a considerably cheap price (we won’t be charging the whopping $300 or $500 for a single resume like many of our competitors do!).
  • You’ll get a supreme, modern document that is uniquely written for you. No cookie-cutter, template phrases and copy/paste descriptions that online resume builders use – only custom writing from a resume professional assigned to work on your resume until you’re happy.
  • You’ll find a new job faster since professionally written, keyword enriched and tailored resumes always get higher response rate than those created by applicants in MS Word on the go. Quality writing screams professionalism – contact us and check the impact your resume can make!

So, as soon as you’ve made up your mind to find a new job it’s a good idea to ask for help of a resume writer to evaluate your old resume and get your application package prepared for you.

How can our resume writing services help in getting your dream job?

We provide job-seekers with a professionally written resume, a great cover letter, LinkedIn profile makeover and additional career documents. Each document is written from scratch based on your instructions and tailored for your target job.

We provide a professional resume writing service for all career levels

If you are a recent graduate aiming for an entry-level or a senior manager, we’ve got you covered. Our professional resume writers use individual approach to each client. We collect details about your professional history and then present it in most attractive way to catch the employer’s attention.

Every professional resume writer is experienced and trained

Our resume writing service cooperates only with the best writers. Each resume writer has 2+ years of specialized experience with resumes or a certification. Moreover, every writer has a proven knowledge of English, at least a Bachelor’s degree and experience with a certain industry. This helps us better cater to the demands of the hiring managers.

Get a keyword optimized resume

98% of Fortune 500 companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to sort out irrelevant job candidates. Our resume writing service delivers keyword optimized resumes. This means that the writer uses key words and phrases from the job description to help you look like a perfect candidate. Just send us your target job posting, and we’ll optimize the resume for you.

Our professionally written resumes come with custom design

When you order a professional resume or cover letter services, we think not only about the content. We also apply customized design that makes your resume attractive to a potential employer. A visually appealing and well-structured resume gets more attention from recruiters!

Get a cover letter written as well

Along with a resume, you can order matching cover letter writing services. Did you know that 45% of hiring managers toss resumes without cover letters? Order cheap letter writing service and pro cv services, and one of our resume writers will highlight your specific experiences and accomplishments for the role.

We also provide the additional services: LinkedIn profiles writing, CV (professional curriculum vitae) writing, follow up letters, and career advice. All documents are perfectly aligned with each other to bring you more interviews and more success in your job search!

We offer convenient resume writing process

Our resume and professional cover letter writing services are comfortable to use. Placing an order on our website takes under 15 minutes. Just send us your current resume or fill a questionnaire. You’ll work with one of our resume writers directly and will be able to talk to them anytime. An expertly written final resume will be emailed to you according to your deadline.

And if you want something improved, we offer unlimited rounds of revisions during 2 weeks. We are ready to exceed your expectations and deliver a high-quality resume that’ll get you hired faster!

Last but not least, our resume services and cover letter help are very modestly priced. Best resumes editing starts at $56 only! Moreover, we offer discount deals on a resume package and offer writing resumes for new clients with a 15% discount. Our team knows how to set you apart from other candidates and describe your work history for a specific job effectively. Use your chance to fast track your job search with us!

Also in this section:

Top things to do in the first week on a new job

There is a number of popular arguments to quit job, and we bet that you’ve left (or going to leave) your position due to one of them. And whether you’re still applying and attending interviews or have already received a job offer, it’s important to know how to start your professional way in a new company. You won’t have the second chance to make that first impression; therefore, you need to present yourself right for the prospective boss and colleagues.

  1. Ask as many questions as you find it necessary
    Since you’re a new person in this role, to some extent, it’s your job to ask questions that arise. Your direct responsibilities, company culture, process and procedures, means of communication – you have to learn everything in the first week or two to feel comfortable as an essential part of the team (or as a team leader, if you have taken a managerial role).
    Some companies offer onboarding training and orientation that can provide clear answers to most of your questions. However, if the company doesn’t have such an opportunity, you’ll need to leverage your communication skills and learn on the go, professional cv and cover letter writing services recommend.
  2. Be initiative about meeting people
    If the company didn’t assign you a mentor, then take the initiative and start introducing yourself to people. Start getting to know the department or team you directly work with, but do make sure to have small talks with people in the hall, kitchen, meetings room, etc. It often happens that the company has a fast-paced culture and people could have no time to come and meet you.
    It’s also helpful to make friends with someone who’s been in the company for a while. This person can help you by answering work related questions, including the ones pertaining to corporate culture and insider jokes. Your boss is too busy for leading you into minor issues, so figure them out on your own to become a full team member and familiarize yourself with the tiniest aspects of the company culture.
  3. Get the expectations with boss and team clarified
    To achieve success in a new role, it’s important to find out how your boss defines success and which measureable results they expect from you. Ideally, you need to have the initial meeting with them – and don’t see this meeting as a pure formality:
    • Set goals and milestones you need to achieve by a certain date (i.e. within one month and three months). Not every boss will set clear, measureable goals for you, so you might need to ask them about it. This will give you clarity what to strive for and help you grow personally and professionally.
    • Agree on the rules of the game – each company sticks to its own leadership style, rules of formal communication, and corporate culture. You need to discuss what is considered appropriate before you get down to working.

If you were hired for the managerial role, the routine is pretty similar. Call out a meeting with your new subordinates to define what you expect from them while sticking to the major rules of the company you’ve joined.

  1. Showcase the major strengths they bought during the interview
    If they hired you, it means that you did everything right and demonstrated your rich expertise and confidence during the interview. Now, it’s time to prove that they’ve made the right choice and you truly got what it takes. If you don’t have a strict plan of action so far, focus on doing what you’ve claimed to be your biggest strengths.
    Are you a person who is good with figures and possesses analytical skills? Then, evaluating company’s financial stability might be a good idea. Do you have a thing for social media management? You’ll probably want to look up for mistakes in company’s online promotion and fix them. If you manage to provide them with results in your first days or weeks, they’ll be truly impressed.
  2. Get organized and manage your time
    In a new role it’s easy to get overwhelmed as everything is new to you and even the simplest task can astonish. New job is the best time to work at your time management and organizational skills, because you’ll make a poor impression if you miss the deadline for your very first project in a new job. Use online or paper planner and create daily to-do lists as well as make further plans. It will do you any harm as you aren’t going to miss any important detail.
  3. Connect with colleagues outside of work
    Getting along well with people in your office is critical if you plan to build a career in this company. As a new person, you are being evaluated, so you need to make positive impression straightaway – and it’s better to do when you and your coworkers aren’t up to your ears in work. For instance, lunch time and corporate events are perfect opportunities to learn more about coworkers and introduce yourself. Even if you’re a silent type, start conversation with a people or two – you don’t want to look like a sociopath, do you?
  4. Attend meetings and speak up
    As soon as you’ve accustomed to the new environment it’s a good idea to show your face and be active participant of everything going on in your department or company, including meetings. Don’t be afraid to come up with your ideas or suggestions. First of all, during the meetings you’ll get an idea of the key staff of the company. Secondly, you’ll get an opportunity to establish your image as a proactive individual and a subject matter expert.
  5. Watch your body language and tone
    Simply showing up for the meeting and company events isn’t enough, though. If you are determined to make it in a new job, you need to gain everyone’s trust and respect. And, the fastest way to make everyone like you is through using the appropriate body language. To be perceived as an ambitious, result-driven employee, you need to exude confidence in your communication with other. Your posture, gestures, the way you speak – everything influences the impression you make on others. Moreover, with a positive image, you’ll get a recognition for your work or even a promotion faster than simply by meeting deadlines and delivering quality work.
  6. Don’t break the ties with former co-workers
    Even if you didn’t leave the company on a good note, it’s not an excuse to break the connections with your coworkers. Probably, you got along with some of them quite well, or even made friends. You never know how your paths can cross in the future; and the ability to maintain good relationships with your network is one of the critical components of success. Connect with them on LinkedIn or keep in touch in any other way.

If you’ve been job hunting for a while, getting a desired offer is like a dream come true. However, don’t say “yes” without giving it a proper consideration: for instance, here are the questions you’ll want to get answered before accepting a job offer:

Use a CV writing service to your advantage

Achieving career success is impossible without deep knowledge of the job you do, and a blend of soft skills such as communication, adaptability and teamwork. Nevertheless, sometimes even seasoned professionals aren’t good at selling their skills on paper. And, since hiring manager doesn’t see you in person, a resume is the only chance to impress them with what you have to offer.

Can’t figure out which keywords to use? Have problems picking best action verbs for resume? Our professional writers are here to assist.

What we do

Competition for the really good job openings is fierce; however, a professionally written resume can give you a head start during the initial screening. Our writers with years of experience follow the trends in labor market, anticipate the employer’s expectations and know how to make your resume appealing and eye-catchy. However, the biggest benefit is that resumes written by professionals get more interview calls, as they stand out because of their clarity, quality writing and a clearly visible value offer of the candidate.

Moreover, we have an impressive number of positive professional resume writing service reviews. You can assure of our professionalism by yourself – just order a free resume critique. One of our writers will evaluate your old resume and give you feedback on what to improve or recommend what kind of service works best for you.

Discounts are available for students and new clients. We are committed to your success, that’s why the writer will work on your resume up until the point you’re totally satisfied. Contact us anytime for a resume that really makes a difference – we are open 24/7!

Cover letter is a crucial element of the job application process

Many job-seekers are concerned about the creation of the best possible resume, but don’t give a cover letter this kind of attention. However, there are a few strong reasons why you should always attach a cover letter, even if the job posting doesn’t specifically ask for it. Firstly, 45% of recruiters simply reject the resumes without letters. And secondly, a cover letter is a great opportunity to show your personality and to explain the key milestones of your career in deeper detail.

A cover letter can be used to explain a year’s gap in employment or to tell about that cost optimization project that secured your previous employer a 15% economy of the yearly budget. However, to make a hiring manger to really buy into your letter, it has to be written flawlessly.

Maximum results with minimum effort

If writing isn’t really your thing, the best strategy for getting an attention-grabbing cover letter is to hire a professional writer. The cover letter creator from our team can write a letter that enriches the story that your resume tells and highlights your fit for the job. All our letters are 100% custom, which means that we write your letter from scratch based on the information you provide.

Just like in a resume, the writer will focus on your key selling points to maximize your interview chances. So, don’t miss an opportunity to make a strong impression on a recruiter. Contact us to discuss how we can help you land that next job. Need a resume ASAP? Check this page.

Have you ever ordered resume writing from the online company? Did that resume help you to find a new job faster?

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Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

Sales, Accounting, Fashion, Marketing, Nursing, Pharmacist, Physician, Finance, Medical, Product Management, Military, Teacher, Healthcare, Executive, Technical, Engineer, Scientific, Military To Civilian, Pilot, Hospitality, Attorney, Banking, Project Manager, Lawyer, Career Management, Software Engineer, HR, Aviation, Construction, Legal, Science, IT, SES and ECO